Chapter 1:

World break.

Lost Ataraxia

   Small events can change a lot in a person's life. It Isn't necessary to think too much: a new hobby, a new friend, those are the starting points for great and emotionally complex stories. Maybe Neimad planned a peaceful morning, but everything isn't necessarily going to come as planned, and there is nothing wrong with it, but probably, if he had known what was going to happen, he surely wouldn't have gone out of bed. 

      He didn't put much thought into the idea. As soon as he woke up, he put on a black shirt and put on some pans that he found on the floor. The morning was cold, so he put on a hoodie that he was using the day prior at noon, then (left, went, made his way) to the park. He used to go there with classmates to smoke and talk about their classes. It wasn't like he liked fact, he just did it because everyone did. 3 years had passed since then; he is now in his 20s, and he had left college. He had been trying to find a job for the last 2 years. It isn't like he had been really trying, but there was a job shortage that he used as an excuse for his situation in front of his aunt, the owner of the house he lived in, it didn't help that the rest of his family was against the idea of working while studying -"It’s easier to find a job with a degree, and work is going to distract you of your studies."- was what his uncle said when he consulted him to get a part-time job -"Yeah, sure, know I have neither a degree nor a job, I'm a fucking mess."- Neimad thought with a bit of regret-. He wasn't feeling connected with his classes, and staring at the screen in his lessons without really understanding what he was reading left him feeling stupid for wasting his time. So he left, and now felt left behind by all of his classmates too, all of them so close to graduation. He really doesn't think of them as his friends despite the time they shared, so he doesn't keep up with them, and never answers their messages, so they stopped writing.
   The park was cold but comfortable. Neimad was there for a break, the park was a typical skating park with a floor made of a special mix of concrete to create a super-conductive magnetic floor that makes it possible to use the professional air shoes and floatboards better. There were also some people with old-fashioned skateboards and skates. He could only watch with awe in his eyes; He liked watching, but it never crossed his mind to try and learn how to skate or ride a bike. In the recent years there was a spyke of new types of modded parts that let the folk do cool air tricks, and he was in fact well informed about that; watching videos about new air skate tech was a good distraction for him to escape from his thoughts.
   A cold breeze brought with it yellow leaves while he was walking around the park. It was already the closer it got to fall season in the satellite, the air was humid like the dirt in the green zones, and the smell was doping him away from his problems. He had almost forgotten about how he went to bed without being sleepy because he was debating himself if leaving the college was the worst decision he had made or if that was just his aunt exaggerating. The walk was a good idea, and his thoughts drifted away from the pessimism for a moment while he thought about how the new models of air shoes had improved noise reduction that made them nearly noiseless. -"HEY, DON'T MOVE! JUST STAY THERE I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU!"- A sudden scream from behind brought him out of his thoughts. They sprinted faster than an owlfolk of capital planet- Neimad could barely distinguish a single, confusing and anachronistic but relevant detail, by time he turned around, they had drawn a big old thick cooking pan, like the ones that are in a family house for at least 4 generations, and he didn't have time to register anything between his body turning around and the pan beating the shit out of his face. He felt time slowing down while the pan came closer to his face, and for a moment, when the pan hit him, he felt no pain, but a sensation that went throughout his body like a painless and weirdly warm electric shock, then he passed out.
   He woke up in a hospital bed. His mind was a little numb and his head was killing him, the pain was awful enough to distract him from the fact that he wasn't alone. A small framed nurse was there looking for something in a cabinet when he noticed her presence -"She looks so young, so being a nurse is that easy? Maybe I should just become a nurse, that may stop my aunt from calling me worthless for a month or two."- Neimad thought with no real intentions of following the path of nursery.- He also realized that his head was bandaged, maybe he could take a break in the hospital. He would thank the person who hit him if he saw them again. Sure, he wasn't happy for the blow in the head, but the hospital care is like vacations from family, and it didn’t seemed like his life was in danger -"This technically is an improvement"- he thought again while he sat on the bed and laid back in the pillows.- The nurse came near him with a plate, a glass of water, and two pills -"Take this, these are fast effect pills, one is for the pain and the inflammation, the other is to accelerate the healing of the wound."- The nurse said with a high-pitched voice but with sober tone, then added with a more jovial tone -"It seems like iron cast pans are still a thing among satellite families, hihihihi."- Neimad ignored that comment and took the pills. -"Her little laugh was weird, but somewhat cute."- Neimad thought again while trying to avoid an unwanted conversation.
   He looked at her sometimes while she was doing some paperwork, curious about this person, and if it's really easy to get a job here. Maybe he would consider trying, or maybe not. While his eyes wandered around, he noticed that behind the glasses that her eyes seemed a bit off behind the glasses, her eyes were somewhat different Neimad thought, he couldn’t take a better look, but he was sure of what he saw -"Hey, could you come closer."- He said subtly.- The nurse came -"Sure, what do you need?"- the nurse said calmly.- As fast as he could, he took the nurse's glasses off without hesitation. He didn't know exactly what he was doing, he was following a hunch. At the moment he took off her glasses, he saw it, the green, emerald like eyes that shined intensely with red lines. A dangerous, but beautiful signal. -"I KNEW IT, SHE IS AN ANOMA…''- Said Neimad alarmed but with a little feeling of victory before being interrupted by the nurse's hand shutting him up by force. -"Say 'She' one more damned time and I will crush your head against the wall"- the nurse annoyment was notorious enough for Neimad, not only through their voice, but also in the strong grip on his face.- Their force was impressive for their body. -''I don't want to fight with you, I need you. Besides, care to take a look at your face? You don't want policemen here with those pretty eyes of yours, don't you?"- They said while drawing a mirror from their pocket and pointing at Neimad's face.
His eyes were the same as those of them. Before, they were brown as his grandmother’s and his mother’s eyes; now they were the same type of green, they had the same type of red patterns of an… Anomalous -"Yes you're an Anomalous. We are not sick people as they told you in your history class, we are just normal people. Who happens to have powers and that."- they said while scratching their temple, they spoke, as they got their hand off Neimad's mouth -''Call me Yer. I'm part of a sort of NGO that is trying to save pacifically all Anomalous from the ostracism of the government, I guess hihihihi"- the tone of their words wasn't convincing at all, but neither was it suspicious- While they was talking, Neimad can't help but notice that in they had a pan in their hand, and one comically bigger than their arm. -''YOU, YOU'RE THAT CRACKHEAD WHO STRUCKED MY FACE WITH A FRICKIN FRYING P…"- An explosion shook the whole structure up.- The explosion was loud enough to make Neimad stop his scolding screaming for a second. Yer grunted and then said -Abraxxas is here, and as always, they're making a mess.- Their annoyment was notorious in their face, Neimad didn't need to ask. He knew who Abraxxas were, everyone knew it: their terrorist attacks were the most covered news during the last 3 months. -"Come with me, the police are going to come, and you sure can bet that we aren't going to be treated as victims if we stay here."- Neimad already knew, the Anomalous were seen as a danger, they once were used as a weapon, now they're treated as a scapegoat to distract the people of the instability of the Systems Federation, as if they were monsters -"I've no intention of coming back to my aunt's house, so, get me out of here and I'll follow you."- he wasn't sure, but he also knew that this was more than enough for an excuse to do something.
   The explosion came from the lower floor, and luckily they were close to the emergency stairs. The section of the hospital where they were was mostly empty, when Yer and Neimad left the room, they were alone. They went to the stairs and while they were going down, Neimad asked -"So, what are you doing here? And why are you dressed like a nurse? Oh, also why did you hit me with a pan?"- Maybe he is going to follow them because it is better than letting himself die in a cell, but he hadn't forgotten about the pan. -"Uhm, i don't know what you're talking about, hihihihi"- they said with confidence in their honesty -"I'm pretty sure you know about that specific thing"- he said, staring at the pan with judgment in his eyes. Their little argument was interrupted before starting by another explosion, this time closer, the whole structure trembled vigorously. Neimad lost his balance and fell over Yer, knocking them down as well. They instantly tried to stop the fall with one hand in the wall as support, but they spun in their feet and hugged Neimad, falling on their back on the floor. Neimad only got a little bruise in his left arm, but Yer took both their weights directly in the back -"Why did you do that!? That was dangerous, are you okay?"- Neimad helped them to stand up again -"Don't worry, that's nothing to me."- Yer said while shaking their skirt -"the worst damage done here was for this cute nurse outfit"- They were checking for stains or damage in their clothes -"Maybe this isn't the moment for that, just saying."- Neimad took the lead, and then Yer scoffed with annoyment, Neiman was right, there wasn't time to waste.  
   When they got to the lower floor in the main hall there was a mess. The nurses seemed out of their element, and a group of military like folk was mobilizing patients around to the backyard of the hospital, where the port was. Neimad felt a chill down his spine when he noticed that all the patients being handled by the armed folk had those emerald green eyes. They were all Anomalous, and the rest of the “normal” patients were behind the nurses. His amazement didn't last long, as a third explosion came, this time at the entrance of the hospital. The explosion left a whistle in Neimad's ears, the pain of his head came back as a constant beat that drilled into his forehead. When he could focus his sight again he saw a nurse with her legs trapped under a collapsed wall he tried to walk towards her to help, but Yer went ahead and grabbed a wall chunk, definitely a large one, maybe eight times Yer's own weight, but they just lifted it as if was made of hollow plastic -"You're free now hihihihi"- they said with a cheerful smile- Neimad couldn’t help but think that Yer was pretty terrifying, as all the Anomalous. The powers granted for the condition are said to be beyond the common human capabilities, and Yer's feat was a wonderful demonstration.
   When a common patient helped the nurse to stand and escape, Yer dropped the wall chunk. The strondous sound of the fall just confirmed the amazing feat and kicked Neimad out of his amazement. The room had half of the people than a moment ago, the evacuation seemed to be fast. Some armed guys in the corridor made hand gestures calling him, and he turned to call Yer, just in time to glimpse a police officer busting down the main door. A different officer jumped directly after Yer before the armed guys started firing at the cops, forcing them to take cover. The one after Yer tried to tackle them down. Neimad assumed the officer went after them because they looked like an easy target until the man screamed -"THAT’S YER, INFORM THE OTHERS AND COVER ME, WE HAVE TO CAPTURE THAT DAMN KID!"- Yer just laughed and put one foot in front of the other, and then stopped the man with one hand. The scene was shocking, their small arm stopped this man without recoiling, and then they kicked the man strong enough to send him flying directly to the wall. 
   Yer runed to Neimad and grabbed his arm before he could notice. He had almost forgotten about the situation. They rushed throughout the hospital to the dedicated port, where the men from Abraxxas were slowing the police’s advance and retiring slowly. Neimad took a look at his back, he could see police officers with wounds in their legs, and they were moving, but his mind was still fuzzy. 
The last hallway was after a room with a huge door. They blocked it with a barricade, Yer helped them with a large and heavy metal desk that was there to block the doors. With the door blocked, they rushed to the port. In the exit a man with red curly hair was leaning against a wall.. He wore a buttoned shirt with floral patterns and shorts, and looked too calm where every other person was running around.
   When Yer noticed him, they immediately went to him and said -"Are you mad!? Why are you bombing a frickin hospital!? I knew your people were a group of brainless barbarians who loved explosions, but a hospital!?"- Yer was fuming, but the man didn't flinch at all. -"Perhaps you should calm yourself before talking. Ah, you look so enthusiastic, something good happened?"- The man asked with a soft deep voice, almost like he was used to getting bossed around by Yer -"Look, I don’t have time for your games, I have to escape. We will meet again, and I'm going to kick your smug face. Come, Neimad, we have to go now."- After saying that, Yer made a gesture to Neimad -"What did I get into?"- he thought -"Wait, Yer. I know that you are used to avoiding being captured by yourself, but he isn't, am I wrong?"- The man said he was quite a sharp observer, Yer didn't answer him, only nodded. -"Then come with me, I have a ship outside, it is quite fast and we can easily avoid the police blockade. Besides, I want to know what this boy can do."- He smiled while looking at Neimad. Yer grinded their teeth, and look at Neimad -"I know that this is too much in one day, but it’s now or never. You can stay here and go with the police, or you can come with us. It’s your decision."- He knew what to say, and it wasn't hard to make up his mind. His life had been a waste until then, and he didn't have anywhere to go. And the other option isn't really an option. -"I don't have reasons to stay. Besides, I had no decision to make"- after saying that, Yer and the man nodded, and then they left the hallway and went to the port. There was a big spaceship, a modified transport model, they got on and then the man gave the order to take off at max speed. Neimad took a look to the city while they were leaving, maybe he took the wrong pack he was thinking, -"I didn't have an option"- Thought, but he can't help but feel like he was doing everything but his own desires. 

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Lost Ataraxia