Chapter 6:

Aura's Crush

My Not-So-Perfect-Life

So you guys have an idea about who aura’s ex-crush is.The gorilla guy..sid..remember him? Nah? well, he was my classmate last year and used to sit behind me during exams...I really enjoy irritating him which is easy, as I described in my earlier posts he is a guy who is easily irritated..he is irritated by everything. and by everything I mean EVERYTHING! he could even be irritated when someone is breathing! maybe he is irritated by his own breathing too! who knows and who the hell cares!
so aura had a crush on him during the first term of 8th grade.I had to guess like literally guess who her crush was though she gave me few hints and I guessed right away! woohoo Lara!! The reason Aura had a crush on Sid because they were choosesn by the teacher for many things like say academic council meeting and all stuff,like seriously that was the ONLY reason she started liking that dim-witted bastard!
okay so we that is me and aura looked for signs of Sid liking aura back but we were unable to find any..well not like there were none but not that once or twice or thrice aura’s and Sid's eye contact would happen when they were looking out of the window from their buses.But maybe those incidents were just big coincidences, so anyway we stuck to the optimistic approach but failed miserably! after sometime aura gave up and tried to move on...
When our 9th year began, as I told you our class was shuffled so sid was initially in my class away from my aura. All through the summer vacations aura did not even think of thought of him in her preoccupied mind.
All was well until the vice principal decided to change a few people’s of them was Sid. this is not the most terrible thing the most terrible thing is he was transferred to aura’s class. LIKE HELL!??..fate!
aura’s feelings were disappearing but when Sid appeared out of nowhere in her bloody class and life again! she again went through the same process. Aura is an introverted person that is she is shy as hell and takes time to get used to people, though now she can talk to new people much nicely(not that she could not!).so this aura, she never really tried to talk with Sid let alone flirt with him..the main reason was that they did not have any mutual friends,well i was one but i am not that close to sid and seeing that i annoy him,he may not even consider me as his friend.Anyway aura was like totally into him! she was like “I am thinking of kissing him after 10th grade and then running off”
I told her to find a new guy, take interest in a new one..even though he is a year older,2 year older..who cares!?..i do it i said i have friendzoned almost every guy in my year that i talk to.. and the other guys , for them or am not their type so yeah..
but the aura wasn’t interested in any other.. sid literally looks like a gorilla! a GORILLA!!!!
but then one fine, shiny, cool, nice, awesome, superb, brilliant (too many adjectives, better stop) day aura had a work regarding the phone number that was added to the French group on WhatsApp. she wanted to change it and the admin of the group was none other than sid. So aura approached him and the second she saw his gorilla-like face her crush on him was long gone! like, girl, you think about him all the time and the second you see his face and actually talk to him, you are like ‘i don't like this gorilla guy and i don't have a crush on him anymore’
aura said that when she thought of him there were filters on his face.
The thing is, the same has happened with me..footballer may not be that good looking but I always have this fantasy about its both healthy and unhealthy
unhealthy in aura’s case cause that bloody thing was eating her from inside
and healthy in my case cause I don't care about footballer that much , I only have a bit of hope for us
I have a bit of hope for everything!
a bit of hope that one day God will come down a bless all of us in front of our face
I have a bit of hope that one day I can lick my elbow(which is nearly impossible cause my tongue isn’t elastic)
see..a little bit of hope in everything.
so hoping that me and footballer will be dating is no big thing..and not even unhealthy!
anyway, this sid guy started dating a girl named Ifa soon after aura got over him.
My guess is that maybe Sid was doting on aura but since aura is really shy and boys from our class used to think before speaking to her, Sid was a bit not scared afraid, he was thinking twice about his decision or wanted aura to make the first move anyway aura is now a free spirit!!
Though she admits a crushless life is as boring as a blind guy watching a silent movie! and that's the reason my friends I at least ‘dot’ on a guy!
Ps: Hello there! is there anyone even reading this thing!? or am I just writing the f-- off?