Chapter 27:

Part 27: In Love

Candiere’s Cafe

Upon approaching the entrance of the huge cafe which was decorated with hearts and candy-themed decorations, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

There, standing at the front door while greeting her customers inside was Princess Candiere.

She looked brighter in person. Her joyous energy and positive enthusiasm was infectious. I loved everything about it. I was crying inside. For the first time, I would get to meet my role model.

And this time, she was real.

Running over to her, I would shout Candiere’s name which immediately caught the princess’s attention. Unfortunately, Peppie suddenly used her magic abilities to prevent me from getting too far.

Of course Peppie would do that. I couldn’t just run up to her like that I guess. That was disappointing. She was after all a protector and co-assistant of the cafe.

Dropping me down before the doorway, I stood back up and brushed myself off to not look like such a mess. I felt a bit embarrassed to be dressed in tattered clothes before someone I looked up to. I just hoped she wasn’t behind all of this. Part of me was hesitant because even with meeting her like this, I couldn’t be sure how she would react to meeting me.

And then I got my answer shortly after wondering about this…

“Oh my word… Dear child, are you alright? Why, you look as if you haven’t eaten in days! Who did this to you? In any case, you’ve come to the right place!”

Classic Candiere.

She grabbed my hand while ushering me into the lively cafe that was more amazing than I could ask for. My heart felt like it was touching the ceiling. My eyes turned toward a familiar tune being played by a dancing jukebox which was waltzing up and down the fanciful stairs. The place was nearly packed with Bibbly Bubbles at crystal dining tables that had checkered picnic blankets over them. The chairs had these soft cushions which resembled round vanilla cookies sandwiches with cake icing in the middle.

At the center of the cafe was a round stage with a band of animatronic musicians called The Lollipopiscles playing the most upbeat party songs that I could recall listening to while serving customers in-game. I even saw a few human waiters and waitresses coming in and out of the kitchen. It was truly beyond mesmerizing until Candiere’s hand patted me on the shoulder. Before long, I was sitting in one of the seats confused while she was hopping around the cafe at cartoonish speeds to deliver this sort of professional experience out of it all.

“Come, come! Sit and enjoy the wonderful performance we have today. Here is our wonderful menu. We give first day visitors one free meal order and beverage to celebrate their time here. Make sure to ding the bell to call a waiter or waitress when you’re ready. Thank you and welcome to Candiere’s Cafe!”

Waiting at the table, I noticed Peppie and Prince Cinnamint had disappeared. They must’ve left with Princess Candiere or something.

Oh how I was so naive to think that…

“There you are! We found a white dress in the back that you can wear,” Peppie said with an abnormal smile to follow it.

I noticed the name tag with my name on it. I wasn’t so sure what was going on. Princess Candiere was doing one thing and her other two acquaintances were on another side mission. Something was clearly going on.

That was when Princess Candiere came to my aid as I wasn’t really interested in doing the work if it didn’t amount to anything. Peppie was trying to convince her about me being hired here which was near ridiculous.

“Oh hush now Peppie. That is no way to treat our splendid guests! Look at the child. Now is not the time.”


Princess Candiere’s face was showing dignified strength in her statement as Peppie backed down and apologized. I was shocked at how quickly that almost escalated.

It was so sudden however that all of the customers and staff were murmuring to one another about what happened. Admittedly, I felt kind of bad for Peppie but I was hoping someone would at least listen to me.

In a final attempt, I dinged the bell which caught the princess’s attention.

“Oh. Yes sweetie?”

Not holding back I finally told her everything without saying the word “murder” of course.

“Your Highness, I was simply forced here by a few friends that betrayed me. I need you to help me get them back because I think they are the reason why students in my world went missing.”

Princess Candiere’s expression went from pleasant to serious. She began to put her cheek next to my ear as if she was about to tell me a secret.

“It watches us by day. Meet me in my office at night,” she whispered.

It? Oh no… That could mean only one thing…

I was now convinced that the murderer had clearly done something to this place that Princess Candiere had been hiding for awhile now.

Whatever it was, this had to stop.