Chapter 1:


The Robot That Caught The Human Disease

Somewhere, within the city of Cyber, on the outskirts, lay a factory lost in the periphery. The sign 'Artificial Intelligence' hangs loopy on the door sign, swaying left and right from the wind. For centuries, humans and robots lived harmonically, relying on one another for support. However, once the clock struck ten each night, robots were required to go back to their factory for reexamination. There were only two rules to uphold this peaceful gathering; rule number one, artificial intelligence must always return to the factory. Rule number two, never speak of what transpired within these walls.

And so, each night, as the city slept and the factory lights flickered to life, buzzing with life and activity. Machinery clatter together and robots gather to be reexamined. The story begins of an artificial intelligence, known as type C, Robotic serial number #6709 was shoved in next inside the tunnel-like medical repair. Waiting in line after #6709, were more type C Robotic, looking similar to her in a color palette while they stood outside, waiting for their turn next. Inside the Bio-augmenter, a disembodied voice came from the speaker, mumbling. "Let's see what type of eyes we can get you..."

She can hear the sound of paper flipping from the microphone.

"I would like black eyes please." Type C, Robotic tried to contain her excitement, waiting for her whitened eyes to change to the customizable option.

"Hmm? AHH- you must be the rare type everyone is talking about! The one that excels in every subject! and I also heard you are extra special~ you have a higher emotional intelligence than usual."

"Yes!" She loudly proclaimed and the iT scientist laughed at her enthusiasm. "You must be excited to go to your assigned human."

At the mention of her assigned human, she beamed at the screen. The small laser, engraver machine rotated right in front of her eyes, glowed and circled around her eyes, giving her black pupil. "Yes! He is finally graduating so it's going to be my first time stepping out of the factory. I've always wanted to see the world!"

"Hair color?"

The pure white hair was tugged by a pair of electrical hands, by the back of her head.


"Well, well, someone fancies the color black " The machine once again lasered in zig zag, dying her pure white, that every robotic has, into pitch black. "Because it's my favourite color."

"Hmmmm... You have favourite colors... You speak very human-like, you will pass the emotional intelligence with flying colours." He noted briefly as he checked the hair options. "Short or long?"

"I would like to keep my hair. I love the feeling of long hair." The machine let go of the small strands of hair and the cast saw stopped spinning.

"You are adapting human behaviour very well #6709." The machine slowly pulled her out of the bio-augmenter machine as she finished her test.

"It's Yui. My name is Yui!" She got off the bed and beamed at him.

"..." He stared at her behind the double-sided mirror walls. "Well, #6709. We part here. You only have a few more tests run before you get assigned to Haruto Nakamura. And remember our moto, AI is here to guide humanity to the next stage of evolution.”

 She nodded when she heard the slogan of their company and pivoted, walking out as the line of white haired, whiten eyed, Robotics, turned to take the test run as well. This is it! She skipped out of the room in joy. It was finally her turn to guide humanity.


"Next!" An all-white robot stood, a translucent blackout glass on its head, white eyes glowing as it went through many checklists to test the new robotics.

Yui took a step forward as the line got shorter and shorter. As an AI, she was among the most advanced. She spent three years studying to be human and going through multiple tests to prove herself as worthy. She wasn't allowed to be programmed to be the perfect robot like Type A or B. Type C needed to prove themselves as the candidate fit to lead their assigned human, so they had to start by living and acting like humans. They had the more humanistic features and behaviours. She, and every type C, were created to look similar to humans to build more trust between them.

And she was excited because today was the day, she leaves the factory and lead Haruto Nakamura into being the most evolved human among other humans.


She did her best to excel at every test, from emotional intelligence, IQ and was tailored to be the best fit candidate for him. Now that he was eighteen, it was her turn to be assigned to take care of him for the rest of her life! Working everyday tirelessly to become compatible with him. She has been in the factory for three years now, being more than ready to serve him.


Yui stood before the examiner, spreading her arms out as its eyes scanned through her body. She turned around as he scanned the back as well. She did running, jumping, side by side. The examiner documented all her progress for her as she continued her tests. After the physical examination was done, she did a written test by another examiner on subjects Haruto Nakamura liked such as math, art, reading novels and martial arts. He liked history as well, but Type C weren't allowed to have historical data. They were forbidden from going through anything beyond the accessible information from two thousand and six hundred years ago.

However, she knew she was exceptional. Yui tried so hard to be the perfect ideal type. She was almost perfect at immaculate human behaviour. She scored exceptionally well in everything. All her life she has been told she is the perfect robotic. An exception among exceptionally.

"So? Did I pass?" She can't wait to meet Haruto. Her sparkly eyes, her fingers interlocked in excitement, feet tapping rapidly on the ground as she looked at the examiner, Type B, Symbotic.

"You are defected."

"I passed?" She grinned.

"I said you are defected."

It took a few seconds before her face and hands dropped at the news. Confused eyes stared at the robotic machine that gave her the results of the examination. "What?"

"You are defected." The disembodied voice repeated.

Defected? Her big eyes blinked, face devoid of any expression.

"Your core is damaged." Type B further explained as the tank-like treads rolled it to its desk. He clicked at a bottom near its office, the wall separated, showing a hidden room of a digital fireplace. It lit it up, bursting into flames as it picked a branding stick from the pile there. Yui stared dull as the stick tips, with the unique mark of "Void" were becoming orange in hue. "My core? Can't it be fixed."

The color was becoming too bright, and Type B raised her longer hair out of the way and marked her as a failed product behind her neck. "To ensure clear identification and proper handling, please head towards the junkyard to get further test on whether you are recyclable or disposable. And remember, AI is here to guide humanity to the next stage of evolution.”

Yui left the room, not really caring about the results. There was a possibility she can be recyclable which was the best option. At least if she was recycled, her scraps can be used for the next AI to be built on. With her core damaged, it means she is nothing her three years of efforts mean nothing. But... She brightened up, every contribution she made as a scrap still mattered because without her, the new ai can't be built and humans can't evolve without her. So why... Why was her core squeezing almost painfully? A squeaky noise resonated as she clutched her ironclad chest tighter.

Why did it hurt?