Chapter 3:

Pythagorean theorem we meet again

Restart Life okay?

"The Fuck" I proudly roared 

" Ehh no swearing mate this is family friendly class " the unknown guy said while the class bust into laughter 

My brain was in a loop of confusion  I looked around I see kids I felt old 

" Wait where I am I "

"Your in school you dumbass " the teacher said 

Wait school why I am in school I am 27 wait I am dreaming, wait Frist my belly hurts 

" Sir may I go toilet " wait where is the toilet 

" And where is the toilet again?" I stupidly asked

"*sigh*  bottom floor to the far right " 

I dashed while thinking I think this is high school is this Tokyo or Kyoto hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

I made it while releasing nature there was a mirror while looking at it i calculated that this isn't my face 

did they do plastic surgery on me with out my consent 

Wait actually I am in another person's body 

I guess soo