Chapter 12:

Hard nipples

That Time I Died

There was a loud noise, as everyone was banging rocks with a bronze pickaxe. We were in some sort of mine where we had to mine copper and other stuff. It was rather harsh work.

"Oh, look at this! This is an unusually big ore!", Saidokrakta said.

I looked at it and it was indeed a big ore. A copper ore. But I could also see the rust in it.

"Huh", I said in my head, "There's also iron inside that ore"

Saidokrakta smashed it into pieces and took some of the parts, leaving all the irons behind.

"Wait, what are you doing?", I asked.

"Huh? I'm taking the copper. What do you mean?"

"Huh, nothing. Forget it", I said while remembering that these guys haven't discovered iron yet.

"I'm still in the bronze age", I sighed and kept banging the rocks with the bronze pickaxe.

I felt the heat from the sky, as the sunray touched my skin. We were all woken up at seven in the morning, so you should already guess how sleepy I was. But we couldn't sleep, for there were guards keeping an eye on us. I just kept banging the rocks.

"One bang", I said in my head while lifting the pickaxe again and letting the gravity pull it downwards.

"Second bang", I said in my head. My eyes became heavy, as my body started to get light.

I stopped right there and stood while using the pickaxe as my support rod. My eyes started to close and I started to fall asleep. But I kept forcing myself to stay awake. It was absurd. I felt like hallucinating, as my body was slowly swinging right and left. I tried to lift the pickaxe, but couldn't.

"Are you fine?", a mysterious voice asked me.

"Who…", I yawned, "Who is there?", I asked while turning around.

There, in front of me, stood an anime girl with pink hair. She was rather cute. Her breasts were like two big watermelons and felt like marshmallows, as I touched them.

"Mmh", I said.

"Do you wanna suck on them", she asked.

I closed my eyes and with an agreeing expression, I nodded. I then proceeded to open my mouth…

"What are you doing!?", I guard asked.

As I opened my eyes, for my terror, there was a guard standing in front of me. I was no longer sleepy, as my eyes went wide open and my mouth hung on my jaws. My hands were still on his chest, squeezing his tiny nipples through his shirt.

There was a fit of clear anger on his face and I heard how his breaths accelerated. But I assure you, the acceleration wasn't from orgasm.

"Stop grabbing my chest!", he shouted angrily.

"Yes, sir!", I said and embarrassingly took the pickaxe and started banging the rocks.

The guard left but my heart was still beating fast.

"Gosh, I should reconsider my sexual preferences", I said to myself.

Soon, it was finally break time. We had to gather in lines and go inside one by one. I just went straight to bed, as I got in.

"Well, how did it go?", Saidokrakta asked.

"Yes, now I get why you want to be sold as a slave instead", I said while trying to sleep.

"Gosh, the second day, and I already sexually harassed a guard", I said in my head.

"Well, you better get used to it. It's our destiny to work as slaves, after all"

I turned to look at him wondering what he said.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"What?", he said, "Castvians are meant to be slaves of Postwians"

But my confusion just grew bigger.

"Who are Castvians?"

"We are Castvians! How little do you know about this world?"

"Very little, actually"

"We, who live in the Eastland, are Castvians. We are meant to be slaves for Postwians"

"And who decided that?*

"Huh? Decided what?"

"That Castvians are slaves"

"God himself! Castvians have been under Postwians for a long time"

"Are you saying that every slave here is Castvian?"

"Well, you certainly aren't. But yes. I myself wasn't born as a slave"

"Yet you turned yourself by your own will"

"I had to! Besides, if God chooses that Castvians are slaves, then Castvians are slaves"

"What god?"

Saidokrakta looked at me as if I had asked something strange.

"Are you really that unaware of this world?", he shouted.

"Well, yes! Obviously, I am!"

"The God of every race. The most perfect one!"

"Still unknown"

"Oh, I wish God would make himself known to you", he said with a frustrated tone.

"Yes, I wish he would. That would be cool, even for me", I said.

Soon, the door opened and a guard walked in.

I was scared, as I already could guess the reason for his entrance.

"Victoros...", he said.

My heart rate rose.

"You're bought"

"Praise to the most perfect one!", I shouted in my mind.

"By who?", I asked but the guard didn't say anything.

"Oh, I knew it!", Saidokrakta said. He was glad for me. I saw that from his face.

"Yeah, would suck to be you, aye?", I said in my mind, "To have a whole bunch of backstories only to get to the slave market for the sake of interacting with the main character just for a few episodes. Would suck to be a side character. Can't relate"

I looked at him with a face of gratitude, smiled, and walked out.

I followed the guard, as he led me to the person who bought me.

There, in front of me, I saw a brown-haired man with a beard. He looked at me while smiling.

"Well, hello there. You are Victoros, are you not?"

"Uh, yes?"

"Great! I am Jot"

"Well, that's a stupid name", I said in my head.