Chapter 3:

Operation panic!

The tale of the ball

As our ball is now in this house the sun starts to rise, the ball see's a very hot stove, it starts criss-crossing around the burning parts of the stove.

"It's looking pretty good." thought the ball, but he couldn't get relaxed that easily, after all he was still in some humans house! When the ball past the burning stove he realized that the humans forgot to turn it off!

This meant that the air was smokey! Luckily toy balls don't really get effected at all by smoke. He had already cleared the stove, but he had to find another way to get out of the house besides that window that leads to an alleyway with a cat!

The ball didn't know what he was doing, but he had to find another way out, or the humans would take him just like the humans that bought him. So he quickly bounced over the sink, but as he did that he heard a yawn. He knew what that meant a human was waking up! Than he heard another yawn, and another yawn, and another!

He knew what this meant, the humans came in and saw the ball! They assumed that The Ball bounced on the stove and turned it on, the humans got mad, so they all got spatulas and started trying to attack the ball! The ball bounced, and bounced, finally it found the fridge! He hid behind it and was terrified.

It was terrified, and just wanted to go back to the old toy shop it used to be in. It wasn't looking good, and the ball was almost out of ideas! So he had to do something he'd never done, he had to bounce as fast he could to another exit!

However the humans had already found him! The Dad of the family took him, and brought the ball to a room, and in that room there was something that seemed to be a secret chest. But Than the Dad put The Ball in the chest!

The Ball was panicking so much, that he almost didn't notice that there were other balls in the chest for some reason. And as soon as The Ball noticed this, it explained everything! The reason there were so many balls in the chest, and why HE got put into the chest, and also why the DAD took the ball instead of the kids!

It was because the Dad had a ball collection, but The Ball didn't have time to think about that anymore, he had to come up with a plan, but it wasn't too easy because you don't have much things to work off of when you're in a chest. Luckily he used all that little bit of brain power he had left and came up with a plan!

He told all the other balls in bounce language, "Ok guys I've got a plan, how about we all bounce until we break open the chest!" The other balls agreed, so one by one all the balls bounced, and bounced, and bounced! And finally it opened, all the balls bounced out, and they were in luck because there was a window leading outside just beside them, in the room with the chest.

One by one all of them bounced back to their owners home, but The Ball who made up the plan didn't have anywhere to go, so he was now lost in the city of New York.