Chapter 1:


The Myth of Kiarathyto

Humans are a failure that worked out - Said Tyar, a few moments ago. I'm now inclined to agree.


I was sure I was gonna die. Because somehow I thought simply jumping from a structure that was floating in the sky without a plan was an option. And as I saw gravity promoting a date between the ground and me, I quickly forgot I was a demigod. It was almost the time for the kiss and I had already closed my eyes. But---


I felt my body loosing speed and when I opened my eyes, I saw the landscape standing still. Actually, it was still moving, it just slowed down. I can see my body covered by a wind barrier, which was probably what halted my descending. It worked like a parachute and soon enough my body gently reached the ground.

"I'm safe..."

I wonder. Was this my power as a demigod? Was it activated by instinct alone? What else can I do?

"This place is...quite striking."

I fell in one of those multicolored forests. I can see big trees with blue leaves, small trees with purple leaves and even some exotic trees with white leaves. There's also more common ones like trees with yellow, green or pink leaves. But they all blend really well together. There's a big tree that looks like a question mark, one that has a thin trunk but two thick branches that goes down until the ground and have its leaves form some kind of garden, there's also this one that has too many branches to count. Makes me question what kind of environment would make a biome like that...

I started walking through the trees. I don't think there's a good trail I could follow, so I try my best to not trip in some root. 

"Whoo-whii. Whoo-whii."


I got startled by some kind of whisper that echoed through the forest. I stopped and looked around. 



I couldn't contain my surprise to what I saw. Small flying glowing things appeared around me. They look like a ball of light with big energy wings. They are small enough to fit in my hands, but their wings are twice as big as their body. Perhaps they are what people would call fairies. There's about six or seven of them.


"Sorry. I don't think I can understand what you are saying..."

The glowing things started to fly west. Are they trying to guide me? Since I was going north, it may be the case. I decided to follow them. Since they can fly and I am on foot in this dense forest, I soon lost sight of them.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

If it was at night, it'd be easier to spot them... By the way, I'm still amazed by this green sky. I'd say it's kinda scary to look up and see a different sky than usual. Anyway, seems like I'm about to reach somewhere, the trees are getting scarce.

It didn't take more than ten or so minutes to get out of the forest. The first thing I see is... A wall. A really long wall. Searching for an entrance will be a pain and the glowing things are nowhere to see. I started to walk near the wall... And realized this place is probably a city, it's too big!

I walked in a straight line for a good twenty minutes until I reached a corner. It's interesting to think I walked this much fully armored without even breaking a sweat. I don't feel tired at all. Which is good, because I had to walk fifteen minutes until I saw something different.

Are those guards over there?

Four armored man with spears in their hands were in front of a big open gate. Seems like they're having fun talking to each other. I hope I don't get myself in trouble.

When I was a few minutes from reaching them, they noticed me and imediatelly took a more formal stance. Well then, aren't they professionals?

I left the wall's side just in time to be in front of this city's entrance and raised one hand to greet the guards. They looked at each other with a face that was saying "what with this girl?". Kinda rude if you ask me. But then, one of them seemed to grow anxious and said something in the ear of the guard on his side that also reacted the same way. In a few seconds, all of them were tense and now I am in front of them.

"Hello there."

I didn't thought about how should I greet them, then I just did it as I normally would. If it's a good idea or not, I can't say for sure.

"A-Are you..."


One of the guards started to stutter out of nowhere. I grew confused by the second.

"Are you per chance... Kyarathyto, the warrior of justice?!"


The warrior of justice? What the hell they are talking about? I feel like I just started to watch a series of 26 episodes at the eleventh one.

"A-Are we wrong, after all? No... That would be impossible..."

"Look at where she came from..."

A second guard asked a third one, and soon all of them also started to feel lost.

"I mean, I guess I'm called Kyarathyto. Or so the Goddess of the Cycle says."

Warrior of Justice, though? I don't know about that.

"Go-go-goddess of the Cycle?!"

All four of them just panicked.

"Forgive us! We will immediately bring Your Highness to our humble king!"

I'm not sure why, but I felt a sudden disgust at what I was seeing.

"Don't bother. I'm not interested in your king at all."

"Y-Yes, mam!"

I walked past the guards and entered the city, trying to forget the strange feeling I had. This city looks a lot more like a small french town and at first glance feels like a comfortable place to live in. If the guards knew who I was, then the people here probably knows as well. It has been about a hour or so since I came to this world and I'm already famous? How can this be? Maybe this is a time travel story? Anyway, while I was spacing out people started to gather around me.

"It's Her Holiness Kyarathyto!"

"Her Holiness came to bring us the light!"

"Good times are bound to happen now!"

How should I react to that? Before I could find an answer to that, I saw an old man trying to control the crowd.

"Calm down, people!"

Everyone just stopped trying to reach out to me. He seems to be respected and he doesn't seem like a powerful figure. He's wearing common clothes, his slightly long white hair tells me he's already over sixty years old.


"If there's someone who can communicate with Her Holiness, it must be him."

"Yes, let him talk!"

People opened a way so this Friedo guy could approach me. The fact I hadn't said anything so far must be causing some confusion here. The old man stopped right in front of me and bowed down.

"Her Holiness Kyarathyto... Can you understand me?"

Now that he said this, I realized something. They aren't talking in my language. I have no idea in what language they're talking but I can understand them perfectly. Have I been talking in this language too? It just felt too natural to me.

"Yes, I can. And you don't need to bow down."

The man listened to what I said and raised his head. He looked at my eyes with great admiration.

"I always heard Her Holiness would someday come to this city... Since I was a child."

The people around seemed to agree with this statement. 

"My name is Friedo. I am a doctor here in Trasinto."

So this town is called Trasinto.

"Nice to meet you, doctor."

I extended my hand to him. I heard a lot of "ooh" or "woah" in the crowd, maybe a demigod extending a hand to a human is a shocking scene. I don't plan to act all high and mighty, though. Not with these people, at least. Friedo hesitated for a bit, but shook my hand. I could see peace in his face.

"We have something we want to give you, Her Holiness."

"Oh, let me see it."

Friedo lead the way, I followed him and people followed me. We seem to be heading the center of the town. It didn't take long to arrive there and I soon saw a big fountain. Shining purple water came out of it...

"This place is..."

"Look here, Her Holiness."

When I looked where Friedo pointed, I saw a really beautiful sword piercing the ground where the water accumulated. The sword looked kinda like a katana, being single-edged and all. Wait, it may be more accurate to describe it as a Falchion-like sword. It's blade was purple, but the edge had a strong, shining orange. The hilt seemed to be made of pure gold. This weapon is so striking it seems to be forcing me to look at it.

"This weapon is yours, Her Holiness."

"What? Really?"

"The Greugyor are a renowed family of blacksmiths here and they always idolized Her Holiness Kyarathyto. They always said their forging talents were to be used to aid you. That's why they forged this sword a few centuries ago and put it here. They always believed the legends that said you would come here someday... And they were right."

The more I hear the more I get confused about my identity... But a weapon may come in hand. I wanted to ask if this is the reason the water here is puple, but I'm afraid the water just look like this in this world.

"Why no one stole the sword?"

"I'm afraid it's impossible to a human being... This weapon was created using the Spiriculus from the Turmoil Forest. It's a magic weapon. That's why the water is purple."

Oh. Are Spiriculus those small glowing things? I feel bad for them if it's the case.

"So, when The Greugyor pierced the ground with it, no human could remove it anymore. It may need superhuman strength, magic powers or even the chosen one, I'm not sure myself. That's why they called it Astra, The Sword of Divine Observation. It only obeys when being observed by divine eyes."

"May I try?"

"Of course, Her Holiness."

Friedo and the people took distance from the fountain and I approached the sword. I stretched my hand and held the hilt. I took a deep breath and pulled it with all my strength---And the sword easily got out, making me loose balance and almost kiss the ground. I thought I was being shameful, but people started applauding. They look really happy with me taking Astra. I take a closer look at the sword... Oh, there's something written in it in a strange alphabet... Wait, I can actually read it. I think it's "For the one I'm devoted--Kyarathyto". Somehow it made my happy, but it's also sad I can't thank the one who made this sword.


"Her Holiness?"

"Are there still people from the Greugyor family alive?"

"Yes... There's Louira and her granddaughter, Micca. They live in a small workshop near the east wall. Louira in special is quite knowledgable about Her Holiness tales."

"I see, thank you."

"H-Her Holiness...! This is for you!"

A man approached me with something in his hands.

"Is this...?"

"A sheath! For your sword! There's also a waistband..."

Ah, that will come in handy! 

"I appreciate it."

I take both things, sheathe Astra and fix it in my waist. Some may say a flashy sword like that doesn't fit in a common leather sheath, but I say what's useful is useful. The man looked like he had the best moment in his life and returned to the crowd. But as I planned to go visit the Greugyor workshop---

"Ma'am, may we ask you to come with us? The king wants to welcome you to his humble town."

A few soldiers appeared, about ten of them. All this commotion must have alerted them. It was easy to notice how people quickly became apreehensive. There's definitely something off about this. I look at the direction they came from and see a big castle somewhat far from here.

"I can do that. But I have some things I want to check out first. I'll make sure to show up in the castle later."

I could see the soldiers frowning and looking at each other.

"Ma'am, we need you to come with us right now..."

I remember something Tyar told me. 'You have power, you have status. You may destroy the world, or you may just cease to exist, your choice. No one but you can stop yourself.' The people welcomed with open arms, I felt warmth by their treatment. The soldiers, though... It feels forced. I feel like they want to control me. I understand that's because they know who I am... But that also means I can use this in my favor.

"Do not make me repeat myself."

I glared at them and put my hand in the hilt of my sword. They were clearly scared.

"W-We understand, ma'am... We will convey the message to the king..."

When they got out of my sight, I sighed.

"I'm sorry about this, everyone."

I said to the people, who responded with cheers and incentive. Friedo once again took a step ahead.

"Do not worry, Her Holiness. No one here likes the king or his soldiers. You should go now."

"I understand."

I waved my hand to everyone and headed off to the Greugyor workshop.

It was easy to spot the right place, since there's a big "Greugyor Blacksmith" sign above the door of a house. There was a dark-haired, dark-skinned girl in front of the place sweeping the ground with a broom. Her hair was long and she was wearing a cute headscarf with some hammers and flames designed on it. She looked to be about my age--And by that I mean the human me--and clearly looked like a classical blacksmith by the looks of her clothes. When she heard the sound of my greaves hitting the ground and looked at me, she was so shocked she dropped her broom. She then fell on her knees.

"I-I can't believe it..."

"I assume you are Micca? Here, take my hand."

I stopped in front of her and offered my hand to help her get up. Teary eyed, she got up by herself and took both my hands.

"I always dreamed about the day I would met you, Kyarathyto! I-I--"

"Calm down, calm down. I need to talk with your grandmother."

"Of course!!"

She firmly held my hand and ran off to the workshop. Inside looked like the kind of place perfect for blacksmiths to work. We went to a wooden door that led to a living room. Her house and the shop share the same place it seems. I guess there's no afternoon nap here since it'd be impossible with the sound of metal being constantly hit. Inside the modest living room, a old woman was sitting in a chair by the window and looking to the sky. Her gray hair was above her right shoulder and her emerald eyes were really deep. Taking a look at Micca again, I see she has emerald eyes too.

"Grandma, it's her! You were right, she came!!"

The old woman gently looked at me, with a small smile on her face.

"Hello, Kyarathyto. It's a pleasure to finally be face to face with you. I'm Louira."

"The pleasure is mine."

"Sit here!"

Micca quickly cleaned an already clean couch and offered a seat to me.

"Micca, my dear. You should stop drooling over Kyarathyto for a bit and make a coffee to us."

"G-Grandma! It's not like that!"

Micca protested, but was blushing hard. 

"A-Anyway, we don't have much to offer to you, but I'll bring the best I can. Just wait a moment, okay?"

She said to me, to which I answered with a joyful "alright". I saw her running to an other door that probably led to the kitchen.

"I was waiting for you, Kyarathyto. I'm glad to see you already got Astra."

"Yes... I wish I could thank whoever made this sword, but I guess I can only thank you."

"Don't mention it. Now, I believe you wish to talk with me?"

"Yes. I heard you know a lot about the legends which I am part of."

"Modesty aside, I believe no one knows more about your tales than me, hehe."

"I see. I found out recently that people call me Warrior of Justice... I want to know more about what people think about the figure Kyarathyto."

"That seems right. Warrior of Justice, Master of the Elements, Herald of the Innocent Souls, Duchess of the Divine Path. You received many titles after so many deeds. People say Kyarathyto is a holy knight sent by the gods to guide people to the path of divinity, the one who take the common folk to the seat of prosperity. Many believe you have full control over all elements and are the only one who can convince nature to let humans live in this world."

"...How old are the histories about me?"

"Honestly, it's hard to say. There are myths about a Warrior of Justice telling stories that happened several milleniums ago. Many myths says you fought in wars to bring down oppresive nations, other says you defeated a giant dragon using the three legendary relics, and some even say--"

"Wait, what is it about the relics?"

"Oh? Did it pique your interest? The three legendary relics are quite well known. In fact, some says one of them are in the Turmoil Forest near the town."

Really? There was one right below my nose all this time?

"Tell me about it."

"It's called Sword of Essence, it's a weapon said to have spiritual powers capable of manipulating souls and spirits. Many people wanted to put their hands on it, but the Turmoil Forest doesn't have this name for show. It's a terrible place and lots of people started disappearing there. The king then made whatever he could to mislead everyone into believing the Sword of Essence was elsewhere. There's a rumor he knows where to find it in the Turmoil Forest, but it's now classified information. Though I heard people have been seeing soldiers entering the forest every night since two weeks ago."

That actually explains a lot. It's kinda a relief to finally have someone in this damn world explain something to me. I feel I now know where I should go and what I should do. But... the Turmoil Forest, is it? That place seemed so peaceful when I was there...

"May I ask something now, Kyarathyto?"

"Go ahead."

"Most things you asked me are things I believe you should know yourself... It's all about you, after all. Why is it?"


That'd be hard to answer. I'm speechless.

"I'm back, Kyarathyto! I brought the coffee and also bread. Enjoy your food!"

A lifesaver!

"Thank you."

As I got the cup and the bread, I saw Micca blinking at me and realized it was proposital. What a girl! I must remember to thank her again later. Louira seemed to have accepted the defeat.

"I'm really sorry we don't have something more akin to your tastes..."

"No, this matches my tastes perfectly."

I quickly drink my coffee and ate my bread while seeing Micca getting really happy watching me.

"Well then, I'm afraid I must leave now."


"She is probably heading off to the castle, Micca. She has to go."

"Yes, that's right."

"I see... Will I see you again?"

"Of course."

I put the cup on a small table in front of me and got up.

"Thank you for your time, you two."

"Don't say that! We will do everything for you, count on us!"

"While I'm not a drooling fool like my granddaughter, know that the Greugyor Blacksmith is your house too."


"I'll make sure to remember that."

With that, I took my leave from the Greugyor Blacksmith.

My next destination is the castle.