Chapter 1:

Chapter 1

Reincarnated into the Future: 2nd year

"hey leo, which class are you assigned now?" lica said, as leo is still looking for his name

They were now at the billboard, where they are looking at class assignments.

"it seems that we are all in the same class guys, including leo." rena said, as she points towards a section of the board

"yes, i see our names now." sheryl said, being happy, as leo is also happy now to see his name there

"now that we all saw our names, what about we go for something to eat?" nikki said

"i bet you are just hungry, because you were nervous." val said, as she approaches them, with brian by her side

"im glad im rid of you." brian said, as he saw leo

"im sad i wont get to see you this year." leo said, before they both do the fist bump

"well, boys will be boys." val said, smiling

"hey leo, nice to see you here." theo said, as he approaches them

"yeah, me too prez." leo said, as the rest also bows a bit for respect

"stop it, its just plain theo now." theo said, a bit nostalgic

"oh yeah, you already graduated right? So that means.." lica said

"yes, thats right. Leos probably gonna run for student council president this year." theo said, to continue what loca said

"about that, im still doubting on what to choose." leo said

"what?!" they all said, surprised

"because of what happened to me last year, im doubting if i should really run this year." leo said

"oh yeah.. Those big incidents that involved you one after another, i hadnt thought about that." val said, as everyone agrees

"yes, since running for student council president would mostly mean that you are also responsible for all students in the school." theo said

"and mustnt have a bad record as well." Leticia said, upon her arrival at theos side. "and leo has already been called at by the principal many times." she added

"and more." sheryl said, as a slip of the tongue, before she covered her mouth

"what was that?! Can you please elaborate?" val said, as her curiosity strikes

The other 3 girls could only sigh by her mistake, as val goes to news reporter mode.

"anyways, its a shame that you might not be able to run for student council, but you will always have the students support." theo said, as they agree

"well, we have to get to our new classroom now. Until next time." leo said, before val interrupt the good mood

"oh yeah, i have to ask.. Are you and miss leticia dating or something?" val said, curious

That indeed made everyone curious, even the others passing by.

"we may be always together, but--" theo said, embarrassed, before he was interrupted

"theo, we arent high scholers anymore. So it might be a good time to tell, right?" leticia said at his side

"hahh.. Yes, you are right. We are dating." theo said, resigning to the facts

"oh! So the next question would be with leticia." val said, before switching to her. "is he big or not?"

"yes, it is indeed. Maybe even bigger than brian or leo." leticia said, as this really embarrassed the guys so much, and made all the surrounding girls blush

"oh? I cant let that slide. Leos is indeed bigger." lica said, picking a fight with her

"h-hold on girls! Even though i also think my boyfriend is bigger, lets all not fight over this!" val said, trying to end the fight

"oh?" lica and leticia said, as they now pick a fight with val

"stop this girls, its seriously unbecoming." theo said, as brian and leo also stops the other girls from fighting by pulling them away

"besides, im way bigger than both of them. Look at these muscles." brian said, with confidence, as he shows his muscles

"hahh.." everyone could only sigh at his innocence

"well, we gotta go now." theo said, as he also pulls leticia along

"lets go along to our classrooms guys." leo said, but was interrupted by the new scene

"leos is defintely bigger." lica said, as the girls agree, as shes picking a fight against val again

"enough already, and lets go." leo said, as he also pulls lica along towards their new classroom

"hello 2nd year class, i have been assigned now to you guys, as the teachers are currently under some restructuring. Though i also see some new, and old faces in here." hera said

"maam, what do you mean by restructuring?" rena said

"i mean, the changing of positions in the list of teachers. As this is also a good opportunity, as per the principal." hera said. "alright, once again, im hera bonjo, and i will be your homeroom teacher for this year." she added, as she wrote her name on the board

"so, whats new today maam?" nikki said

"glad you asked miss taym. First of all, congrats on moving up a grade. Then as for something new, we got 2 new teachers. Though i dont know which subject they will be teaching." hera said, as the class understood

"is that teacher a man or woman?" one of the students said

"a woman. Both of them." hera said, before the class boys was enthusiastic about it

"boys! Calm yourselves!" rena said, as she stood up

"in any case, i will still be teaching history for your first period, so turn your pages to page 10." hera said, ignoring the bit of chatter, as if used to it

"hahh.. Boys will be boys." nikki said, as all the girls agree

"except leo." sheryl said, blushing again, which also made the class look at her and blush as well

"so precious." the class agree at her innocence, little do they know that leo already plucked her flower

"according to actual history, the globe wasnt as it is now. Before, in the year 2000s and beyond, all the lands were still divided so much, that there were many countries. Years later, and after many generations has passed, the land masses of the world slowly moved with each earthquake. There was also a mild climate change by then, which caused so much change to weather, including global warming, that accelerated the earths movement as well. Some countries became absorbed to another country, some small countries or places were now gone or vanished, due to low birth rates and stuff, and many more." hera said, as she writes a bit on the white board. "question: is now better than then?" she added

As the year moved up, so was her level of questions. Which some had a hard time answering.

"maam, we cant really say that. Due to the differences between generations, and many other factors." the smart guy with glasses, tom hawks, said, as he was allowed to speak and stand up

"yes, after all.. Everything depends on everything else, for literally everything." leo said, as he was just taking it easy

"yes, that is true. Im glad that we think alike. Thanks mr rivera." tom said

"ok mr hawks, you may sit now." hera said, before she faced leo. "alright wise guy, what are the factors that land masses has changed a lot?" she added

"simple, its because of the krood war. That war was never been experienced before, in the lifetime of the human race, and of the planet. Which is part of why the planet was changed, as did the population." leo said

"correct. But how did you know? And the thing about the population crisis wasnt even in the book." hera said, surprised

"well, i just imagined how it might have been." leo said, deceiving them to believe otherwise

"yeah, alright then. Thanks for that." hera said, before she turned to the board again

"that really happened leo?!" lica whispered to him

"yeah, it was somewhat a disaster by then. But let me tell it to you later." leo said, indirectly saying to her to pay attention

And little did they know, on what might happen next.. 

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