Chapter 0:
Kindoru Tugami Yūzā
This is just a chapter to get you to know how this world works in the story there is a lot of good and important stuff you might wanna know here but you don't have to read this you can skip to chapter one if you want.
First what is a tugami a tugami is a power only given to a species called yuza this world is called kindoru there are over hundreds of species in this world but humans own 25% of the world so they are the strongest species that exist because they have technology that can beat there tugami's so they often think differently than us so they said that anyone that is different from humans will be called Yūzā we didn't like to be called different to them because they are different to us humans are very weak creatures so they upgrade there technology and ruined the food chain now a lot of the mid tear Yūzā lost there food source but all Yūzā are not friends some species want peace and to make kindoru a peaceful world others think they should not break the food source while they argued the humans made technology that was stronger than are tugami's so they broke the food chain and did not want peace they hated us so they killed any Yūzā that crossed there land some Yūzā formed alliances with others but some thought that they should let the gods handle it and the humans will get what they deserve for breaking the food chain same with the Yūzā that try and break it Yūzā eat each other all the time but they never eat the Yūzā in the same tribe as them humans call this Cannibalism others don't but once there was a Yūzā that said they could make a thing called animals and plants and vegetables and fruit he made these things with the power of his Tugami nobody has ever seen one like this but humans had already found out about this and forced him to help them but he was able to escape and help his own kind sadly they will never see one like that again he didn't have a descendant so he used the last of his yuza to make animals and plants everywhere but he used so much yuza that it started taking his life force and he died from old age a year later but he did make sure that all the yuza work together before he passed now they have farms and barns they live happily but the world never new humans where trying to replicate tugami and they where using yuza to do it they made the worlds first devils and demons they used the descendants of the angel tribe of yuza to do this because they where the most powerful yuza now the angle tribe is in hiding and nobody knows where they are but the humans made a breeding system with two yuza angles that was a boy and a girl this is a story about a boy who is the fourth descendant of a devil that escaped a devil breeding farm on the human territory that lived threw hundreds of experiments he does not know it yet but his powers can be used for many things he does not know that he is adopted and that those aren't his real parents because he lost all his memories from trauma some humans and yuza work together but a lot of humans are scared of yuza and judge them but that did not stop them from making a kingdom where they can both live but they only control 8 percent of the world most humans are a part of the 25 percent where only humans can stay ok enough talking let's get into this story
Btw sorry for my horrible spelling I'm working on getting it better feel free to criticize all you want it would help to see what to get better at
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