Chapter 7:

An Unknown Feeling

Death at our First Fall

Suzu: I [REDACTED] idea how to [REDACTED] now... *continues [REDACTED] * I am so [REDACTED] other but....I don't [REDACTED] couple. If you want to,then I  [REDACTED] fine with it,but I can't help to ... [REDACTED]

Rasuvi: I have been [REDACTED] ,and its kind of awkward,sure. But [REDACTED]...? We are [REDACTED] another. I don't [REDACTED]  odd looks [REDACTED]  get...I want to live the rest of my life with you...

Suzu: Aww  [REDACTED] too sweet! Itter... [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]

I also want to spend the rest of my life with*kisses Rasuvi* You're the ***worst***, don't forget that sweet truth!

Rasuvi: *kisses ***ur mom*** No,you are the best!

Suzu: *blushing* I know this might sound weird,but....can we stay ***in hell forever***.

Rasuvi: Of course we can! *hugs ***ur mom*** double as ***ugly*** *
