Chapter 1:
Every story has a beginning, this is my or our beginning…
I wake up to see nothing around me. I can't see but, I can feel something in front of me, something hard and rough that curves and extends all around me. I'm in a small enclosed space with little room for movement.
It's tough but after pushing my head against it for a while, a part of the wall deforms in shape and softens up ever so slightly. After continuing this for a while, light starts to shine through some of the small pores that formed and I'm finally able to tear an opening.
It takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the brightness after which I see a long body of white coiled around me. I slither out of the shell I was in and look around for a bit.
This place is covered with Rocks and Crystals all over. Most of these crystals look bigger than me and there are quite a few of them. Looking back towards the shell I emerged from there are two more eggs beside it.
I move towards them but stop when the long slender body of white surrounding me and the eggs starts moving and then a large triangular-shaped head rises. Its two black eyes lock with mine and the head slowly moves closer to me.
At first, I was frozen in fear, but as it got closer and lower to me that fear gradually dissipated. Her head is almost as big as my entire body and her scales have a beautiful almost mesmerizing pattern of pure white.
She examines me from different angles while using her tail to place a dead body of a small insect in front of me, wait an Insect?? what is.. whatever I feel hungry. I approach the body cautiously and poke it with my tail. There's no response, but I still feel hesitant even though my instincts tell me to bite into it then I feel a weird sense of encouragement and bite off a piece of its leg. It tastes good and I feel replenished as I take more bites.
I look back at my mother and I just can't seem to shake this weird feeling I get from her. She's my mother… I don't know why I know this or understand what's going on, but she seems pretty pleased.
I then hear something from behind her, some big and heavy, something that is being dragged this way. Mother looks behind her and moves to the side and another White Snake almost twice as large shows up. Judging by Mother's reaction it does not seem hostile.
It casually looks at mother while placing a furry creature with long teeth and ears that it had dragged here next to her. It then looks towards the eggs and notices that mine is broken, it immediately turns its head towards me and its jaws drop revealing two huge black fangs.
I can't move even an inch of my body. The larger snake also seems frozen though I don't understand why exactly or what I should do.
The snake immediately dashes towards me and scoops me up by the top of its head and raises me high above the ground. Wait wait wait pleased stop, I take a peek at the ground below only to see that even mother was looking smaller and smaller from up here… wait are we still going up? Just how long is this snake?
The snake stopped rising once we got close to the cave ceiling. Both of its eyes were on me, they seemed calmer now than they were before. After a strong hiss from mother, the snake placed me down next to her, looking much happier than before. So.. this is my father. He's similar to Mother though he doesn't have patterns on his scales like her and he's much bigger. He looks pleased, but those fangs poking out are still really scary.
I hear a small sound from the direction father came. Through a small hole in the wall, a thin snout peaks through guided by its curios nose. A creature that is definitely not a snake like me or my parents pokes its head in. It looks towards us but its gaze is set on the furry creature father brought.
A canine class monster… wait what does this mean, is it the name.. no class of this creature? wait what's a class?? I have so many questions and the only answer my instincts give me is by having me towards at mother.
It remains motionless for a while then pushes through the hole with its whole body and starts slowly walking towards its target. Father slowly moves between the creature and its target and hisses threateningly while opening his jaw to show off his huge fangs. The canine continues to get closer now more cautious with its steps and opening its jaw to show off its fangs.
I get on top of Mother to get a better view of the confrontation and that's when I see it... The approaching canine stops in its tracks as Father starts to rise and moves his tail, back towards us. Then with great speed swings his tail into the wall beside him and the canine. The canine flinched and kept its eyes on the tail; A tail that unlike mine had sharp edges on both sides and looked much stiffer. He pulled it out of the wall and this time pointed it straight towards the canine.
Father moved his tail back again ready to strike again, the canine immediately took a few steps back and stare each other down. It feels like the world has stopped as if everyone is frozen in place, both Father and the canine are waiting for each other to move.
The canine makes the first move and it is… stepping down? The canine slowly backs away while never turning its back to us. It exits out of the hole it entered from. I guess it knew it couldn't fight against father those fangs are scary enough, but that tail is just unstoppable, mine can't even put a scratch on these walls. Father is amazing that huge canine just ran away without even fighting, well it probably made the right choice.
While I was busy admiring Father's strength *SLAP*, Father gets slapped by mother who looks angry meanwhile father just looks a bit confused, a look that I'm sharing with him right now. What's wrong Father just scared away the canine by just showing off his tail that's so cool!!
Mother then points towards the furry creature father brought and the thing the canine was after... I don't get it, yeah the canine was trying to get our food so? Father also doesn't get it.
Mother looks at Father disappointingly, then drops her tail into a pool of blood right next to the corpse, Father seems to have realized his mistake, but I still don't understand that is until I see mother dragging the tip of her tail through the pool... no trail of blood that starts from the hole that father came through and the canine just followed the trail.
Oh, so that's what happened, though I guess it could've just followed Father all the way. Mother is looking at me attentively, I guess something I too should remember. So.. what now? I guess I'll just check on the other eggs.
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