Chapter 42:

042 – End

Rainbow of the Horizon

Needless to say, I am not the kind of person that will be satisfied with this act that I'm doing. In fact, I hate doing this.

I hate putting up a face in front of Ryota just for the accomplishment of this plan even if I have already known of his identity for a while. It may be unapparent or shallow, but I have bonded with him after that time and became rather close, just like how it became to most of my other classmates. I realized that the reason I can't make friends is not just because I can't trust people, but also because I was not close to good people.

I finally found it—a place aside from my family that I can trust. I have seen that my class has fine and genuine intentions. It was a shock at first, since I came from an unruly class that just so happened to have a case of murder. But then… I found that one of my friends is also a murderer and yet, I can't see him the same way Marcus Rodriguez looked to be.

I have begun to understand his almost never-ending anger.

The time did not slow down. The seconds are normally passing by along with the individual ticks off the clock. Yet, we are all petrified, standing still without an inch of hair moving. It is superlatively silent to the point that nearly nothing can be heard; not even the gritting of Ryota's teeth.

He stood on a stance with his hands tightly holding on to the knives. His eyes are only directed to Makoto while they stood.

However, G broke the long silence and spoke with his trembling voice.

"R-Ryota… Are you… Teardrop…?"

Ryota responded, but neither by words nor gaze. He slowly directed his now unfolded left arm and pointed the blade towards us. G was still quick enough to his wits to not provoke Ryota any longer and halted any unnecessary movement. One wrong move and I don't know what will happen to our throats.

"Please don't harm them," Makoto started. "This situation doesn't concern them in any way, so leave them alone."

"Then why are you here…?!" Ryota growled.

"I don't want any unnecessary things to happen so I will say this now. You've killed enough. I don't want you to continue on with what you're doing.

There are still many chances for you to stop this. There is no reason for you to continue eliminating others even if they have done wrong."

"Shut up…"

"Ryota, he's right…

Even if who you are targeting are criminals, death is still not an option for them. If you're involved with the amplification two years ago, do you know the person that died that time have already long changed his life?"

"Gin… You…

Don't tell me you know this Exile…?"

Unable to say anything, I only nodded forcefully as if there is something painful in my throat.

"So this is it… Even you, Gin. You already know that I am Teardrop…? So all of those things just for this… even I thought you understood me, Gin…

But in the end, you know nothing!!"

"Gin…! Watch out!"

I was unable to move with this blanked mind. I was unable to respond when Ryota threw the knife towards me.

But just before it hit my forehead, Makoto threw something that deflected the knife.

I felt more rage from his gaze as it was directed only to me.

I finally snapped back to reality and saw Ryota pulling out a canister of what looked like a smokescreen.

"No, you don't…!" Makoto then hurriedly ran to try and grab him, but as I saw that scene, my mind tells me otherwise and shouted a halt.

"NO, STOP!! Don't apprehend him…!"

Makoto got distracted and turned while Ryota successfully released the smoke bomb that immediately covered the whole classroom. As the smoke spread, it became hard to steadily see and stand. I was not the only one whose head began spinning.

"This is a vertigo gas…!" G coughed out.

The smoke bomb is probably used for wide areas. For it to be released in a small room made a thick cloud of smoke that hasn't yet gone off. As it was difficult for us to see, we were unable to trace Ryota if he had already escaped or not.

But he had not, as I felt a strong force colliding to my cheek that made a loud whacking sound. Thankfully, I did not fall to my knees.

Ginji however sensed his proximity from the sound that what likely were a kick and the stomping that was heard very near to the door. Blindly, he then threw the mop he was holding like a spear that managed to hit Ryota on his shoulder. But none of them saw what really happened.

In desperation as my head still throbbed, I screamed to the end of my throat…

"Is this really the only way for you to survive?!"

The smoke cleared out with us still coughing while our head started to clear up.

"Gin, why in the world did you stop me?!" behind his mask, Makoto frustratingly asked.

"I think I managed to slow him down. He can't be far away from here," G suggested chasing him in his interjection.

"I said… stop."

"Oi, Gin… What has gotten to you? Your plan was already working until you stopped me…"

"Makoto, I get what you're saying. But it's not a matter of doing what you regularly do with Juno.

I never said that we're going to capture him."

"W-What?! Then what is even the reason for all of this?!"


I threw away the plan because it's incomplete since the start. All I want is to expose if Teardrop is actually Ryota, and there is no end objective.

All I know is that he felt that he was betrayed. That's why he threw his knife to me. Just like what you said, Teardrop is not suited to be an assassin because he lets his emotions let loose."

Gin walked towards the platform and smashed the whiteboard with the side of his hand which then immediately fell. Ginji and Makoto did not know what to do as they only watched him walk towards his seat and grabbed his bag.

"Ginji… tell only Rin for the time being of what happened here and that I'll be going home ahead of her.

And Makoto. There's something that I need to investigate with you and Juno in the Capital. If possible, I want us to move in the next two days. Moreover, you should know the mutuality that the three of us, including Ryota, have.

I'll be going, then."

He then jumped off the window with his bag on his shoulder.

After two minutes, Rin and the other members of the club arrived in the classroom.

In a hurry of entering the room, Rin did not see the situation of the room and asked in exclamation.

"What happened?! We heard a loud noise from below…!"

"R-Ringo… look…"

What came to their sight are scattered chairs and a fallen whiteboard that nearly folded in half. Makoto and Ginji have remained standing in awe and silence from what they saw.

"W-Where is Gin…?"

"Don't worry, Ringo. He already went home."

Makoto turned to the window and said, "Ginji, was it? I'll be going now since people are here. And please follow what Gin instructed you to do."

Just like Gin, he jumped off the window.


Can you guys please return to the Art Room aside from Ringo? I have something to talk about with her."

~ ~ ~

"W-What is it, G? What really happened here?"

"Just like what I said earlier, Gin already went home ahead of you. For the most part… he's fine."

"What do you mean? Did something happen to him?"

"Something really did, but I just don't know what it was. Just before you all came here, Teardrop was here… Ryota escaped."

"So Gin was right that Ryota is Teardrop…"

"He was exposed when that Exile suddenly came from the window, and Ryota's expression was terrifying. He tried to stab Gin but was saved by that Exile. The Exile that Gin identified as Makoto almost apprehended Ryota, but Gin suddenly stopped him. And just like that, a smoke bomb was released with our heads spinning. Most likely, Gin was hit by Ryota in the middle of the smoke. I tried to stop him from escaping and threw that mop by the door.

It all happened really fast."

From her seat, she looked around the room if there are something more that she could find. But the destroyed board was hard to take away from her sight.

"Then that can only mean that Gin was the one that smashed the whiteboard."

"I'm surprised that you weren't that bothered but yes."

Ginji paused and took out a heavy sigh.

"Say, Ringo… Have you ever seen him get mad?"

Unlike her reaction from the whiteboard, Rin's eyes widened upon hearing the question. She thought of the time when they seriously fought, but she thought more than that because of the display of Ginji's nervousness.

"Gin… was angry…?"

"Was what I saw at least. But he also seemed very sad when I saw him leave. But I was still a little scared when he looked at us. It's no way like how Ryota looks, but I know that something happened to Gin that I wasn't aware of."

"It's not like Gin to be angry about nothing. If there is anything you can recall, please tell, G."

He then imaged what he saw from a few minutes ago and found something from his memories.

"I think I now know why he got angry. He was saying something about Ryota being betrayed, and Ryota reacted so much when he found out that Gin is working with 'Makoto'. I think what he meant was that Gin somehow betrayed Ryota."


He's angry at himself."

"Gin is…?"

"I think he's been angry at himself for some reason ever since his encounter with Teardrop. Gin has befriended Ryota because they had something in common. And he was hurt to found out that Ryota is most likely an assassin, and that a friend is someone that already dirtied his hands."

"Wait… you mean he already made contact with Teardrop?"

"When the amplification happened, did you see him limping when we came out of the school?"

"I did."

"It was that time when he wore his mask in front of Ryota. Don't get confused, G. Makoto most likely disguised as how Gin looked like with his mask."

"So that was it…"

"Also, did he mention anything to Makoto… like regarding Detective Juno Artecus?"

"So you know about that Exile too…


He mentioned the name. He was talking about an investigation that looked like he requested to happen two days from now."

"Is that so… Thank you for telling me. I'll tell the others that we'll cancel club for today. You must be tired, so you should also go home.

I'll then do my part."


"Gin… your partner is amazing."

~ ~ ~


I immediately left the school after taking the liberty to announce and suspend our club activities for the reason that something unusual happened in our classroom. The loud stomps and a lone banging sound that abruptly made the whole building shake was just above the Art Room. But as per Tenth's standards, it would not be surprising to not see any dent of it in the next day.

As I however walked the street towards home, I once again assessed the earlier situation and Gin's apparently unusual behavior while minding my safety on the road. But being aware that there is not a need to concern myself to Ryota, or Teardrop's case, I set it aside as there is the possibility that I will burden Gin more if I put myself to danger.

Being around him for a year truly does not suffice to a better understanding of someone, although it does vary. Only I have heard just now, and have never really seen Gin to be very agitated and expressed that mixture of emotion. It is not as close to frankly, the somewhat superlative point of his insanity, but it was enough to shake him up.

His anger—I have seen him many times loathing himself. It was a fruit that came from his regrets of bluntly being an ingrate of a child, as he said so himself after realizing his many years of being hollow. His anger could most possibly come from being unable to do something or reach out his hand to Ryota, as Gin might have realized something from him.

The sense of betrayal that Ryota felt may well have brought forth the sadness. But those two emotions could round up as one while still being two. Or in a sense, a pair of chopsticks.

Assuming the aftermath of his anger and sadness could actually be the case, Gin might have tried to do something, which utterly failed and frustrated himself. It could be similar to Nacchi and Mori's situation, but regarding the lengths that Nacchi had to go through, Gin was not fully aware of it. Perhaps, it is the process of understanding which I know to myself that it is what he lacks.

My line of thought was cut off as I arrive home.

"I'm back."

As I was heard, I saw Mom poking from the doorframe of the living room.

"You're a little early today, Ringo."

"I had to go home since I was a bit stressed…

By the way, did you see Potato passing by before I arrived?"

"So you didn't walk home with Gin? I did not see him, anyway."

"Thanks. I'll go change and check up on him.

Do we still have ice cream?"

"Fufu… we still do."

Unusually, I knocked and rang on his house as G told me that he left earlier than us but he doesn't seem to be opening. I know to myself that it's rude for me to use my keys and enter without permission in this kind of situation as there is the chance that he might be drooping in his room. I came here with the ice cream I'm currently eating, but I did not even think of giving him a share.

All of the lights upon opening are off aside from the lamps that Gin decided to put since Haku can turn them on for his own coziness. Nonetheless, he welcomed me. I have observed that he has become very intelligent for a cat.

As if not knowing how ruder I was, I came upstairs to see that no Gin Sakato was found even in his room. Just to be sure that he actually went out, even the things that I will never do again happened like inspecting his laundry basket if his school uniform was there and it was. I swear that this won't happen again.

As foolish as it sounds, I asked Haku where Potato was, and led me to his room. I then turned the lights on expecting to see him even if I had to look for him in every nook and cranny of the room, which I did but not found even his shadow. Silly, he is a shadow. But as I was about to leave and turn the lights off until the cat tugged my bottoms and pointed his paw back to the room.

I was not informed that Haku caught the notorious omission of Gin. I had to rack up my memories for a second just to understand what Haku was trying to interpret.

I carried him back downstairs to his bed. And to my surprise, he himself pulled a blanket for himself and neatly covered himself. He looked at me as if he wanted to sleep so I waved him goodbye as I lock and close the door of the house.

"Hello, Dad? Are you still at work?

I will be telling Mom just a bit but please don't get mad at me for this. Can I stay the night in the base just for today?

No need, Dad. It will be exercise for me if I will just run. Yep. I'll immediately leave if you and Mom permit. Probably. If only someone will give me a ride home from there.

Really? Thank you. This is something important."

"You should have said sooner that it is important. I would have agreed earlier if you said that early on."

"Is that so… Still, thanks anyway, Dad. Rin-chan loves you."


~ ~ ~

After being granted the permission, I immediately packed a change of clothes and began travelling on foot at five in the afternoon. I never really got to run in the afternoons even from the time when I was doing morning jogging back in Kyoto. Weirdly, spring season in Orio comes in January until March. Even though it's already the middle of March, I expected to see the sunlight at this time to still be yellowish as it is nearing summer. But it hasn't changed yet from orange or the subtleties were just hard to notice. The temperature is not yet to the point that Nacchi will loathe over it, so it is still a good thing.

The way to the Exile's base is most efficiently traveled by a vehicle, and it surprised me that no one suspects cars parking near an abandoned greenhouse.

In my running pace, the distance between my house to there is around three kilometers, and I would average perhaps 21 minutes to get there. Anyway, my estimate was close and I arrived to the greenhouse.

Surprise came after the lift opened when the Exiles saw me arrive alone in the base.

"Oh, Ringo! It's been a while since the last time you came here," an Exile called out.

"Good afternoon. I'm just asking, but did Makoto or Tenth come back to the base already?"

"Hmm. We haven't seen either of them."

"I see. Can I borrow a room, then? I'll help out in making dinner in exchange for staying the night."

"Oh, don't say that Ringo. You're always welcome. I believe you can use the room you were using back then."

"Thank you. I'll go now!"

"Enjoy your stay!"

The Exile I talked to didn't mention anything weird, or a thing regarding Gin. Either he does not see Gin enter, or he never came here from the very beginning. With that thought, I immediately came to the hospital-like room where Gin stayed when he was still gravely injured from the accident.

I saw an unfamiliar face inside. A man around his twenties was sitting in cross legs as he held a pocket book that reflected the pages from his glasses. He looked sophisticated for an Exile that I saw for the first time.

Without interrupting him as he looked absorbed in reading, I silently made my way to a table and took a mug to make coffee for myself. He then realized that someone besides him was in the room, even though delayed.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you enter."

"I'm also sorry for not saying anything."

He slightly squinted as he gazed on me, and then asked me a question.

"Hmmm… Did you become an Exile recently? I haven't seen you at all when I'm here."

"Ah, that is not the case. I am actually a human, or I guess I have the position as a Subordinate. My name is Ringo Akanami."

"I'm Marco Lugis. I've been overseas for a while and I just came back. To think that there was another Subordinate aside from Mr. Amano."

"I think… I've heard your name from Gin…"

"So you know Gin?"

"Well, we are together… And I came here because I didn't find him anywhere and his cat told me that he was here."

"Can cats… now talk?"

"Not exactly. The cat is just extremely intelligent. Also, he's not a Fl*rken."

"Nice to hear that he has no tentacles. Nevermind that, so you're looking for Gin, right?"

"I suspect that he's inside the Void."

"So even you knew of it?"

"Actually, I've entered that."

"Oh my. But he's indeed inside. He will be back after two hours. He actually just entered a few minutes before you got here."

"I hope that he won't be contemplating for a month."

"I'm surprised… You caught on the situation already." He then drooped, "If only I also had a girlfriend… and more so a perceptive one!"

I was astonished to discover his hopelessness behind his sophisticated look. It was not my intention, but my response sounded satiric.

"Is it because… you're an IT all-knowing?"

"I guess you could say that… I've encountered women from so many nations and yet…"

It sounded like I was telling him that he only thinks about his expertise and that he nerds out that's why girls won't come to him. I didn't get the chance to take it back.

After helping out in preparation for dinner, I came back to the room with Marco still there. He was worried that I was nonchalantly making my way towards the door of the midpoint room. But I have been told by Hiro and Sean, who are both at work that it's okay to come inside the midpoint room if the door to the Void is closed. They told me that it will be bad news if midpoint and the Void's room are both open. I recall something that if the extreme gravity and fast flow of time are to leak outside, I could cause a huge tremor.

In actuality, I have never seen the midpoint room since I closed my eyes the first time I entered.

I did not think that it would be so accommodating.

There is a couch and a shelf full of books. It felt like a lounge with the presence of coffee, tea, and snacks. It is like a place for relaxation.

Eighteen minutes of reading a light novel quickly passed and the Void's door opened.

"Hi, Potato."

"…I didn't expect to see you here."

There was nothing different on him, and his demeanor still looked the same. He then sat beside me on the couch.

"How long has it been since I last saw you?" I was the one to ask.

"Five days."

I closed the book and placed my right hand on his head, saying, "I hope that you're okay now."

"I can't let you see my face like what G saw. I don't want you to get scared.

But to think… how did you find me?"

"Haku omitted but I still got his hint."

The hint was that Gin's room is painted white, and it seems that Haku knows the existence of the inspiration to that. The void was white, and so is his room.

"Sorry, but I won't be eating dinner here. I still need to go to Giotto's for the last shift.

Are you staying the night here?"

"Yep. It's Thursday today… Are you coming to classes tomorrow?"

"I've had enough rest. Will you go straight to school from here in the morning?"

"I plan to run early in the morning and come home first.

Anyways, you better get going. You're already late."

"You're right. See you tomorrow then, Rin.

I feel like I can face Ryota again."

"That's nice. Do your best."

▪ ▪ ▪

Gin really did come to school in the next day. I tried to hide it but he noticed that I was stealing glances at him when we were walking to school. He just nodded and let me do that continuously.

I had made an opportunity to personally ask G about how he saw Gin yesterday. He described from his intuition that his expression was blank, but he saw the regrets on him. Furthermore, his undeniably dead eyes were apparently more lifeless.

I however did not see anything like that even right after he came out of the Room of Reality. On the contrary, his face is showing a stern but resolved expression.

But that was not the significant matter that I and even Gin himself doesn't concern us with. The important matter to point out was Ryota's unexpected presence in class.

And when the classes ended…

"You want me to go home without you, Gin?"


"Are you going to talk to Ryota?"

"Something like that. I do think I can still clear things out with him even after realizing what he felt last time."

"If that's the case, be careful. You're only on your uniform right now. Even if you can defend yourself, we don't know what could happen."

"I'll be going then."

As if I can go home just like that, and I'm quite sure that he expects this stubbornness of mine. I then let myself inside the admin's office upon seeing Tenth looking out from the door.

As the students finally left, we saw Gin with a bench with him and sat in the center of the open grounds. After a few, Ryota, instead of Teardrop appeared and stood far from Gin. It is safe to assume that Gin and his Exile persona are still different existence to Ryota's eyes.

It was Gin that first spoke.

"I made sure that all of the students already went home…"

"Aside from Rin."

"…so we have the whole school for us two."

Tenth told me that he was unaware of Gin's plots, but he still let him act on his own inside the school. Nevertheless, we listened.

"At least you still have a spine for you to show up even after what happened."

"I am indeed a coward, but not too much of being one. I just have things to clarify with you. Whether you believe me or not, I don't care. I just want you to listen to what I will say."

"Hmph. What? Is this your true nature? I've never heard you talk like this."

"I'm eccentric down to my bones, even if they are repeatedly pulverized, I will still stay as one."

"Hahah… So you still maintain your tone. Fine then. I'll listen," Ryota raised his voice whilst grabbing a seat for himself.

"I'll start then.

It hasn't been that long since I found out that you were Teardrop. But I just want to say that I was true to my words and sincerely befriended you back in November.

I only found out of your existence when the waves amplified for the second time in this month. I had a glimpse of your gaze back when I picked up your eraser at one point. And then you saw the Exile behind the tree, and your eyes too. I became certain that you really are Teardrop six da- yesterday.

Also, it does seem that your assassination attempt failed this month. But then, it did appear that there should be no reason for you to kill those people. I started to think about my ignorance, and don't get mad, but I tried to understand you."

Ryota was still obediently listening.

"I figured that you are working for a long term client in the underworld. Am I right?

But you don't need to answer that. What I want you to respond to is this—Ryota, you're doing this job to support your weakened mother, right?"


"Your father was imprisoned a year ago, and you don't have any siblings based on your data. So it's only the two of you as family. But still, hospital expenses are a huge load, but I heard that assassination pays high per head.

Do you really want this, Ryota? Two years ago, you planted some kind of device that amplifies sound waves and managed to kill one subordinate of the principal who changed his life for the better. And you continued two years after to target one more of his staff. To save a life, you are willing to dispose of lives? From my earlier question, should I take your silence as yes?"

Ryota was unable to look directly and his eyes were beginning to show its pain. Still, there was only a silent response.

"Then I have one last question. This time, it's rhetorical again so you don't need to answer.

If your family or someone close to you is in danger or generally in trouble… like illness, and you are resolved and know for yourself that you can do something for them… will you do anything whatever it takes?"

And again, he stayed sat without anything to say.

"Well, you're a supportive son. Of course, you would want to help your mother to recover from her illness that you would go to the lengths of ultimately killing as an occupation.

But are you really thinking of you mother?!" Gin's voice rose up. "She's in a weakened state. Have you ever thought what will happen if she got to know that you are killing people for her sake?"


"You see, I got to talk to Dominic back when I was a library attendant. I asked him the same question I asked you. I never thought that it will eventually become significant.

Do you know what his response was? He said that as long as killing is not involved. Then, do you know why his answer is like that? Because he added that doing that kind of thing is the same as killing your family."


If you don't have anything more to say… I will leave."

"Ryota. I'm not a very kind person. Even if I wanted to be kinder, I can't. I've seen the reality at such a very young age, and I am not right in my mind. As much as I hate, the provocation that I just uttered was with nonchalance. Just so you know, there are many times that I hated myself; partly because of that.

So yes, this is my nature."


I still see you as a friend… just to tell you, I have a principle of not hurting my family and friends…"

Although he said that, even from where I am, his words sounded forced, but still with a hint of truth.

Gin's response sounded serious and blunt, but he meant to jest.

"How am I supposed to believe that when you nearly split my skull in half?"


"Alright, I have my final words before I leave. Assassination is not a way of survival."

He stood up from his seat and took out both his hands as if showing it to Ryota.

"Even if there is only one time that you got your hands dirty, you can never clean off that filth for the rest of your life."

"D-Don't tell me…"

"I tried to wash my hands so much that my skin opened up. Yet nothing happened.

I'll grab my bag and go home. Make sure to take that chair back from where you got it.

Give up with your father. You can't kill him."


I don't care about that anymore… I already gave up."

Gin then left for the classroom with the chair on hand. After he was not seen anymore, Ryota walked out of the school from the front gate.

~ ~ ~


If you ask me about how I felt when I was talking to Ryota, it was obvious that I got little mad at him. I've done my time of abhorring myself again, and I've had enough of stalemates against Kuro in chess. But at the same time, I thought that he was pitiful. I may have come to understand him more, but I don't know why he have to be a hired hitman just to support their expenses along with supporting her mother.

However… will you really call it support?

As far as I know, this is the first time I've seen the school this empty. After coming back from grabbing my bag, I saw that Ryota was not there anymore. Instead, Rin is sat below the old tree along with Tenth who is sipping what looked like apple juice from a carton box.

"So you were with Tenth all along, Rin…"

"Thank me for eavesdropping earlier."

"I've never seen you that agitated, Gin. But you really have a way in your words, as usual."

"In all honesty, Tenth, I was serious and sincere to what I said earlier. I've done a lot of self-assessment and managed to lessen my natural insincerity.

Another small step to retaining my humanity."

Out of the blue, Rin asked me:

"But why did you let him leave just like that?"

"I actually don't have much time, but I do plan to resolve this. I expect not to see Ryota from school anymore… but March isn't about to end yet."


▪ ▪ ▪

Makoto and Juno Artecus really did set a schedule for my requested investigation that I mentioned at Thursday. After two days, I am now walking around the paths of the Capital on my mask.

"I forgot to mention something, Makoto," I spoke while pointing my finger to my mask. "You also got done in with Teardrop's gas, right?"

"It's effect was extremely potent especially since the room was not properly ventilated."

"Then maybe we should add filters to our mask then? I also felt it."

"Wait, weren't you supposed to be immune to external attacks like that since being drugged doesn't have an effect to you?"

"Even I wonder. I haven't really tested it. Maybe it was still resistance. I got dizzy but not to a great extent."

"You two Exiles, we already arrived."

Juno stood in front of a door of a familiar building. It was the company that Dad, Kei and I once worked as a sideline job. As to why we came here, the branch manager's name is Yohan Horach.

The branch manager was expecting our visit, and so we were directed to his office.

"Thank you for accepting our request, Mr. Yohan. I am Juno Artecus from Cotona PD. And those two with me… they don't have names."

"Please have a seat, then. I say this but we have a very limited time to talk, so please make it fast. I'm needed for work outside."

"Then I'll begin immediately. Mr. Yohan, you are the son of the former senator Joseph Horach. Correct?"


"Based from the former senator's data, he was remarried in 1999 after his wife succumbed to illness."

"It is true that he was remarried… but my mother dying from a disease was a cover-up. That ungrateful man who was my father killed her," and he further explained the details of how the murder happened.

"Moving on, about his remarriage, do you know the name of her second spouse?"

"…Her name is Miharu Mizuno.

They separated eventually though, and abandoned her when she was pregnant. But she was a healthy woman. I tend to visit her and her son regularly, and they are much happier without my father.

But not until his son was twelve. My father sent two people from the underworld with a plan to inject a man-made virus. Ms. Miharu was injected and got ill."

I butted in and asked, "What happen to his son, then?"

"Ms. Miharu personally told me, as she saw what happened that day. His son was so angered that he ended up killing the two.

She saw a very frightening look from his son, and then she fainted."

Juno turned his head towards me without saying anything, but I nodded.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Yohan. The information you gave us will help in a huge case. We will leave now."

I stepped forward in the event that Yohan stood and I whispered.

"I promise that I will save Teardrop… not him, but Ryota Mizuno."

"S-S-So he's Teardrop…?

Then please…! Please save him!!"

After he calmed down from being struck by anguish, we left to another destination…

To the most secured prison in the country.

~ ~ ~

There was not a need to go far from the Capital, as the prison itself was situated on and in the city. It was surrounded by four twenty meter walls in height and 750 meters in length each. The very prison is on the center of the land and the many surveillance.

It is where Joseph Horach is imprisoned, just in the lowest level as he is considered as the most dangerous criminal of the country's history. It is way deeper than our base.

Should Juno's presence wasn't seen with us two suspicious men on masks, there will be no way for us to even touch the walls. After all, Juno Artecus is the one that captured him.

We were separated by a considerably thick window as we met once again after roughly a year.

I waved first and greeted.

"A pleasure to meet you again, beast."

"Hmph. So you were the one that threw the bomb. You immediately made my day after seeing you!"

"I'm honored."

Juno butted in and began the questioning.

"Enough with the chit-chat, Horach. I have no reason to have idle talk with a husband who killed and drugged their wives.

Anyway, I need you to tell me if that is the truth. You don't have any choice since you're already imprisoned."

"Hahahaha. Yeah, yeah. I was the one who killed my first wife, and then I sent two lackies from underworld to done in my second family."

I then asked, "Let me ask, out of boredom?"

"Hmm…? Correct!"

I shifted near to Makoto and whispered, "I know you're really mad right now, and so am I. But if I punch that pane of glass it will easily break so can you do it for me?"


As strong as he can, he punched the glass and made it vibrate.

"Now I feel better."

"But then, trash. I'm really surprised! How did you know that I was doing those out of boredom? Maybe… you're not as different as I am. You have no humanity…! I won't even be shocked if you have already killed someone. Tell me, how does it feel?"

"Ah, sorry, Horach. Such words won't work on me. You see, I sometimes talk in a naturally provocative tone.

You know what? It worked for your son."

He slammed the window with the side of his fist as he closely stared at me with wide eyes.

"Caught your attention, I guess? You really have a relation to child assassins, huh? But be thankful that your son underestimated the security here. He has no ability to infiltrate this prison. You're safe from being killed by your son. He personally told me that he already gave up."

Horach went back to his seat with an infuriated expression.

"Get lost. I'd rather rot here than see you again."

Before we stepped out, Makoto gave the guards an advice.

"Uhh, guards. I suggest you to also cuff his feet."

"Are you satisfied now?" asked Juno.


▪ ▪ ▪

Three days later, Tuesday.

The time is five in the afternoon, in Mykes Hospital.

While walking the hallway of the hospital, Rin stumbled upon Dr. Kagetora.

"Good afternoon, Doc."

"Ms. Akanami? It's rare to see you here. Are you visiting someone?"


"It's nice to see you again but I have things to attend to. I hope that 027 is well."

"He is, and best regards to you too."

~ ~ ~

"Good afternoon, ma'am. How are you feeling?"

Inside the hospital room is a woman sat on the bed with a surprised face. That woman is Miharu Mizuno.

"I'm feeling fine, but may I know you? Are you a friend of my son?"

"An acquaintance in school. I heard about your condition."

"Is that so…"

"Ma'am, does Ryota visit every day?"

"Yes. He sometimes visits at night after his work. Although… I'm worried."

"Did something happen?"

"He told me that he will quit his job at the end of the weekdays. He also said that he will do his final job in Friday.

But he wasn't sad… instead, he was somewhat relieved."


"Ma'am? If you would like, can I accompany you in that day? Surely it would be nice for you to talk to others aside from the doctors and nurses."

"If you really want to. I would like hear about my son when he's in school."


I would be glad to."

Chapter Message:

That ends 042 but not NijiHo!

I don't really know, but I seem to like chapters like this. How has Gin not yet roasted someone?

Anyway, next chapter will be a two-part!

Thanks for reading!


043.1: Knives out.