Chapter 1:
Fake Love
"I am afraid that the cancer has already spread to the lymph nodes and has metastasized to other organs through the stomach and intestines," announces the young, handsome doctor. "Unfortunately, the treatment has not been successful, and at this rate of metastasis, it is inoperable. I’m afraid the only thing we can offer now is palliative care so that you suffer as little as possible until... the end."
I don’t hear anything else. My mind fades from my body, transported somewhere far, far away where even I can’t reach. I’m going to die? Why? Why me…?
“Liam, honey…” My mom’s voice and a strong but gentle pressure on my left hand bring me back to the real world, more or less. “What are you going to want to do, honey…?”
I can sense, from her broken and hoarse voice, that she’s holding back tears, trying to be strong for me.
“About what?” I manage to ask, but my gaze is fixed at the wall. At nothing. To the horizon.
“So... about…” She can’t finish and starts to sob.
"About your care," adds the doctor. “Are you going to want to do it here in the hospital, or do you prefer…?”
“At home,” I respond abruptly, completely returning to reality. “If I’m going to die, I want to do it at home with… with the one I love… But… wh… how much time do I have left, doctor?” I manage to ask, my voice breaking with the fear of even asking it.
The doctor doesn’t look calm either. “If I’m honest... not much. I can’t say exactly since each case is different, but based on the speed of the metastasis… it could be a few days or, at most, a month…”
Saying that devastating phrase, my mother bursts into tears, and my eyes turn white and my cheeks red.
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