Chapter 24:

Episode 5: Author's Notes

When the Siren Sings and Humanity Ceases to Fall: Our, War

Hello! Dotturndot here.

Normally when I write these things, I'm in a state of apathy or self-loathing. I'mma shift my perspective for a short while throughout the short duration I'll be using to write this note.

The updates are slow, and I'm grateful to those of you that are still keeping up with the story despite it all. For those who have gone to my website, you'd also know that for each Episode, I also have an AI-assisted illustration. I mean, I'm an illustrator but to save on time, I use AI. If you're part of the art community, or know anything about it, you'd also know how weird it is for an artist at my level to use AI. Though, that's why I consider myself more of a writer than an illustrator.

Recently I've been wondering if I should stop creating illustrations for the Episodes. After all, novel readers normally don't care about the art, and it's not like I'm obligated to create an illustration for every Episode. Plus, with my motivation plundering, I think illustration may get in the way of the story, as in, slowing down the whole production process.

I'll open up a vote here. For SH and RR, it should be there. For HF, there's no voting function so the comment section is yours.

If you haven't seen the illustration yet, here:

And then decide if there's any need for it. Though, I don't think you can expect my writing speed to improve just because I stop drawing. If anything, I'm spending less and less time working on this series.
