Chapter 1:

Did I Die and go to Heaven, Cuz You're an Angel?

Why'd I Have to Fall in Love with My Sister's Bestfriend?

Amane Risa stretched out under her warm covers and dozed in and out of sleep. Today was her high school entrance ceremony, so she needed to make sure she got up in time to get ready and make herself look presentable.

She was so warm and cozy in her bed, what could five more minutes of sleep hurt? Afterall, Risa had been awake until about 3am the night before. Doing what exactly? That was obvious for anyone that knew Risa.

Yesterday was the Beta release of the latest game in the extremely popular, first person shooter franchise, Apocalypse Hunter. Being invited to Beta test a game in the first place was a huge privilege, so there was no way in hell that Risa was missing out.

As a semi-pro gamer, Risa was the proud owner of the latest in immersion VR. The Suny X 5000. That baby had the ability to bring gamers directly into the world of the game. Everything from sight, smell, and even pain could be experienced with the latest from Suny technologies. That being said, Risa was one of those extremists who turned on pain mode to 80% which was the highest setting allowed before real damage would be inflicted on the body. In other words, when she played she was all in. If she got shot, her body would feel the hot sting of the bullet slicing through her skin, burned she would feel her skin blistering, or if someone touched her in-game she would also feel it too.

That's part of the reason that she stayed online for so long last night. Rather than just playing for a couple hours then going to bed, she was role playing as an actual survivor in the apocalypse. She wouldn't call it quits till she was actually defeated or she ran out of content to explore.

Since this was her go to game, Risa managed to survive through the whole session. With bloodshot eyes and dried, cracked lips she had finally finished exploring the Beta content without a single death when she passed out in her bed. So yeah, 5 more minutes wouldn’t be that big of a deal…

Risa awoke to the sound of banging on her bedroom door.

It was her older sister Reika, “Risa-chan, get your ass out of bed. I'm leaving now. You better hurry or you’ll be late for your first day.”

She woke from a dead sleep. Looked at the clock then shot up out of bed.

“Oh! Fuck fuck fuck! Shiiiiiit!. Onee-chan?! Why didn’t you come get me?!”

“I tried but your door was locked. Anyways, see you later little sis.”

Risa vaguely remembered locking the door before starting her gaming session so their housebot, Saya wouldn’t come in and disturb her gaming session with her annoying cleaning and tidying.

Risa had overslept. By A LOT. She had less than five minutes to get ready for her first day of high school. Instantly, Risa ripped off her cat pj's, ran into the bathroom topless, and started brushing her teeth while peeing. Ah, multitasking was the only way she would ever make it in time. In under a minute flat, Risa threw on her uniform and grabbed her nekomimi hoodie and slung it over her shoulder.

Her short, pink hair disheveled, heavily bagged eyes, and her uniform shirt half tucked into her dark-green pleated skirt, Risa thought to herself, “Well I look like shit, so much for first impressions.” Risa grabbed her backpack and was slipping on her school shoes when she heard the annoying humming of her housebot.

“Amane-san, you haven't breakfast,” the drone stated in her unnaturally perfect voice.

“Sorry Saya, no time for it today,” Risa said as she grabbed her hover board from her cubby near the door.

“Risa-san you know that’s banned from school. Why don’t you wait there? I'll give you a ride.”

Risa ran out the door, while slipping on her hoodie, “No thanks Saya, it will take long.”

Risa placed the folded up metal disk on the ground and pressed the red button in the corner. It turned green and then unfolded into a snowboard size. When Risa stepped on it and swiped to activate it on her watch, straps came out and wrapped over her feet holding them down snuggly. She hit one more button on her watch and her board started making a rhythmic whooshing sound.

The board lifted about a foot off the ground when Risa slipped on a pair of sunglasses and pulled on the strings of her hoodie. And off she went.

Risa was bobbing and weaving through the streets crowded with students on their way to school. She looked down at her watch. “Ah shit just 7 minutes left, I need to pick up the pace.”

Risa knew she was never going to make it in time at this rate so she did what any sleep-deprived and slightly deranged teen would do. She hopped down onto the light rail tracks.

“He he, no damn people to get in my way now.”

Now at full speed she flew along the tracks passing many of her future classmates at a breakneck speed. She was almost to the school with still five minutes to spare.

“Yes I'm gonna make it!” Risa whispered to herself.

Right as she was passing the final railroad crossing right in front her school, a person walked out into her path.

“Oh shit!” Risa groaned as she cranked her body to one side, narrowly avoiding the girl and tumbling to the ground instead. Risa leaned forward and rocked back and forth a couple times before turning onto her back.

The girl who she had almost hit came running towards her, armed with a handkerchief.

“OMG! Are you alright?”

Risa was about to go off on her when she looked up and their eyes met. Immediately, Risa was unable to speak. “Gorgeous,” she thought to herself.

She was face to face with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. She had long dark hair, long and full lashes and dark eyes. She had the figure of a model. Busty at the top and curvy around the hips.

Risa's heart started to pound and her face turned red. Was this love at first sight? She stuttered but managed to muster up a reply, “ I, I, I'll be ok. It's just a little scrape, that's all.”

She tried to get up, “Ouch. It hurts.”

The girl was an upper class man, she could tell by the red ribbon she wore around her collar, that she was a second year. Red for second years, pink for first years, and yellow for third years.

The girl bent down and tied her handkerchief around Risa's ankle.

Senpai gave her a dazzling smile and said, “That should stop the bleeding. Let me help take you to the nurse’s office.”

Risa, now desperate to get to the entrance ceremony, could still see kids lining up outside waiting to enter the auditorium. She could still make it.

“Thanks senpai, but I just really need to make it to the entrance ceremony on time,” Risa tried to get up, but collapsed after putting some weight on her leg. She folded up her hover board and took off her hoodie and sunglasses then tossed them in her backpack as she tried to get up again. She got to her feet this time before she started to fall.

Before she hit the ground she was caught by the alluring older student. “You're a stubborn one aren't you?”

The girl stared into Risa's face for a couple seconds.

“Why is she so freaking close?! And omg why does she smell so freaking amazing?!! And she just saw me eat shit. I'm gonna die of embarrassment!” Risa thought to herself.

To make matters worse the mystery woman was now carrying her to the auditorium, and everyone was watching, but that wasn't the part that was making her face feel hot. The way senpai was carrying her allowed Risa to have a direct and clear view of her rescuer’s cleavage. She could even see the black lace fabric that was decorating the cups of her bra. The funny thing was that Risa was pretty sure that the older girl realized she was being ogled but made no effort to move and said nothing. She just smiled.

“This is too much, I'm gonna have a freaking heart attack,” Risa thought to herself while turning her head away.

Finally, they arrived at the line where Risa's best friend, Saito Noriko, was waving her arms around frantically.

Senpai set Risa down next to the confused Noriko, and straightened Risa’s ribbon. With a dazzling smile and a hair flip, the older girl turned to Risa, “Don’t go flying off of anything else today. See you around.”

Risa called out to the mystery woman, “Thank you Senpai! See you around!”

Immediately Risa turned around to face her friend, “Noriko-chan! I’m in love!”

Noriko’s face froze in surprise as her friend just dropped the L-word. How the heck was she supposed to react to that. Noriko started to vibrate not knowing what to do.

Risa thought, “Oh no. She’s buffering again. I overwhelmed her.” She reached over and began to pat Noriko’s short, light brown hair in an effort to comfort her. Her best friend looked up at her with her watery blue eyes and slowly stopped shaking.

Noriko was the type of person who was super anxious, whenever she got overwhelmed, which to be honest was super cute to Risa. In fact, most things that girls did were super cute to Risa. Anyone who knew her also knew that no one loved women more than Risa.

Risa’s goal in high school was to do a better job of behaving normally around beautiful women. No more fangirling. No reading ecchi-yuri in class. No more provocative screen savers on her phone. The most important goal she had was to only fall in love with women that liked women. No more simping for straight girls, no more broken hearts. Meeting this mysterious senpai was really throwing a wrench in her plans.

Kumin the Hen
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