Chapter 2:

Daniel Xander, Chapter 2: First Occurrence

Daniel Xander, Novel 0: Awakening

Daniel woke up late the next morning. It was 11:30, almost noon. The incidents of last night fired through his brain once again. Samuel's expression, Julia's uneasiness and Daniel's own disbelief. Jumped by a couple of punks. Really? Were the thugs waiting for Samuel outside the clinic? Had Samuel picked the fight? No, it seemed highly unlikely Samuel would do anything of this sort. Then again, Samuel had made it too obvious that he'd been lying. He again considered the possibility of Samuel indulging in something bad or shameful; and ruled it out. Whatever the reason, Daniel reckoned that he had certainly pissed his father off. No matter. He yawned and rubbed his eyes before going to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Changing into a plain olive green t shirt and jeans, he walked downstairs wondering what his parents were up to. Surely, they wouldn't be mad over him waking up so late? Not on his birthday, right?

Strange. The house seemed to be empty. His parents weren't around. Where had they gone off to? Walking into the kitchen, Daniel saw a note sticking to the fridge. Julia's handwriting.

"You were asleep, so we decided not to disturb you. Me and your father are going to get you a birthday gift and will be back by 2. There's food in the fridge. Don't leave the house and don't goof off! We will get your surprise and get back as soon as possible.- Mom"

A birthday surprise, huh? Daniel thought to himself smiling, his bitterness and doubts evaporating on the spot. "Stupid, guess you forgot to tell them about the puzzle." He muttered to himself before opening the fridge and taking out what was there. Pancakes.
Julia's best dish. Bingo.

"Well this isn't half bad," Daniel said half an hour later sitting on the couch and watching his father's detective movies. Relatively straightforward ones. Yeah, it wasn't bad. At least then it wasn't. Daniel wondered what his parents were getting him. A video game, like the ones his schoolmates had? Daniel didn't like that idea a lot. Video games weren't too good if he wasn't getting to show them off to anyone. A new volume of detective comics? Probably a puzzle? His parents did know his interests well. Sounds of gunshots blared from the TV. He'd almost forgotten that it was on. The hero had rescued the heroine as always and they were gonna live happily now. Or at least till the sequel. Daniel sighed and got up stretching. He wasn't feeling like watching TV. Maybe a stroll in the backyard. Might get to talk to the neighbour's kid. He was often in his backyard too. Daniel could tell by the kid's dreamy expressions that he was mostly immersed in his world of fiction. Daniel got the same dreamy expression when he was trying to write his own crime-thriller novel. His attempts were often in vain.

He walked towards the back door, and stopped. The air around the back was filled with a stench of something rotting. It was the same terrible stench which had filled Daniel's room and almost made him pass out when a rat had died there. But where was this coming from? Another dead rat? Their house did have a lot of them after all. Should he check it out? Maybe not the best idea. He didn't know what to do with it, and in all honesty, cleaning a dead rat wasn't what he had in mind for his birthday. And how do you even clean a dead rat? Blocking his nose, he walked out the back door into the sun. He checked his wristwatch. It was about one o' clock. They were gonna be back soon. Well, the day had been fun this far. Julia's delicious pancakes and Samuel's cheesy, but enjoyable detective movies, Daniel cherished both things. Plus he knew his track team were gonna organise a little private party for him in the evening. The weather was awesome as well. One didn't get this type of weather in June often. The sun shining bright and hot in the cloudless sky, and the cool breeze making it a perfect weather for taking a nap out in the open. But Daniel wasn't feeling drowsy at all. On the contrary, he felt more awake than ever. His backyard was small.

There was a shed in one corner, which had some equipment and a small flower patch. When he'd been younger, he'd wanted to build a treehouse there. Unfortunately, there were no trees. Sitting still was hard when Daniel felt so good. Maybe he ought to go for a run. He could come back before his parents' return. No, not worth the trouble. Maybe he should call out the neighbour's kid! They could read comics or something. Maybe he would get to know him better and make an actual friend, out of his track team. He walked towards the fence.

The neighbours' backyard and Daniel's backyard were separated by a tall fence. Peeking over would probably draw too much attention to him. Luckily, there was a small hole in the wood which gave Daniel the perfect way to look through and check if the kid was in the backyard or not.

Daniel walked towards the tiny hole in the fence. Just a small peek to check whether or not somebody was outside. He'd looked through before to catch a glimpse of his neighbours. Come to think of it, he had never actually seen the kid's parents leave the house. Never seen them in the backyard or even outside. Maybe that was because Daniel didn't get to leave the house often. He had only ever seen the kid. He was a bit taller than Daniel, with pale skin and honey blonde hair. His eyes were black and he had thick eyebrows with a rather upturned nose.

Daniel looked through the hole in the fence. He'd been hoping to catch a glimpse of the kid hanging out in his backyard. He'd been hoping to catch the glimpse of maybe, an empty backyard, but Daniel saw neither of those things. He saw a single bloodshot eye staring back at him. Daniel retreated, startled, so quickly he fell back. Jeez, he thought with a small gasp, was the kid watching me this whole time? What's gotten into him? Maybe I should talk to him. He got up to call the kid out, but with another small gasp, he saw the kid peeking over the fence staring at him. His eyes weren't bloodshot as Daniel had seen; they were completely red, iris and all, with a small black pupil. A small chill passed over Daniel. The kid wasn't saying anything, just staring at him with his red eyes and a completely vacant expression. What was he thinking?

"Gave me quite a scare man." Daniel said with an attempt at laughing and cursed himself mentally. He was sounding like Samuel. "So," he began again, as the kid looked at him completely blank, "my name is Daniel Xander. What's yours?" His finish was a small
stammer. This kid was seriously weirding him out. Why was he staring at his face like that? What was his deal? "Uh hello?" Daniel said again, "Are you ok dude? Wh-what's up?" His voice was seriously trembling right now. "Hey!" Daniel said rather loudly, "Hey, I am talking to you! What's wrong with you? Why are you staring at me?" No response. Just a bone chilling stare. "Fine, I am going back in." Said Daniel. This kid was definitely messing with him. Was this a prank? Daniel casually began strolling back towards his house. Maybe the guy would speak up now.

He had barely moved two steps. Two steps before he felt a breath on his neck and the air began to stink of rotting flesh. A slow rustle behind him, like a rattlesnake's warning, before it struck and sank it's fangs into the prey. Time slowed down, and he didn't know what came over him, but he jumped forward fast, barely missing the teeth of the kid which had been on their way to tearing his throat open in a single strike. What had come over him just now? He had vaulted through the air like an actual gymnast. It was as if his body had reacted instinctively, on its own accord. Daniel turned and saw the horrible sight which was before him, before that- that thing launched itself towards him and pinned him down. It's face was almost human, except the eyes were completely red.
Beneath the neck, the body was covered in thin needle like spikes. The skin was absolutely white. It's body odour was foul. The same scent he'd smelled in the back of his house. It almost made Daniel want to puke. It was dressed like a human boy, but nothing was human about this thing. One of its arms was severed, and blood was dripping all over the place. There was also a hole in its shirt, right where the heart was supposed to be. An actual monster? Really? It had been just a second. As Daniel had turned back to see what had attacked him, it had launched itself forward with unimaginable speed. Now it was on top of Daniel. As it opened it's mouth, Daniel felt like he was actually breathing poison. The teeth were almost entirely like needles. Daniel tried to struggle, but moving was impossible. It was as if a truck was lying on his chest. He couldn't breath and his body felt like steel bands were tightening themselves around him.

The monster drew back it's head to strike again. And Daniel was sure this was it, he was gonna go. A light flashed before him, and he wondered if this was like in the movies. Maybe, the gate to the next world had opened itself for him. Yes, that must be it. The stench was gone, and Daniel felt light. As if someone was lifting him up. He smiled a serene smile. Here I come-

"How long are you gonna lean on me like this? Not that I am complaining, but I only came to save you from the ghoul, not to be your crutch." An indignant voice said, whisking Daniel out of his dream. He jumped away from the guy who had lifted him to his feet. Had all of this been a hallucination? Had he collapsed and the neighbour kid had come to his aid?

What the heck? The world came into focus and he saw who it was standing in front of him.
The guy was tall and muscular, like a boxer. He was ruggedly handsome, with long spiked up black hair, narrow black eyes, and a slight stubble. His skin was tanned. He wore a sleeveless shirt with black cargo pants. His expression said he wasn't too pleased at that moment.
What HAD just happened? Who was this guy? Daniel took a step back. Realisation dawned onto him and he looked around. Looked around for the neighbour's kid. No. It was as if he had disappeared without a trace. How so?

"You done?" Said the guy. He was examining his nails and looking very.....superior. "If you are looking for the ghoul, it's not here," he continued with a bored expression, "I made it's essence dissipate. It's as good as grains of sand flying through the air."

Daniel couldn't bring his head around what this guy was trying to say. Ghoul.....essence...sand....what was this guy's deal? He found his voice, and hoped that it would sound as confident and manly as he hoped. Unfortunately, he was so breathless from what he had just witnessed, he hadn't even realised. "Gh...oul? Wha-....what do you mean?" He wheezed, "wh-....who are you?"
"Some thanks for saving your life." The guy said in an irritated voice, "My name is Nathan Kyle. And by a ghoul, I meant a class 3 mystical being. The thing that attacked you just now. I killed it. You're welcome." His voice was full of mockery. It was as if he couldn't take into account how weird all of this was for Daniel. And it was a bit too weird for Daniel. Frightening, in fact. Then there was also this weird lingo he used. This guy was either messing with Daniel, or something otherworldly had just taken place.

"You-you took care of it? But what was it even? And why did it attack me?" Daniel said.
There were about half a million questions in his brain at that moment, but he felt it would be better to simply ask the ones that were the most straightforward.

"Never mind that right now. Nah! Hush!" said Nathan shoving aside Daniel's enquiries. "Look pal, I am under orders currently. Your trivial doubts can wait for later. Right now you are my responsibility." Daniel felt a small dislike for Nathan growing in his head. He couldn't even bother to explain to Daniel what had threatened his life. The other guy raised his head a bit and looked around, as if he was examining the surroundings. He squinted and raised his arm. With a small start Daniel realised that his arms were scarred pretty badly. 3 scars on one arm, and 3 on the other. They were circular with a weird outline. Gunshot wounds? Or.... Daniel realised with another small shock, that on closer inspection, they weren't scars; no indeed, they were marks. Black marks which looked like they were burnt into his skin. And one of them was glowing. Daniel realised that this was a test of how much weirdness he could take. But the shock he felt was clearly reflecting on his face, because Nathan said, "What's up? Something on my face?" Daniel shook his head. He had a feeling that Nathan thought he was awestruck. He was definitely not struck with awe. More like horror and disbelief. This was a dream, right? It had to be. That was the only logical explanation.

Nathan lowered his hand and looked at Daniel. "You are looking like a frightened and shellshocked cat. Stop looking so horrified." Nathan said. Unfortunately for Daniel, he couldn't quit feeling horrified. It was like Nathan expected him to comprehend what was even going on. He gritted his teeth. "What is that you were doing? Just now?" Daniel asked, hoping that it would at least give him some explanation.

"I was running a check on this cluster. For potential threats." Said the other guy, "I can't sense any at all at the moment. Though," he paused for a bit as though unsure of something, "I can sense a small fry heading our way. Very close." A smile appeared on his face. It wasn't a good natured or friendly smile. It was as if he was considering how he was going to kill this "small fry". Daniel felt an urge to get away from this man. It was the feeling of dread he got when he read one of his novels and saw that the protagonist was doomed. This man, whoever he was, whatever he was, was incredibly dangerous.

"It's here." He said with the same creepy smile. "Hmm....wonder what's gonna hit me. What's it gonna-" his words were cut short as the back door opened and a figure darted out with lightning speed. Nathan raised his hand just as fast with something of a leisurely comfort in his expression and body language. Then he froze, his expression turning to surprise; just as Samuel Xander struck out with his fist and caught Nathan in the face with a bone cracking punch. His expression was one full of ferocity. Nathan flew back and hit the ground on his back. Daniel stood there horror struck. He had never watched his father move like that. Never seen his father strike anyone. Samuel didn't wait for Nathan to recover. He drew back his fist again and punched with the same strength. But Nathan was on his feet in one swift motion Daniel didn't even think was humanly possible. He caught Samuel's fist mid-strike. His smile was back in place, but his expression was one of condescension. "Relax now, old timer," he drawled, "we all know you don't have that much of strength left on you pops. And I would rather not disintegrate you." Samuel stared into Nathan's face. His expression was turning from ferocity, to surprise. Slowly, Nathan let go of his fist. He gave a dry chuckle. Suddenly, Daniel's mother flew out of nowhere and hugged Daniel hard. "Oh honey," she said breathless, as if she had run the whole way, "I am so glad you are ok."

Gently detaching herself from Daniel, she looked from Nathan to Samuel, and back to Nathan. Her eyes narrowed as they did when she had trouble cleaning a particularly stubborn stain. "Gentlemen," she said her voice careful and calculated, like she was handling people who could explode at the slightest bit of hostility, "I suppose we can probably discuss matters over some tea and biscuits? I wouldn't mind making some."
Samuel nodded. He hadn't said a word to Nathan, but was eyeing him as if he was a fly in his soup. Nathan was looking at all of them with an expression of arrogant amusement. "Yeah, I like tea." He said with a small grin.

Samuel's extreme discomfort was apparent from how fidgety he was. Julia had just gone to the kitchen to get the tea and snacks. Her expression and body language were making it clear to Daniel that his party had been crashed by a guest none of them were particularly glad to see. This guest however, seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. Nathan Kyle was sitting on the couch spreading out as if he was the boss of the house. There was a big smile on his face. As for Daniel, he couldn't help but think that something big was gonna happen.

And he wasn't too glad. He kept his mouth shut for the most part, only nodding when Samuel asked him if he was ok. Julia entered the living room carrying a tray loaded with tea and biscuits. She set it on the table and gestured everyone to help themselves. "Well, this feels really nice," Nathan said, "I can't remember the last time old timers treated me with such hospitality. I remember when I went to this guy's house in New York and he almost forced me to blow up half the city-" his words were cut short by Samuel's dry chuckle. "For a system buster," said Samuel with a humourless smile, "you don't seem to have a shred of humility. I remember I could destroy punks like you with no trouble in my prime. 10-12 hits max."
"I am sure of that," said Nathan coolly, "I would like to see you try now. What was your
Imperium again Samuel? Reactive evolution I believe it was called? A truly useful one. Sadly, you let your emotions get the better of you. Guess stupid clingy men like you should be born as mortals. Instead of trying to pull your weight you became a burden and made Robert Brown into a-" Samuel jumped to his feet and walked towards Nathan getting dangerously close. "Choose your next words carefully," Samuel said in a quiet voice, his anger evident from his face, which looked like a mask. "Or what?" Said Nathan looking and sounding amused, "Gonna punch me again? That wouldn't do much good, chief, considering that you hit like a girl-"
"If you want," Julia said deadly calm, sipping tea, "I can show you just how hard a woman can hit. Word of advice, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end. Idiots like you. All bark, no bite."

Samuel and Nathan both stared. Without another word Samuel walked away from Nathan. He sat back down and started to gulp down his own tea. Nathan's expression was no longer amused. He didn't look angry either, but there was a seriousness in his face, like Julia's threat had awakened something in him. Daniel finally saw his opening. It had been one hour since he had last spoken. Very impressive considering his brain was exploding from an overload. "So," he said to everyone in the room, "can someone please tell me now what is actually going on?" His voice was whiny.
"What is going on? Well, the earth is rotating and the universe is continuing to exist as the stream of time is flowing-" Nathan seemed to have regained some of his attitude back though his expression was still serious, but before he could continue, Daniel cut right through him. He'd had enough of this. Enough of Nathan's attitude and his parents' quietness. "Ok shut up!" He snapped at Nathan angrily, "Give me a straight answer, or just keep your damn mouth shut!" Nathan must not have expected this, because he stopped, coolly set his cup down and crossed his arms. Good enough for now. "Dad," Daniel said, turning to his father, unable to keep the desperation out of his voice, "what is happening?"

Samuel looked at Daniel for a moment, which was infuriating. Was he still considering what he should tell Daniel? Even after Daniel had almost been killed by a 'ghoul', Samuel couldn't bring himself to tell Daniel? "Dad!" Daniel said again with a bit of urgency. Samuel looked away and looked at Nathan meaningfully, as if asking a question. Nathan simply shrugged. Then he turned to Julia. She nodded. "Ok," Samuel said his voice sharp, "I am going to tell you everything you need to know Daniel. But fair warning, you are gonna think that either I have gone senile, or am making up a ridiculous story. I am doing neither of those things." He paused for a moment , eyes fixed on Daniel. Daniel figured he was asking for his approval.

He slowly nodded, not understanding what unbelievable story Samuel was going to tell him. At this point, Daniel didn't think anything could be unbelievable.

"So Daniel. I understand that you know about our universe and the multiverse?" Samuel asked as Daniel nodded. He had only just learnt about the theory that their universe wasn't the only one. It was part of multiple universes. "Well, there is actually a reality completely different from this universe we live in. This multiverse our universe is a part of. This bigger reality is like a cloth sewn with space-time and reality. In simple words, we are part of the fabric with which the cloth is made. Tear the cloth and we are finished. Keep it as it is, and we continue to exist. This cloth, this result of sewing space-time and reality together is bigger than dimensions, bigger than the science we have explored. Yes, it is science, just an unknown part of it. What makes this, this existence what it is. We call this cloth, a Plane."

Samuel paused, as if allowing Daniel to comprehend. Daniel did have something to ask. "You are saying," he said trying to rack his brain a bit. He'd always been interested in science, but the absurdity of this, this concept of a Plane, the cloth made with space-time and reality, it was freaking Daniel out a bit. Giving his question a more general form, he continued, "that the- the existence, it doesn't end even with the multiverse?"
"Indeed," said Samuel, "there is something infinitely more vast. The Planes. The cloth of space-time and reality. Literally, everything that exists, exists in a Plane, nothing beyond. I know it is a bit hard to understand. Especially the scale of things, but for now, I will just let you know the basics. Do you understand what a plane is?"

"Yeah," said Daniel, "basically, the fabric of existence itself. Made with space-time and reality."

"Very good." Said Samuel looking rather pleased, "the other thing you need to know is that there are 5 of them. Yes, five Planes." He repeated to the bewildered expression on Daniel's face. Already, he'd learnt about an existence bigger than the multiverse itself, now he was learning that there wasn't just one, but 5.

"But as of now," he continued, "you only have to know about two. The biggest, and the smallest. The biggest Plane is the one we live in. The known and the unknown multiverse.

Everything falls under the second Plane. The smallest plane is no bigger than this galaxy. But since it's another fabric of space-time and reality entirely, it's the known universe of the people who live there. I am speaking of where I was born." He paused as if remembering the old times. It was the first time Daniel had seen his father lost in nostalgia. He never talked about his school or college days or of his childhood. "It is the Plane of semi-mortals and immortals," said Samuel, "it is the third Plane."

The silence that drew out was one full of awkwardness. Amplified by Nathan's dry chuckles in the background. His father had been right. Daniel was thinking that this was all just a huge prank with actors and fancy science gadgets. Either that, or everyone was losing their minds. Alternate existences? Different Planes? What was going on here? This was too much to fathom. Also, what did he mean when he said semi mortals and immortals?

"So, what you are saying is," Daniel said finding his voice, "that you are from the third Plane?" Samuel nodded.
"And the third Plane is the Plane of semi-mortals and immortals." Samuel nodded again. "So that means, you are a semi mortal too?"
Samuel nodded yet again.
"And what about you?" Daniel asked turning to Nathan, "you are a semi mortal as well?" "Everyone in this room is a semi mortal," said Nathan in a bored voice, "everyone except your mother." Daniel turned to look at her. She sighed. "It's true," she said, "when Samuel first told me about these alternative existences, I refused to believe him. I declared him mad. I was wrong. Though the look on his face was worth it," she snickered, "but yes, these alternative existences do exist. I didn't believe it until I saw for myself. What they are, what they can do......" Her voice died away as if remembering what they could do was not a very sweet memory.

"But what can they do?" Daniel asked, wondering how Nathan had made the ghoul disappear, "How did you make the ghoul disappear?"
"I can't tell you here, not right now." Said Nathan, "My priority is to take you with me. Any questions you have can wait for when we reach our destination. It's already late." "Destina-" Daniel began, but his words were cut short by Samuel and Julia, both of whom stood up. They converged towards Daniel, their backs towards him, like they were guarding a safe from robbers. "You aren't taking our son anywhere." said Samuel balling his fists.

"Not while we live." Said Julia crossing her arms.
Nathan looked from one to another. The arrogance had left his expression. In fact, his expression was almost......gentle. It felt like watching Samuel and Julia stand in front of Daniel with such protectiveness had awakened the part in him which had last been awakened when he'd heard Julia's threat.
"I have no intention of forcing you," he said quietly, "but what you are doing with the boy; caging him because you think the dangers are too much, this is something I am sure Karstum wouldn't stand for. Either way his deadline is approaching," he paused because Samuel and Julia were both staring at him. "What?"
"No- no way," Samuel said sounding horrified, "I- I gave up my imperium, gave up living in Anoterose, gave up the life I could have had, and I am still in his debt? He still has more to ask for? The boy is powerless, he hasn't inherited anything, he- he will die."
"You know we won't let that happen," said Nathan with such gentleness it was hard to believe he'd just been acting so insolent, "as for you giving up your powers, you know, with all due respect, that doesn't mean you wouldn't still be indebted, not to mention Karstum has given you so much. Identities, official records, reputation, and enough funds to actually start your life in this Plane." He was regaining his haughty attitude slowly. "But we can't let him-" Julia began but Nathan raised a hand to stop her. It wasn't a threatening gesture, more like exasperated. "Please," he said, "I can't take more of this. I understand your worries and all, but it is very clear to all of us that the boy needs to come with me." Daniel had officially reached his limit. He couldn't make out what any of this meant. The only thing he could make out was that Nathan wanted Daniel to go with him to Anoterose. But what was Anoterose? A place in the third Plane? And what was this about his father's debt and about Daniel being powerless? Wasn't EVERYONE powerless? Daniel could tell that as long as he stood his ground and refused to go anywhere, he could just continue living his normal life. Is that what you want? A voice spoke in Daniel's head, cold and cunning. It is like Nathan said you know, you will be caged here. Maybe forever. Your growth will be limited, and you will have to contend yourself with the same boring life. No challenges. This Nathan dude is shady, but he seems to have answers. Daniel realised that his pent up frustration was making him wanna go with Nathan. These were just the thoughts he always had, finally taking the wheel now that he had a reliable source of answers.

"Ok," he said, his voice not very audible. Everyone turned. They seemed to have forgotten that Daniel was still there. "Ok, I need a solid minute." He thought about what he should do. Defy his father and mother? Not a very logical thing to do. But he didn't wanna remain sheltered for the rest of his life.

"Actually," Samuel said, his voice sounding defeated, "I don't think we have any options. Everything changes if your deadline is approaching. I thought after all my sacrifices, the blood oath wouldn't hold, but it still does, and we can't defy that." His face looked older, like he'd aged about 10 years in a span of a few minutes. "No Julia," he said to Daniel's mother, seeing that she was opening her mouth to argue, "You have only heard about what they do to those who break an oath like that. I have seen it. There is no evasion. It will be instant. The verdict." He put his face in his hands. He looked seriously beaten. It looked like things had finally gone out of his grasp and he had control over nothing. Daniel couldn't understand what was going to happen. Would he have to go with Nathan? Was this abnormal world all of them were talking about a reality? A different fabric of space-time and reality itself, huh? Daniel thought to himself. It did make a little sense, he supposed.

"So," Nathan said rubbing his eyes and yawning, "I am a little tired. I kinda messed up locations and had to scour all of Japan, before Smith Baker told me that the location was in America. I hope you don't mind me crashing here for tonight? I will take him with me tomorrow and explain whatever he has to ask." Both nodded. Samuel was looking down at his feet. "That's cool then." Said Nathan, "I better send a message to Smith before he swims all the way here and strangles me for not telling him about the date modification. I will be back in half an hour." He left the house, leaving the distressed trio in silence.

The scent of Julia's cooking came all the way to Daniel's room upstairs. He was lying on his bed. This incomprehensible new world he'd just been told about, this debt thing and most of all, Samuel's defeated face, all of these things were making his head ache. It was straight out of a comic book. Except the scale was bigger than imagination. Different Planes. Wow.

There was a knock on his door. He sat up and said, "Yeah come on in." It was Samuel, as he'd been expecting. He looked horribly pale. He sat down beside Daniel. Daniel's old man had never been beaten in an argument before. The points he put forward, and his sound reasoning for them was baffling. He usually persuaded people to do what he wanted them to do. This was like manipulation in a way, but Samuel didn't operate with threats or anything damaging. Seeing him admit that he couldn't do anything was a surprise, definitely.
"Hey dad?" Daniel said, attempting to comfort his father, "It's not like a huge loss or anything. I can go with Nathan. It's not a big deal, you know, I can take care of myself." "Sure," said Samuel, not looking at him, "you can take care of yourself, even when surrounded by beings with unfathomable powers. Daniel, you are powerless. It will take a great deal out of you. Probably cause you pain beyond imagination."

Powerless. What was this word? What did it even mean? Daniel had figured out that Nathan had some powers. He'd finished the ghoul off. And it wasn't a hallucination obviously. But what were these powers?

"Dad," he began but Samuel raised his hand. "I know what you are going to ask me Daniel," he said, "you are going to ask me about these powers. I can't tell you everything. It will take too long. All you need to know right now is that these powers are called Imperiums. And everyone is born with one. It's the fundamental rule. For some people though, they are immensely repressed, and you have to bring them out by nurturing and training. Yes," he said looking at Daniel as he stared, "you have an Imperium. Your own superpower. Heh, must be a dream come true for you," a ghost of a smile passed his face, "they usually start developing at five. But it is repressed in you. You will find out the reason for that one day, I promise. Just not today." He got up and stretched, probably out of habit. Daniel stared at his own hands. His own superpower? His own Imperium? One he could use and master? What could it be? Super strength would be pretty cool, he supposed.

"Dad?" Said Daniel as Samuel was about to leave, "Does this mean you knew about the ghoul as well?"
"Yes," replied Samuel, "in fact, I had gone to kill it last night after seeing how active it had gotten all of a sudden. My plan originally was to kill it, let Nathan find out that the danger had passed, and send him off. Unfortunately, it was on especially high alert. I thought I had killed it but it was able to regenerate. By the time I arrived, well I couldn't see who it was in front of you, and ended up attacking Nathan." He sighed, "I understand you still have a lot of questions, but they can wait, till tomorrow. Nathan will explain everything." With that, he left the room, leaving Daniel alone and wondering as to what could be so terrible about this world of semi mortals and immortals.
I should be feeling angry, he thought to himself, after all, they kept my reality from me this whole time. But he didn't feel an ounce of anger. There wasn't a point in antagonising his parents after all they'd done to keep him safe. And safe is what Daniel wanted to be. If going out into this world meant destruction and scary ghoulish creatures like the one he'd encountered today, he'd rather stay in his house no matter what. He couldn't even tell what the monstrosity was until it finally revealed itself and attacked Daniel. If there were more like it, disguised as regular people, waiting to attack innocent people, then he didn't want any of it. But, maybe, if Samuel had trained him beforehand, maybe he wouldn't have had to depend on Nathan. He remembered how he'd been able to jump as far in a fraction of a second as the ghoul had attacked. Such instincts had never taken over Daniel before. But Samuel had said that his Imperium was repressed.

And there's only so much training his old man could have given him. No, there wasn't a point being angry after all. His dad hadn't ever wanted to send him away, and frankly, Daniel didn't want to go all that bad, no matter how many answers him leaving promised. But how should he be feeling then? More than anything, Daniel felt confused and even a little scared. He had to leave his house and his parents behind in the next 24 hours. But for how long? And what exactly would he have to do? During Samuel and Nathan's heated exchange, Daniel had picked up something about a debt and a deadline. He shivered a bit. Would he be forced to work in order to repay Samuel's debt? He was only 15. What could they possibly want from him? What were they gonna make him do Why-
"Dan," came Julia's voice from downstairs, "come on down. Dinner's on the table."

By the time he got down he had calmed down reasonably, though obviously he was still very nervous about the next day. He could never have guessed what was waiting for him downstairs in the dining room. A gigantic chocolate birthday cake was sitting in the middle of the dining table. Surrounding the cake were chef Julia's masterpieces. Dishes laid with fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, kebabs, and almost all of Daniel's favourite mouth watering dishes. Nathan, Samuel and Julia were standing around the table, and Daniel was almost surprised to see that all of them, even Nathan, were smiling at him. It was very confusing for him to figure out what was going on, and at the same time, it wasn't confusing at all. But with all of what had happened with the ghoul, a birthday party was Daniel's last expectation.
"Well," Nathan said in a kind of demanding tone, "are you so shocked you can't tell what's happening? Please tell me that's not the case. I had to lug this cake around with me once Samuel let me know it is your birthday today. Happy birthday." Daniel looked at him incredulously. Was this even the same guy? The one who'd mocked Samuel and acted all high and mighty in front of Daniel? His tone certainly had some flatness. But there was a friendliness in his eyes. Just a small spark which suggested that maybe, he didn't spite them all that much. Daniel finally found his voice. "Tha- thanks, but isn't this a bit muc-" before he could finish his sentence, the door bell rang. Daniel looked over. Who was it? More food? Or.... Julia went to get the door. Daniel looked at his father. There was some crookedness in his smile. This couldn't be a very good sign. "Well Xander," said a voice from the doorway, as Daniel sucked his breath in and turned around, "you certainly have a nice house. I can't imagine why you refrained from inviting us over until today." They were here. For the first time, and dressed in something other than the signature t shirt and shorts. The track team members, Sunil, Chadwick, Tim and Luke were all here.
"Guys?" Said Daniel the disbelief dripping from his face, "What are you doing here?"
"I think that should be extremely clear," said Sunil, "isn't it your birthday weirdo? Your mother asked us to come celebrate with you."

This is what a birthday party should look like, Daniel thought to himself as he looked around and saw people chatting. Nathan was acting like a cousin from very far away. From time to time, Samuel would give him a meaningful look or whisper something, to which he'd nod back. He seemed to be enjoying himself with these kids he didn't even know. "Don't worry," he had said to Daniel, "I keep up with human trends and whatnot. I should be able to communicate well." Looking at Nathan now, he didn't seem to stick out as much as Daniel had expected him too. He was wearing one of Samuel's full sleeve t shirts to cover his marks. Under other circumstances, Daniel wouldn't have suspected that there was anything unusual about him. He looked like an average college senior. A chill passed over Daniel. He had almost forgotten that he was going to leave tomorrow for god knows how long. He'd already told his track team about this, but none of them had been particularly concerned.

He hadn't specified to them exactly where he was going or for how long. They probably only thought that he was going to a summer camp of sorts. Of course Daniel couldn't tell them where he was going. What would he say? Anoterose? In the third plane? No way anyone was gonna believe that.

Finally, the party came to an end. Everyone seemed to have enjoyed it immensely. Partly because of Julia's cooking and partly because of how well Samuel and Nathan got along with Daniel's friends. It was weird, how Samuel wasn't treating Nathan with hostility anymore. Daniel was certain his father wasn't gonna warm up to the semi mortal anytime soon, but at least he wasn't chewing Nathan out either. "Well," he said, stretching and yawning, "finally we got that over with."
"Yeah," said Nathan from the couch, "it was fun while it lasted. I don't remember the last time I actually was able to enjoy a home-cooked meal. That," he said, with a bow in Julia's direction, who had just appeared in the living room, "I have to thank you for."
"Oh, it was nothing." Said Julia waving an airy hand, though Daniel was almost certain his mother looked pleased.

"So," said Samuel to Nathan, "what do you reckon I should do with the severed hand?" Daniel almost choked on his glass of water. Hand? Hand?
"Dissolve it," said Nathan conversationally, "though I have no idea what you should use for that. Mortal chemicals on mystical be-"
"Hold on," said Daniel feeling like he was gonna be sick, "what hand?" Both Samuel and Nathan stared.

"Didn't you say your son is smart as hell?" Nathan asked Samuel staring at Daniel.
"Yes," Samuel said cleaning his glasses, "though I suspect his observation skills aren't too polished given all that he had to input today. After all, we did throw all of this at him out of the blue. The ghoul's hand," said Samuel turning to Daniel, and raising his own to make it clear what he was talking about, "I severed it. Hid it under the floor boards at the back of the house. I wasn't expecting it to give off that strong of a smell."
So that is what the smell had been. Daniel was suddenly hyper-aware that he'd eaten too much.

"I don't know why you weren't," said Nathan, "I suppose you have had your fair share of ghoul encounters."
"Not really," said Samuel, "I wasn't the type to go hunt. I thought maybe it wouldn't be noticeable."
"By the way," said Daniel wonderingly, "when you went to kill the ghoul, why didn't you stick around to check if it was dead or not?"
"Ghouls can take human forms," said Samuel, "if you kill them in human form, they die, and that's it. It takes them time to transition back into monster form once they have taken human form, and vice versa. I attempted killing it in human form and almost ended up succeeding, taking a limb with me. But the monster," he said giving a dry chuckle, "hadn't completely died. Ghouls have advanced regeneration. Once it was able to turn back into it's monster form, it must have regenerated itself. It was probably too tired to strike again. So it must have decided it best to wait for me to leave."

Daniel remembered the smell of rotting flesh, just a millisecond before the creature had almost torn Daniel's throat open with its teeth. His skin tingled oddly. The fact that he'd escaped death that narrowly, it was bizarre. "Uh, thanks," he said to Nathan. He'd just realised he hadn't even thanked Nathan after he had saved his life. "Oh," said Nathan looking pleasantly surprised, "Yeah, you're welcome." He said grinning. What exactly Nathan had done to save his life, Daniel didn't yet know. Maybe he should ask about his imperium. He wondered if that would be weird. He decided against it. "When are we leaving then?" He asked Nathan.

"I think," he replied with his hand under his chin, like he was in deep thought, "the best time to leave is by 9 o' clock. Which means you should pack."
"But what should I pack?" Daniel asked.
"Essentials," said Nathan waving a hand, "some clothing, it will take us time to get you settled down. Other than that, I dunno. Food is my responsibility. The rest is yours." "And," continued Daniel, "for how long are we going?" Nathan tensed, as if he hadn't been expecting this question. Without looking at Daniel, he said, "I don't know exactly for how long. I suppose we should be back before the summer ends." Daniel had become kinda good at reading people and being able to tell when they were lying. He could immediately tell that Nathan wasn't giving him the complete story. He opened his mouth to speak, but Julia coughed suddenly and pointed at the wall clock. It was well over 11 o' clock.
"If you gentlemen are gonna leave tomorrow," she said, "I think all of you need a good night's sleep. Off to bed Dan dear." Daniel got up and left the living room. No one in the right mind would disobey Julia. He still wanted to know what was it that Nathan wasn't telling him, but decided to give it a rest. There was a long day ahead of him. And he still couldn't get over the vastness of this new world before him. Anoterose.....a place of semi mortals. Heh, he thought to himself, guess I am gonna be a superhero. And with that thought, he collapsed into bed and slept like a statue, dreaming about all sorts of weird powers, and what this world of semi mortals and immortals would look like.