Chapter 11:

Shien x Mivangeline

Syanic Earth 7: Dimensional War Arc

After having lunch at a restaurant, Shien and Mivangeline walked through the park and held hands. Shien shared his passion for being an ornithologist and his love for bird research and conservation. Mivangeline told him about continuing her role as a Japanese idol and using her singer's voice to help her mother in a church's praise team.

"I'd love to sing for God and bring him to audiences who don't know him," Mivangeline blushed.

"Amen! That sounds cool!" Shien opened a small bag of sunflower seeds and placed some on Mivangeline's hand. "Hey, Mivange! I always got seeds for birds!"

They whistled to the singing birds in the park, holding their hands up. Chickadees, cardinals, and titmice flocked to the couple, chirping in response to their calls.

"Wow, the tufted titmice whistle so smoothly," Mivangeline watched the small gray birds whistle with their head crests up.

"I know, right?" Shien laughed. "It's like God created each bird with different songs. Just like people!"

When sunset shone over the park, the couple decided to read their daily devotional by the lake as they watched the swans and ducks caring for their young. After taking notes in their Bibles, Shien and Mivnageline prayed together, thanking God for their epic adventure, his protection, and their good times with each other.

"Thank you, Lord, for putting us together through tough times and helping us prevail as one," Mivangeline placed her hands together.

"God, thank you for letting me meet Mivange and using her to show me more of who you are," Shien grinned. "And I want to see Mivange in a cute bikini!"

Smack! Mivangeline bonked Shien's head with her Bible.

"I-I mean, Lord, I pray you'll deepen our hearts towards each other and you. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen," Shien rubbed the bump on his head, pouting at Mivangeline.

The two couldn't help themselves but burst with laughter. Shien and Mivangeline looked into the sky and remembered the sun opening like gates to Fanghui.

"I'm glad that Fanghui had closure with his family, realizing they didn't require anything for his love," Shien stretched his arms. "It's amazing how the Lord even forgives the cruelest people."

"Just like how Saul used to persecute Christians until God blinded him," Mivangeline opened the Bible and showed her boyfriend the passage in Acts. "In the end, God turned Saul into the Apostle Paul and used him to spread the Gospel."

"People who are well don't need a doctor. It's the sick who do," Shien quoted from Matthew. "Jesus didn't come to call those who think they are righteous. He came to call back to God those who know they are sinners."

Mivangeline nodded. "Amen."

The two walked around the lake to meet a family of woodcocks, marveling at the mother and her chicks bounce their bodies in rhythm as they cross the road.

"It's getting late," Shien checked his phone. "Hey, Enshiron's having a cookout with the fam to celebrate our victory with Christ!"

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" The two skipped across the serene sunset to meet their friends. "Avian Form: Sparrow Hop!"

Shien proposed to Mivangeline, and she said yes.

They lived happily ever after.

Thank you so much for reading this epic adventure!

God bless you and keep you! :)

The End