Chapter 0:
White Void - Volume 2
“Emori… Emori… Hey Emori!”
“Ah!” I snapped out of my musing. I was standing on the balcony of a large building, overlooking a massive city.
… What was I doing here… oh right.
We were on a trip to Nanawak, a large empire located on the east of Syla, across the ocean. It was the first time I visited this nation, granted I hadn’t been alive here for long. Me and my entire family were on a trip. I think it had something to do with a famous local celebration of sorts.
I turned to the voice that called out to me. “Miss Nayala…”
“Did you not want to discuss it that badly?” she asked. Miss Nayala was only three years older than me, but she’s already so mature. The way she spoke reminded me of older sister characters that often appeared in fiction.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what were we discussing?”
I had been paying attention to the view outside the castle, my mind wandering off far from the topic.
“... Your abdication of the throne? Remember that?”
“Ah, right.” I nodded. “Sorry.”
I had abdicated the throne at the age of ten, only recently. My family decided to postpone the public announcement in case I changed my mind. I don’t think that would happen, though.
“Hmm? I won’t discuss it if you don’t want to.”
“I… I don’t have a problem with that…” I rested my hands on the railings, looking out at the distant scenery. Despite both being a city, the capital city Ikakaya was an entirely different place compared to Syla.
The buildings here were mostly made of bricks, and there were many watchtowers scattered across the city.
“It’s different from Syla, isn’t it?”
“Yes. I remember you being surprised during your visit three years ago.”
Back then, she was still my age. I still remember hiding in my room when she arrived. Had my mother not force me to introduce myself, I wouldn’t have gotten a close friend.
“... Despite me being older than you, I still couldn’t believe how much you grew. Even now, you’re the most mature ten year old I have ever seen,” she said.
“Is- Is that so?”
“None of the other people your age is even remotely as mature as you. Well, I guess it’s not like I’m that mature three years ago.”
“Hehe… You’re not.”
We were still children, so I found it surprising that she was discussing this.
“So… you must have a good reason, right? To abdicate your right, I mean.”
“It’s just… I don’t deserve it.”
I don’t deserve to lead Syla. I don’t deserve to be the princess. I don’t deserve any of this, hence why I abdicated the throne.
“You know, I would just say something like ‘you didn’t have to be scared’ or ‘your family is going to help you’ but this is you we’re talking about. Sometimes, I feel like you’re the older one.”
“Well… I’m sure you’re just feeling things.”
I… wasn’t sure myself. I didn’t know if the reason I abdicated my throne was any good. I stood in an unfamiliar land, I didn’t know my position in this world. Just who am I? How could someone like me be born as the princess to a powerful country?
“But, remember this, Emori.” Miss Nayala put her hands on my shoulder, making me face her. “Just remember, I’ll support you whatever path you take, so does your brother, your father, and your mother. I’m not sure what kind of burden you’re carrying, but remember that many people will stand beside you, supporting you. You will meet more and more people that genuinely care for you. Don’t be afraid, Emori. You’re not alone in this world.”
I’m not… alone…
So it’s different from back then?
“... Okay.”
“Come on, smile.”
I tried letting out a smile. Miss Nayala grinned and hugged me. “Now that’s my Emori. If you’re ever in trouble, don’t be afraid of relying on me. If you ever need someone to turn to, just Connect with me. I promise I won’t tell anyone else.”
“I… I’ll help you when you’re in trouble too, then.”
“Is that a promise I hear?”
I nodded. “Yes, it’s a promise.”
I could only smile looking at her cheerful demeanor. She was a much different person compared to me. She’s the type of person that could shine even in the darkest lands. Truly the beacon for her people. Could I ever be like her one day? I hope…
I could only hope…
“Lady Nayala,” a heavy voice called out from the window to the balcony.
“Yes, Mister Akareseki?”
“Your parents are calling for you.”
“Okay, we’ll talk again later, Emori.”
I bowed my head as the two went back into the building. I turned back toward the city beyond me.
Will I ever find my place in this world?
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