Chapter 2:

The Tower

Rebirth: Another Chance

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fine...I accept (Great! Tower Level 1) Shuichi: what just some slimes? That’s easy enough can’t believe I was worried bout this, I’ll just eat the slimes, [Ability acquired: Regeneration Ability acquired Heat resistance Ability acquired Cold resistance] wow that was much better than I thought anyways next level, (Congrats! Tower Level 2) Shuichi w-what well that’s a huge *gulp* step up

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The tower level 2 boss was...a titan‼️ Shuichi: he’s so much bigger but I bet the rewards would be amazing (I barely got anything for the slimes) Shuichi:ATTACK (the titan was killed in one attack) well to get the powers I have to eat it, yeah no.

[Reward for completing second level young dragon-Medium Dragon, Ability obtained vortex creation anti magic vision damage reduction.] WOW that was much more than I thought it would be welp next level hopefully it’s harder.

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Tower level 3 that’s simple it’s just a dog? Wait ok whatever vortex creation...

(Levels later, he’s finally hit level 10...) [abilities acquired Time manipulation Reality warping Reality Alteration Negation Greed peak physical condition logic manipulation teleportation life force manipulation poison negation] wow I’m barely tired this was easier than I expected anyways final level!

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It’s it’s...a human, I can’t kill them why would they (final stage do it) no no no I can’t why would you do THIS but I have too *eyes begin glowing* [the voice of the world requests control] I have to, release control...Teleport...greed (gives control back) I hated this but I had to I had to leave I have to get out of her- [abilities unlocked infinite conceptual manipulation infinity...Human form] a human form, finally I’ve needed it I can barely move in this form well it’s difficult I also didn’t know humans were here..

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Shuichi: so this is the real world well real for the most part, huh is that a person? (He hides behind a tree) this human form is definitely coming in handy, HEY! He shouts (the people notice him) they’re shocked mostly horrified, Ahhh they yell. What did I do? He notices an aura around him even he finds menacing. Shuichi:dang I need to fix that, (he’s attacked from behind...)