Chapter 7:

Killing Intent

Uchū no Kami Season 1 Light Novel

Hanzo wakes up in the training area. 

Akuma: "Eat and let's go."

30 minutes later

Akuma: "You ready?"

Hanzo: "Yes Sir."

Hanzo focuses

Hanzo: "Remember last night, killing intent, one hit from him could kill me."

Akuma appears in front of him

Akuma: "Focus"

Akuma punches Hanzo across the field, destroying the Shed

Hanzo rushes at Akuma with kill intent. 

He creates a sword out of thin air

Ability: Creation

Hanzo: "AhhHHhh!!!!"

Hanzo stabs Akuma through the heart

Akuma: "That tickled."

Akuma forms a blade out of his arm and stabs Hanzo in his organ. 

Hanzo screams in pain

Hanzo kicks Akuma to the left, destroying thier cabin. 

Akuma: "You've been training. Good."

Akuma blitzes Hanzo and rips out his organs that were hanging. 

Hanzo regenerates faster than the eye. 

He kicks Akuma into space. 

Akuma grabs Hanzo, trying to crush his head. 

Hanzo screams in agony. 

Hanzo knees Akuma in the ribs, breaking them. 

Hanzo slices at Akuma, cutting his arm off. 

Akuma regenerates and turns the arm into a blade. 

Akuma charges

Hanzo dodges

They clash their swords so hard they destroy a near by Solar System. 

Akuma kicks Hanzo onto a planet. 

The planet had a Civilization, had Life, just like last night. 

Akuma: "This is what you will have to do, you will have to be ruthless and cold hearted or the intent to save people, which one you choosing? Are you going to stop me from wiping out everyone here?

Akuma fly's down to the planet, murdering everyone. 

Hanzo: "They're innocent. STOP!!!"

Akuma: "Then come and stop me yourself. "

Hanzo rushes at Akuma going 400x the speed of light, he hits Akuma into a building. 

Akuma: "I thought you are suppose to stop me, not cause destruction, NOW FOCUS!!!!"

Akuma hits Hanzo and sends him flying through the planet, leaving a giant whole in the middle, the planets GBE of the planet is gone. 

GBE: Gravitational Binding Energy. 

All life on the planet floats up. 

Akuma restores the GBE. 

Akuma: "You done well kid, you really thought I was going to kill you? I was just seeing what you are capable of. Now, let's get ready, because in a week, the real fight begins, I sense a great threat approaching. 
