Chapter 1:
The Magical Girl Project
The rain pelts down from the sky heavy and hard. Clover holds her hood
against her head, the material soaks up the water and the cold breeze freezes
her to the bone. She shivers. The sun was setting and taking the warmth with it.
“It’s supposed to be summer! Why is it so cold?!” she whines.
She keeps moving forward against the icy breeze. She promised her friends she was going to meet them for dinner! And she was already closer to the restaurant than the dorms, there was no turning back.
Suddenly the ground shakes. Clover stops. Looking around, the people around
her on the street also stopped. They all look at each other … Clover sniffs smelling sea
salt. Odd since they were nowhere near the ocean.
Again the ground rumbles. And again, this time there’s an audible thud!
Clover holds her breath. She’s looking at the ground…. Waiting for it to happen
again. Would it be bigger? Louder, more violent?The street grows dark. So dark.
Clover looks up, seeing a large monster looming above the tall buildings. It's
almost like her and the beast share a moment of silence. Then a silhouette of a large tentacle raises up into the air. Almost in slow motion, it slaps the building throwing rubble everywhere. Its large single eye looking down at her, and a gaping beak.
Everyone screams and starts running, Clover is frozen in place. Her legs won't
move. She screams. Then BAM! She’s slapped in the face, thrown back, hitting the concrete sidewalk.
She frantically grabs at the thing wrapped around her head. Finally getting it off.
“What the hell is this?” She looks at the long cord in her hand. It starts glowing
blue. It glows brighter and she's enveloped in a warm light.
Suddenly she’s dry, and warm. The light disappears. She looks down at herself.
Covered in blue glitter and an outfit that looks like it’s made of rubber, but fits so perfect
and comfortable. “What the hell?!”
“GRRRRRRAAAA!!!” The monster screeches! And behind it a wave taller than every building.
“AHHH!” she screams, the water slams down on her, and the current takes her
down the street. Her head bangs against a curb, and the water passes over her.
She stays lying there,disoriented. “Ughhh….” she blinks, the dizziness not going away.
She swears she sees a streak of neon purple above her. “GET UP!” a voice screams.
Clover forces herself to her elbows. Looking around, her eyes focus again, no ones around her.
The creature roars again! The stream of purple charges a tentacle, and impales it
on a lamp post! The monster screams!
Clover blinks. “GET UP AND HELP!”
Clover looks around again, there’s no one there. She looks down at herself
again, and back to the flying purple girl.
“What the hell is happening?!” Another tentacle comes down, landing on the other girl!
“Oh shit!!!” Clover runs for her! Touching the slimy thing and using her strength to pick it up… it’s way lighter than she thought it would be.
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