Chapter 0:
A Cynic’s Guide to Igniting Love in a Future World
The quiet hum of NOVA's central headquarters was like a lullaby to most of its daytime visitors—a perfect blend of serene lighting and soft mechanical sounds that reinforced the idea of stability and order. But Mira Illiya had other plans. Stability wasn’t what she was here for.
Peering over her shoulder for the fifth time, she whispered, “You done yet?” The immaculate surface beneath not only reflected her worried face, but also a society considered perfect by many.
The building seemed even more peaceful in the dead of night, long gone from the day’s hustle and bustle. Soft blue light bathed the walls, creating a cool, almost ethereal atmosphere. The faint scent of recycled chilly air mixed with a metallic undertone seemed soothing as it cooled the vast rows of data servers. Somehow, this large lifeless building gave a sense of comfort. Unless... you were a trespasser.
A small, round robot hovered over a console, its soft whirr cutting through the silence. “Need I remind you that we are in the Governing A.I.’s central headquarters? I truly believe we are wasting our time trying to deactivate the facilities security systems— oh, it’s down. …The consequence of centuries of peace, I presume?”
“Nice, Nexi!” Mira did her best British butler accent. “You are the best robot companion a girl could ask for. Truly!”
“Your imitation of my preferred voice programming is not going to get you any points,” Nexi said, its deep, soothing simulated voice was pleasing to the ear.
Its form shrank into a smaller orb and hovered into one of Mira’s red rose-shaped hair ornaments. The matching pair, a delicate fusion of plant-like cybernetics, adorned her long, silky black hair, holding her styling in place and giving the impression of two small horns sprouting from her head. But the roses were more than just ornamental; they were her connection to the vast web interfaces of the world, and one of them also housed Nexi, ensuring Mira was never far from her robotic AI companion. A soft, pulsating glow emanated from one of the roses and casted a subtle blue light that reaffirmed Nexi was present and active.
Mira sneaked through the vast, empty halls with purpose, her footsteps barely audible on the sleek, polished floors. A series of large windows revealed a view of the city skyline, where soft neon lights and immersive holographs filled the night. Just another normal sight for Mira, who approached her destination with only one goal in mind.
“Made it!” She faced an imposing large metallic door. The holographic room title flickered momentarily before displaying, “Historical and Sociological Research.” She quickly made her way in.
“Mira, I must reiterate—this is not a good idea,” Nexi’s voice echoed softly from the rose as the gentle blue glow pulsed within.
“Oh, come on.” Mira crouched and shuffled through rows of storage compartments. Her fingers grazed the cool metal surfaces hiding unknown gadgets and machinery. “I’ll just be borrowing it for a little while. For science! My thesis is coming up, you know.”
“Ah, yes. Your thesis on the historical study of human connection, specifically love, which, need I remind you, has practically become an irrelevant concept in this era.”
“That’s exactly why it’s so important!” Mira’s crimson eyes alighted with determination, the dim light catching the intensity in her gaze. She yanked open a compartment, revealing a small metallic cube nestled inside. It pulsed faintly, like a heartbeat. “There it is! It’s kind of cute, right?” She posed with the object in her hands, as if snapping a selfie.
Nexi’s glow became agitated within the rose. “Do you realize what you’re holding? That’s not just any piece of tech—it’s a temporal displacement device. A prototype. Unauthorized usage could—”
“Could help me prove that love isn’t just some mysterious outdated relic of the past?” Mira said, her grip tightening around the cube. Its cool metallic surface couldn’t quite mask the warm, faintly humming energy pulsing from within. “People used to write poetry about it, fight wars for it, dedicate their lives to it! Don’t you think it’s worth understanding why?”
Nexi let out a simulated sigh. “While I cannot see the logic of your views as correct or not, I must admit that your enthusiasm for the subject is admirable, but if NOVA finds out—”
“They won’t find out.” Mira waved dismissively. “I’ll be in and out of the past before anyone notices. A quick observation, maybe an interview or two… D-Do you think I’ll see a couple passionately kiss?” She wiped her mouth. “Anyway, if this goes well, maybe we can get love back how it used to be!”
“Hmm. While not impossible, I would deem it as highly unlikely,” Nexi muttered. “Society's views have long changed, and as I’m sure you are aware, people are not easily swayed from their accustomed ways. If anything, it is this lack of intense emotions that has contributed to long-term societal stability.”
“But, what’s the point of such a perfect world when something so essential is missing? …Obviously, I know that people here still care for each other in their own way, but… at times it feels so hollow, so… superficial.” Mira waved her finger around as if giving a lecture. “If everything goes well, they’ll be thanking me for helping bring a ‘bright today, and brighter tomorrow’.”
“Ah, the classic NOVA slogan. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?” Nexi came out of its housing and faced Mira. “Nonetheless, we still don’t even know how well this prototype works. This is cutting edge technology using the cusp of our understanding of physics, the possibilities of things that may go wrong are far too many to list.”
“...” Mira seemed deep in thought while Nexi continued.
“And even if we successfully make it there and back, If they were to find out—”
“Then you’ll help me talk my way out of it,” Mira replied with a grin. “Relax, Nexi. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Nexi let out a simulated sigh once again. "I'd prefer not to run any simulations of the worst possible outcomes..."
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