Chapter 3:

Checkmate the Rose

Syanic Earth 4: Meteonis Arc

"Colonel Maika! What have you done? The media's flooding with recordings and documents! Now the American people know we're responsible for the World Cybertrap!" Fanghui's hologram growled in the White House. "All of our secrets about Project Zeruqkchiyion have been leaked to the public! How could you screw this up?"

"But the Reaper Squad and I ransacked every WARBLER center. We made sure there was nothing left for the SHRIKE to take!" Maika sweated.

"Apparently, not enough. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this conversation!"

"My plan was flawless! I spent years planning our conquest."

"I don't care how much effort you put into this, but you can't deny your failure!"

"But we killed Cecilius! The UICA should be dead! Saitori should have nothing to fight back with!"

"Wasn't Saitori a Shin-Kaminari like you? Building things out of nothing? I'm surprised you underestimated her so much."

Maika's eye twitched as she looked out the windows to see the public protesting outside the White House, but angry with the Federation instead of the UICA. The Reaper Squad struggled to calm the crowd and keep them away from the White House.

Everyone now knew Maika was the mastermind behind the Eclipser Virus. The public realized Zeruqkchiyion's underhanded purpose: to wipe out players' memories and assimilate them into new Reaper Squad commandos. In addition, Dorian publicized the records of Cyroid's nasty attempts to slaughter the players: Sarin Alpha and Zero Kelvin. Orders that Maika approved.

Maika gulped. "What now, Supreme Herald?"

"If Saitori wants war, then war is what she'll get!"

"Colonel!" A Reaper Squad commando walked into the conference room. "We've detected armies of unidentified craft shaped like birds attacking from all directions. They're after our reformation centers!"

"The UICA... Call for reinforcements from the Samsara Crinoid!"

"Negative! Cyroid reported that infiltrators hijacked our superweapon. He's dealing with them right now!"

Maika gasped.

"Supreme Herald! Our forces are ready to capture the next Omaunukai sarcophagus," Joltiarre's voice called from Fanghui's end. "Commander Crendsic is intercepting Grandmaster Aian as you ordered."

"Good. Begin the siege," Fanghui ordered his High Visionary before turning to Maika. "Colonel, you have one last chance to redeem yourself. Bring me Saitori's head and win this war!"

"Y-yes, Supreme Herald!" Maika bowed. "You have my word. I won't fail you!"

After Fanghui's hologram faded, Maika roared. "So, those UICA bird brains want to rescue the players. Initiate Proctocol Arcanum! Kill every player we have in our reformation centers!"


"Poor insignificant girls," Cyroid scoffed as Kyrinna and Azuroid held Dorian and Misuna by their throats. "Finish them!"

Isrina kicked her capsule open, chucking the broken cover into the White Death guards. "Avian Form: Blackhawk Missile!"

She whirled into a cyclone that blew Cyroid, Kyrinna, and Azuroid away.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Isrina quickly dragged Dorian and Misuna into the hallway.

"Our mission is complete, Dr. Niang!" Misuna carried an unconscious Dorian. "Dorian hardwired the Samsara Crinoid to self-destruct. We got to go!"


On top of a crashed truck, Xneong used his hybrid scythe and sniper rifle to battle Hernamidos, Dacos, and Kumiciel. When Hernamidos flew on his jet shoes, Xneong slashed them to make the Reaper Squad leader topple into the street.

Agent Dacos lunged his palms to launch psychic wind at Xneong. The Korean High Envoy spun his scythe to shield himself as Kumiciel snuck behind him. Xneong's camera implant beeped, and without looking back, he fired his sniper rifle behind him. He shot Kumiciel in the head, killing him. Dacos shuddered in fear until Xneong coldly cut the agent's head off.

"Sorry, it's not personal," Xneong saw an eagle-headed motorcycle rushing to pick him up. "About time."

When he jumped into the vehicle, Hernamidos aimed his pistol at Xneong. The High Envoy's back camera beeped again as Xneong fired his rifle behind him.

"This isn't over! We'll find you!" Hernamidos barely blocked the triple salvo with his cape.


The police droids took Mivangeline's tired party back to Zinthesia City and tended to their injuries. While they recovered from Cyroid's Zero Kelvin, they saw the viral news that exposed the Federation's plot of the World Cybertrap.

"Oh, heck yeah!" Ritom clapped. "The Federation's about to get the boot out of America!"

"Yes, in their face! It's about time everyone stopped looking at us like the enemy!" Naivern jumped.

The party celebrated while Mivangeline planned a strategy to take down the DJ Meteonis with Phoenicia and Ampyria.

Elysia walked into Shien's room to tell him the good news. "Yo, shortie! Did you hear? The Federation's roasted! Maika is sweating now!"

"I know," Shien sat on his bed, struggling to smile.

"You didn't get mad when I called you short. I know something's up," Elysia plopped next to him. "It's your mom, isn't it?"

He nodded and sniffed, rubbing the pressure on his cheeks. Elysia could tell he cried for a while. Shien was looking into a tab that contained a real-life photo of him and his mom hand-feeding birds.

"That's a cute picture," Elysia wagged her tail. "What birds are those? I've seen those red birds everywhere."

"Northern Cardinals. They live on the east side of America."

"So that's why they're so popular. Why is that one red and the other brown?"

"The red is male, and the brown is female."

"Cool. Wait, that spinning kick you do is called Cardinal's Talon!"


Elysia thought of a way to talk to Shien. "What's your mom like?"

"My mom is the only family I have. She always looked after me and protected me from bullies."

"Bullies? But who would want to mess with your Avian Form?"

"Lots of government people tried to sell my family to appease Fanghui. When I was little, the big kids would beat me and say my family caused America so much trouble. Everything peaked when I protected Enshiron."

"That's so mean! Screw them all! You didn't do anything wrong," She shook his shoulder. "Also, thank you, for standing up for us Vulpi."

Shien nodded. "My mom would protect me from those people, and she taught me the Avian Form so I can defend myself. She sacrificed so much for me, and I love her very much. But I don't understand why she left me. It's not like her."

Elysia thought for a moment. "Well, she saved us from that cocky Cyroid, right?"

"I know, but why didn't she stay?"

"Not sure if I can speak for her, but maybe something came up and she had to leave. It's your mom, right? She loves you. I don't think she would just leave you without a big reason."

"Maybe, but still," Shien crossed his arms.

"You know, you're lucky to have a parent."

"What do you mean?"

"I always wished I knew my parents better, but the last time I saw them was when we escaped slavery in Russia."

"Yes, I remember you told me."

"I didn't know them well because I was small, but they cared about me. They risked their lives so I could have mine. My mom and dad aren't here, but I'm thankful for them. I'm sure your mom would do the same, right?"

Shien nodded.

"Then, don't you trust her?"

"Of course, I do. I know I shouldn't doubt my mom, but I just miss her," Shien swiped the picture away. "We've been stuck in this game for so long."

"I know, but guess what? We're going to break out of here soon. Once we win this game, you and your mom will see each other again," Elysia held a fist. "Let's fight together."

"Yeah," Shien fist-bumped her. "Thanks for talking to me, Elysia."

"Oh, my God! Loads of players are flocking to Mivangeline!" Ritom trampled into the room. "Have you guys heard? Maika's issuing a kill order for all of us players in the real world! They're desperate, and we need your help to calm their nerves!"

Shien bounced off the bed. "What are we waiting for? Mivange needs our help!"

After the party organized the panicked crowd into battle-ready armies, Mivangeline briefed them on their campaign to attack the DJ Meteonis in their wasteland. The players and police droids then met at the Saberdome Arena to be soon teleported to the battlefield, waiting in the auditorium where Mivangeline first spoke.

"You're good, Mivange?" Shien checked on her backstage.

"I should be," She checked on her brown hair. "How do I look?"

"You look beautiful!"

"Thanks. I don't know why, but I felt I should say something before our final battle."

"That's fine! I mean, you never talk to your audience. So, it's a treat for your fans, right?"

Mivangeline laughed. "Hey, thank you for staying by my side."

"Anytime, Mivange!"

They bumped fists together and high-fived below with Dorian's handshake.

Shien jumped. "You're getting the hang of this! Wait! Can I take a selfie with you?"

"Sure. Why not?"

They took a few selfie photos. Some with smiles and some with silly faces. Shien and Mivangeline kissed and prayed to God for strength and wisdom in their coming battle.

"Yay! Now go get them, Mivange!"

She walked out of the curtain, waving to the audience that clapped for her. Mivangeline took the microphone and looked across the auditorium, thinking of the last time she talked on stage. The players who once rioted against her were quiet since they knew the truth behind everything. They also respected her, knowing she was the one who defeated Dosigma and Kuroyurei.

Lord, guide me. She took a deep breath before speaking. "Thank you all for joining me for our final battle. I know it's hard to realize that the Federation manipulated us with the World Cybertrap, but with your help, we can escape this world and see our families again."

Shien and the rest of the original party sat at the front, cheering with the rest of the audience.

"I know the first time I stood here, I was frightened. I didn't understand the mission the UICA entrusted me with, and I used to panic when things didn't go as planned. Over time, I learned from my party members and experienced working with different people. I learned how to adapt when strategies fail. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of my party, we overcame challenges together and defeated the Cubic and Dynastiotron despite the little we had."

"I know we're all worried about Maika's Protocol Arcanum. The Rose Warrior thinks we'll give up if she kills us from the real world, but I say it's our turn to fight!" Mivangeline gave a moment of silence. "Here I stand with you in this endgame! We bring the battle to the DJ Meteonis, our final step to freedom. Let's fight together till the end!"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

"We'll show Fanghui!"

The audience applauded before marching into assigned battalions. Meanwhile, a hooded figure glanced at Shien before being teleported with his team.

"I'll have my chance to slit Shien's neck," Thalamoid kept her face hidden. "But I need Mivangeline to beat the last boss to get the frick out of here before the Reaper Squad finds me."