Chapter 1:

The ennemy Humanity is facing

Fall Of Mankind : SPH

I could feel her shiver.

She was trying to act cool, her face was not betraying the tough front she was puting. With a smile on her gentle face, she was reassuring kids next to her who were even more anxious. Even in this situation, she was thinking about other feelings before her own.

She was really the kindest person I knew.

My beloved Amandine.

Her sapphire blue eyes were highlighted by her beautiful long blond hair. They were very straight naturally, reaching almost her hips.

I was thinking that it might be a real hassle to have them that long for almost every task. They get in your way if you want to put a bag on, to carry something and even for having sex.

But it was looking astonishingly beautiful on her.

While staring at her, I couldn’t help but think that her gorgeousness was almost unfair to any other woman.

The kids seemed pretty fond of her already, they were clinging onto her quite tightly. Well, given the situation it was to be expected.

“Seems like you made new friends, dear.”

Amandine finally looked at me and frowned her eyebrows a bit.

“What are you saying Denji? They are orphans. They are seven and five years old, of course they would be scared in such a situation.”

“I guess so…”

As I was finishing my sentence a loud sound could be heard just above us, making the whole shelter shake.

For a few minutes all the shelter was submerged in darkness. People inside were so scared that no one dared to move even a finger. Most people kept their breath for them. Some preferred to give in to their hate for this war.

“ Fucking Russians, keep bombing us for no reasons!”

“ If it wasn’t the Russians, it would have been the Chinese or the Americans… After all, Europe became their chessboard for their little war games.”

The shivers from Amandine completely stopped, instead, she tightened her grip on my hand, almost crushing it in the process. I didn’t say anything though, she also needed to express her fear and since she had the kids in her arms, she couldn’t shelter in my arms.

The bombing sounds continued to echo through the shelter that was shaking violently, to the point that I received a bit of cement on my head during the blackout.

I wonder how many more bombing this shelter can handle…

Finally the light came back, I could feel a bit of relief in the atmosphere. It was also probably due to the bombing sounds getting away slowly.

I could see my beloved girlfriend holding the kids as tight as she could with one arm, bending her body above them in order to protect them from harm. I smiled at the scene and started to get back to my day dreaming.

She would be a great mother, her kids would definitely be loved. I want to have kids with her, no matter how hard it can be.

There’s no debate here, she is clearly the mother I need for my offspring!

My friends kept pestering me about how much I was in love with my girlfriend and that I was always thinking about her. But today, it seemed that I reached a whole nother level.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

I was too proud to say it, but I was scared to.

Really scared to lose her.

If it happened what would I do? What could I do, losing the mother of my future kids.


… Oh shut up, my mind. Not that I can do anything against God or Fate.

After one hour without hearing any more bombing, we headed outside.

It was such a beautiful day, seeing a blazing sun after having spent almost 5 hours underground was quite a refreshing scene.

But the rest of the scene wasn’t refreshing at all.

Everything around us was destroyed.

Almost all the buildings were down, you could see rubles to no end. It was the very vision of chaos per war.

War sucks.

I hate war.

From the bottom of my heart.

Among the rubble, you can see the corpses of people who didn’t have the time to go to the shelter.

Why do humans even make wars?

Everyone hates to lose what they hold dear but they keep going at war.

Are they stupid or something?

Seriously, ten thousand years of evolution, for this…

The expression on my face was probably showing how angry I was feeling, in front of such a scene, because Amandine took my hand very gently. Her presence comforted my wounded heart.

This mere gesture saved me from the circle of hate.

I turned around to face her.

A small breeze was wavering her hair in slow motion, under that amazing sun, the beautiful smile she was flashing at me took my voice away.

Unconsciously, my mouth opened a little bit.

I couldn't see it anymore, the desolation of the war. The chaos of Humanity. Everything around her was blurred out, my eyes focalising on this blue gaze as deep as the ocean.

I was drawn into, little by little, inside her eyes, inside her world.

But something in the background moved and grabbed my attention.

I looked away from my beloved eyes and changed my focalisation point from foreground to background.

I opened my eyes fully when I saw what was happening behind Amandine. In a reflex I pushed Amandine behind me.


Without a sound or a warning, I could feel a small impact on my shoulder.

Damn it, I should have grabbed her more tightly.

Amandine rushed, without a second thought in the world, to the orphans' siblings. Grabbing them one meter away from the bomb.

“As Denji said, it’s really dangerous to go around unactivated bombs, it can go ‘BOOM’ at any time you know.”

Even in this situation, she took the time to kneel down to explain the situation to the kids, to make them her allies instead of frightening them.

She knew that those kids might have a pretty hard life.

One could clearly see that their suits to protect them from the COVID-35 were torn apart. They were full of holes and very old, enough to say, they weren’t protecting them at all. Even with my shout, they almost didn’t react, as if they didn’t have any energy…

... They might not even have eaten yet today.

As I was thinking that, she hugged them one more time, as close as our suits allowed us and smiled at them.

“Let’s get away from this dangerous human invention.”

The orphans grabbed the hand she was lending them and apologized for their actions.

They were heading toward me very calmly. I sighed a bit as I felt relieved that everybody was fine.

But reality is a bit harsher than that.

The bomb exploded when they were halfway to me.

An enormous amount of energy got blasted in the air.

It was a very huge sound but I couldn’t hear anything.

The time had frozen, but everything kept going on.

As if I was trapped in a never ending space-time continuum, unable to speak, unable to hear, witnessing every detail of my beloved being burnt to hell for hours and hours.

She was projected behind me.

My soul was so shocked that I couldn’t think, but thankfully the human body is made of a lot of reflexes. It moved by itself where Amandine was.

As I approached close to the corpse, I found out that both of the kids were unharmed as Amandine was walking behind them.

Behind the glass of my white suit I couldn’t feel anything from the contact with her body.

Was she still warm?

Was she already cold?

I will never know, thanks to these damn suits to protect us from the COVID-35.

You know what, screw up. I don’t care anymore about dying from a shitty illness that our parents were unable to manage properly.

I have lost everything.

My family.

A normal life as a human.

The city I lived in.

And now, the love of my life.

I took off my glove and touched the corpse of my beloved.

Putting my hand on her neck, looking for her heartbeat, I found nothing.

She had an immediate death.

I bitterly smiled.

“God, are you still doing your horrible tests on kind people to see if their faith would remain unshaken?

If you ask me, that’s quite a devilish thing to do…”

Thankfully, I wasn’t a man of faith by any means.

How could I be? If there was a God up in the sky, or wherever it is, I couldn’t forgive him for its sin.

The sin of letting its creations on their own, wasting millions of lives and just looking at us from far away.

Sinners from our birth? Don’t give me that intolerable crap.

How could our sins be worse than someone having the power to change things and do nothing of it.

What a beautiful fairy tale.

As I was trying to manage my rage as much as I could, I looked at the kid and started to caress their shoulders.

“At least the orphans are safe, your death wasn’t for nothing Amandine.”

I don’t know if God or the Devil heard me but I got an immediate answer.

The kids started to act funny, like, really funny.

Wow, wait, wait, I have a very bad feeling about it.

They began to move in a weird fashion, as if bubbles were going through their whole body. Inflating their hands, then their chest, doing the same thing over the eyes. It was a disgusting scene to witness, the inflated parts of their bodies were stretching and destructuring, almost to make their eyes fall from their orbits.

The movements accelerated and fews screams could be heard behind me.

I turned back to see what was going on, I shouldn’t have.

The same thing that the kids were going through was happening to dozens of citizens simultaneously.

Dozens of persons were waving in all directions, having their skins, muscles, bones, organs being bubbled randomly.

To avoid this hell on earth scene, I turned back to my two orphans.

Nice timing, it was the moment one of them imploded. From the head.

Projecting his eyes, teeth, brains and everything inside, straight to my face.

I was once again covered from somebody else's blood.


I remember now…

It’s like this day, with mom.

I started to reminisce about the scene that happened fifteen years ago, but I didn’t have that luxury.

The second kid imploded from the belly, projecting around my whole body intestines and excrement. Tasty, isn’t it?

Not that I had a care in the world about it. I was in the middle of hell right now.

My beloved and the kids now gone, I turned around once again.

Oh God.

I was seeing in front of my eyes the birth of a monster.

The same kind of monster that I saw with my mom’s hand.

I became an adult since that day, but the monster in front of me seemed even bigger than the first one I saw.

It was only half finished and yet it was as big as the renowned tallest building in the city. A hundred meters tall building.

My whole body shivered from fear.

I knew at an instinctive level that this thing was our natural enemy. It had to be killed no matter what.

This feeling was buried deep down in my DNA.

Once again, I bitterly smiled.

“Seriously God, is that a joke? Go to …. Off.”

That thing was finishing its transformation. It was now two times bigger than the famous building.

“Oi, that’s just stupid… How are we even supposed to fight this monster?”.

In front of me was standing a two hundred meters giant.

In front of me was standing a threat to humanity even grander than humanity itself.