Chapter 1:

What happends after death?

I want to help that suicidal girl

"Huh?... Did I die?... I am feeling a lot of pain right now. What happened?... Could I at least fulfill my dream?"

*Alarm goes off* "Damn it is just morning. Was that a dream? Well, whatever."
Hello, my name is Aka Kawa. I am a 17-year-old highschooler. I live with my grandparents in an apartment, because my parents died in a car accident when I was young. Basically, I have a completely normal life. I wake up at 07:00, go to school at 08:00, study all day long, go home, eat, drink, and study more. If I have free time I watch anime or read manga. That is everything about me.

Date: 28 April 2018...

I ate my breakfast, packed my bag, said bye to my grandparents and headed to school. As I was walking to school, my best friend came from behind trying to scare me.
Aka: "Oh, it's you."
Midori: "HUH? You didn't get scared?!"
This is my best friend Midori Atsushi.
Midori: "Man you are so boring.
Aka: "You are so childish."
Midori: "I am not! By the way did you hear the news?"
Aka: "What news?"
Midori: "Today there is going to be a new girl in our class. I hope she is beautiful. I practiced yesterday some pickup lines."
Aka: "I am pretty sure you will not have a chance. I mean look at you."
Midori: "Excuse me!?"
We continued talking and went to school. When we entered the class, we saw our teacher very excited.
Teacher: "Oh, you two finally arrived. Good now go sit down."
Aka: "What is all this commotion all about?"
Kiro (class nerd): "I think it's about the new student."
Teacher: "Now that everybody is here, I would like to introduce our new student! Why is nobody excited?"
Kiro: "Because it's morning. We are all sleepy."
Teacher: You guys are so boring. Anyway, please enter Ao Satō!
When she walked into the class, I got shocked. She has long black hair, beautiful blue eyes. I never went through this feeling in my life. Is this the feeling of love?
Ao: "Hello everybody my name is Ao Satō. I am 17 years old. My birthday is at 6 January. If you are wondering, yes, I have a hobby, I do taekwondo. That is about it."
Teacher: "Now for the most important part, and this is serious. Ao has suicidal problems, so please make her feel welcome and safe here."

"Should I confess my feelings to her? I don't know. I am feeling to nervous to ask." For the rest of the class nothing special happened. We just followed the lesson as we should. *Bell rings! *
Now it's break time. I will use my time to form a plan, to get a chance with the new student. After 15 minutes the bell rang. The lesson is about to start again.
In class we just studied. Midway through the history class the fire alarm started ringing. Everybody rushed outside. Nobody knew if this was a test or if it was real. While trying to run I tripped.
"Ah, damn my leg!" Everybody is already gone. Looks like this was a test. There is no sign of a fire. As I was casually walking towards the yard, I heard a strange noise from the classroom next to me. "What is that sound? Should I go in or go outside. Well I got nothing to lose, I am going in."
When I entered the classroom I saw something I am not supposed to see. "Ao?" Ao was just hanging there. Instead of panicking, I instantly took my pocketknife that I always keep with me, jumped on the table and cut the rope. "Please be alive. Her neck is not broken, there are no major injuries, and she is still breathing. *sign* Thak god that she is still alive. What should I do now?" I should probably take her to the school nurse. The school nurse can do all the checkups on her."
"But if the school already know about her suicidal problems, then nobody can really help her. But I really want to help her. That will be my next goal."

Midori: "You dude what are you doing here?"
Aka: "What do you mean, what am I doing here?! What are you doing here?"
Midori: "I was taking a dump until the fire alarm suddenly went off. Now tell me what you are doing here?"
Aka: "Well, I tripped hit my head and then suddenly everybody was gone, then I heard a strange noise coming from this room so I went in to check. But then I saw Ao having a suicidal attempt."
Midori: "Damn, that's dark. So why did she try to commit suicide."
Aka: "I don't know, I need to wait for the blood to go back to her brain. There might be a chance that she will be in a coma."
Ao: "Can you two shut up?"
Aka and Midori: "Huh? Ao!"
Ao: "Damn, looks like this didn't work. How am I still alive."
Aka: "Yeah, I used a knife to cut the rope."
Ao: "Ah, I see. It was yo-"
Midori: "Yo, Ao you look gorgeous."
Ao: "Uhm... Thanks?"
Midori: "Did you know that you can't spell suicide without u and I?"
Aka: "Who the fuck do you think you think you are, Dazai Osamu?"

(Dazai Osamu is a Japanese writer that committed double suicide with his wife in 1948)

Midori: "Uhm, I mean I could be-"
Aka: "Get out. "*angry*
Midori: "Wha-"
Aka: "Get the fuck out of this room now!!"
Midori: "Okay sorry, geez you didn't have to shout."
Aka:"I’m very sorry about him."
Ao: "Don't worry. This isn't the first time that something like this happened to me."
Aka: "I have a qestio for you. If you mind."
Ao: "Yeah sure, ask me."
Aka: "Uhm... I totally understand if you don't want to answer, but why do you want to commit suicide?"
Ao: "I see your concerns. As a child I always got abused by my father, when I turned 5 my mother killed herself because she couldn't bear the family. Never got any friends in my entire life. Let's see, what else... Oh yeah, I got shot and stabbed on the same day, I was in a coma for 2 years because of that. That is about it."
Aka: I see..."
Ao: "This might be a bit random, but for the first time in my entire life I felt something for someone. Aka... I love you."
Aka: "Ah? Uhm... I-I feel the same for you. I never thought that this would happen. I didn't think I would have a chance with you."
Ao: "How about we make a deal. Tomorrow at 12:00, somewhere here at school I will have a suicidal attempt. If you save me... I will stop trying to kill myself and I will go out with you."
Aka: "Do I have a choice?"
Ao: "Tomorrow was originally going to be my last day, so you have no choice."
Aka: "Well then, It's a deal Ao Satō."
Ao: "Hehe~ Well then, until tomorrow. And good luck."

Date: 29 April 2018...

"Today is the day. Project: save Ao Satō. If I save Ao, my dream of getting a girlfriend wil be completed. -Something feels off- No it's nothing. I can do this! Now what is the time? 11:00? I overslept!? Crap, I got to go there fast!" *At school* "Now where should I go? Should I go to class? 11:30, no I got no time. I have to find Ao before the time finishes." At this moment I started to run all over the school.

Aka: "Ao! Ao! Where are you! Ao!"
Kiro: "Aka no running in the halls."
Aka: "Sorry, wait what are you doing outside the classroom?"
Kiro: "I needed to go to the bathroom. So, I am going. Why aren't you in class?"
Aka: "That is not important right now. Do you know where Ao could be?"
Kiro: "The new student? I think she said something about skipping class to go to the rooftop."
Aka: "Okay, thanks!" *Runs away*
Kiro: "I have weird friends, well whatever."

"It is 11:55. I hope that I am not late. I can't give up right now. Now is my only chance to be with someone. Come on, run faster! I will make it! Ao!" *At the rooftop* I saw her at the other side of the fence on the rooftop.

Ao: "Took you awhile."
Aka: "What are you doing? Come back here."
Ao: "Heh... I wonder something, Aka."
Aka: "What is it? I will help you with anything."
Ao: "How much will you risk for me?"
Aka: "... I will risk my entire life to make you happy."
Ao: "Then save me." *Jumps off the roof*
Aka: "Ao! No wait, not like this."

I saw a table next to the fence, so I built up momentum to jump on the table to go over the fence. At this point there is no way one of us can live. We both are dead. "How are we still falling? This building is only 4 floors high. Is this normal if you're about to die?"

Ao: "Aka!"
Aka: "Huh? What is going on?"
Ao: "It is time..."
Aka: "?"
Ao: "Open your eyes. Wake up from this dream!"

"Wait... what?... Oh, I see now. I forgot."

Real Date: 03/04/2018...

Aka: "Let me guess. When you die there will be a chance that the death reaper will give you a dream where your dreams come true, and this will go on until you die in the dream."
Ao: "Exactly! This dream was to remind you of all your mistakes. 3 April 2018 you were originally going to commit suicide but got hit by a truck."
Aka: "All your reasons for suicide and my behavior explains everything about why I wanted to kill myself. My last moments to my friends, and what my parents did to me. Life really is hateful."
Ao: "That is 100 points."
Aka: "So what is next?"
Ao:" Since I'm a death reaper, you just have to follow me. I will lead you to your next journey, but first you still must go through your death experience. Because you had a dream doesn't mean anything. That dream was only a second long. Hehe~."
Aka: "Well, damn. This hurts so much. And she is gone. Maybe I am just delusional. Hehehe, HAHAHAHAHA!! I am free!"

At the end I still have the same question: "What happens after death?"