Chapter 0:

Brain ramen

My brain is my biggest obstacle!

He was sitting on the floor of his room, at his parents' house in the countryside. Right in front of him was his whiteboard. Empty. That day he had decided to wipe it clean and write all of his ideas down. Arekkusu stood up, put on some music. It was the newest album of his favorite singer.
"She's just few months younger than me" - He thought.
He returned back in front of his whiteboard thinking of where to start. 
"Tasks... I must right down what to do in nearby future..." - and then it popped into his mind.
He knew he had to download the language learning programme, configure a media server, test some useful software that his parents might find live saving in their office.
"Office..." - he sighed - "I wish I had an office...". 
Now it was time to write down all his business plans. Arekkusu took a different color marker and began... hearing the lyrics. The lyrics of the song he put on. Tears started flooding his eyes. "Bet she's happier than ever!" - he shouted.
Suddenly he calmed down faster than he felt hatered. He reminded himself of his guilt in this situation. Then he remembered her words:
"I will not do this with anyone else while feeling like a stranger."
He couldn't even be mad anymore. It has been three months since she said it. 
"Only three months? I feel like it was an eternity or two..." - he thought.

He took his marker and still thinking about this he began to write.
"Clothing brand - I want to make manga design clothes, I want to make haori and cosplay and everything!" - just see how those thoughts of his are jumping from topic to topic. He can't focus on a single thing.
"PC Accessories brand - I want to make modular mechanical keyboards"
"Custom PC - Customize PC cases, wiring and components, and assemble that for people"
"Start a podcast!"
"Write a book!"
"Start streaming!"
"Start a VTuber agency!"
"Electric Vehicle conversion!"
"Video Production!"
"Became a programmer!"
"Get Networking certificate!"
And the list went on and on. It sounded like each idea was a neat solution for a person's career. But he wasn't eleven humanbeings. He was one. He always looked up to some billionaires and their field of expertise. All of them seemed to be doing everything, but he knew that wasn't always the case. He knew those people managed their business one by one. He knew and yet he wanted to do all of this at once. Why? 
"I can't decide where to start..." - he always thought with frustration.

Which one to pick first? Cars? Nope, super expensive, also you're in the middle of studying for the driving license. Custom PCs? Also expensive, and you have no people actually interested in building an custom pc, the market situation is bad and just don't. Start a podcast? Yes he did record the first episode in which he talked about motivation, but he never uploaded it. "Yet" as he says, but we both know that's never going to happen. He thinks his podcast will be left unheared because he has no thumbnail and its audio only. Maybe he should switch a platform he targets then? No he is to lazy to do that, he is better at complaining and finding excuses. VTuber agency? Too big of a competition and I would have to find a girl who would like to do this as well as being talented.
"Find. A girl." - he thought, but it wasn't a seed beginning a story of a Vtuber agency CEO. - "Unfortunetaly I'm only thinking about me being alone." 

Joe Gold