Chapter 2:

Welcome_to_S_city: Staring_at _the_new_beginning - Part_2-4

Catalyst -Volume.01:Inbound

Part 2

After a tunnel and another checkup for the documents and finally being on the main street, they were finally inside. It took them 6 hours for the whole journey, but it was worth it. The streets were clean and almost looking brand new. There were a lot of pedestrians, some tourists, others workers with a very strange sense of style and finally normal civilians. Almost every building in their view was an office window building which you only see either in a big metropolis or in movies, those 2000 to 2010s futuristic movies to be precise. The air was somewhat different from the outer border; it was heavy, yet you wouldn`t feel like suffocating or something putting a strain on you, it was more like you inhaling something invisible that is storing in you but couldn`t say what it was. The temperature was also in a cool yet warm state that was ideal for wearing normal summer clothes and not going around in a bikini. Now they could turn the conditioner off and finally open the windows of the car so they could feel the breeze as well.

“How are they doing that, dad?” Asked Stefan.

“Honesty, I do not know. You need to have a higher authority than a worker.”

Martin found this question quite interesting and disturbing at the same time, but did not understand why his father say that. To have an authority that a worker? Is there a system?

“Why dad? Is there something so confidential?”

His father sighed. Although he was supposed to know, he probably had forgotten it by now or it was something that he paid no heed to.

“Probably because there is some sort of ranking…”


That did not explain anything at all. It even got more confusing. Then everyone except the driver started to look around to get familiar with their new home. As they were driving, at one of the streets a couple of teenagers went by that were… Quite odd for the average person or at least in the eyes of the kids (Especially Martin). All of the girls and some boys were with dyed hair as well.

“Why are they dressed so… Strange?”

“What do you mean Marti?”

“Hey mom, can I dye my hair too?”


“Christina, what is wrong with your hair to dye it?”

“Well, it seems to be okay for the folks outside, so why not me too?”

“Absolutely not!”

Her father was a firm believer with the almost full support of his wife that went it came to something like this, the original always was better than the new because when it was “fixed” or “improved”, it pointed out your mistakes and flaws even further as well as making you feel bad much more than before. He didn`t want to see his kids feeling bad or being degenerate (almost most of the time) who think that by standing out there being different, especially his daughter.

“Marti, how are your grades by the way? I have heard that here is pretty tough for any outside student to join, how are you going to catch up?”

“Oh, you know me, I have to outdo myself for a while to catch up, just like that time.”

He had a strong conviction and determination in his word, but his mother only smiled and hoped for the best. If he does not make it, she would ask her friends to get him outside to study in some school and maybe then come back or maybe stay outside. After all, it was for his sake, not hers. Christina can manage herself; Stefan is at an age where a school wouldn`t matter because next year he has to eventually change it.

“Oh really? Do you think that the little project that you made a long time ago can save you this time?”

“It may be not my project, but my passion for working on that project allowed me to get the letter for studying here!”


He always knew how to fight back. Martin had never shown a sign of weakness or some sort of retreat. He was so arrogant to her that she wanted to break him by almost any means possible, but even if she tried, he wouldn`t do anything about her even after dozens of times.

“You`re annoying! You get that?!”

He sighed.

“Hey Marti, why did you not join when you got the letter?”

“Well, that is because…”

He was hesitating a lot. Almost to the point of sweating. Bogdan didn`t think that this would be a tough question for him. Although teenagers were hard at expressing their emotions and what they want to say, Martin at least had some sense or sort of a way to express himself in a strange, yet pretty straightforward way, but most of the time is confusing.

“I did not want to leave you.”

(Ohhhh, my baby! How thoughtful of him!)


Bogdan was quite skeptical by that answer while his mother`s eyes were shining like light bulbs. He knew that this sugaring was to hide something just like he hid the project from them. Like father like son. They always were like that.

“You know that your studies are far more important than leaving us and even you know it. Is it really that the problem?”

Teodora`s look of happiness faded and then she sighed. Her intuition as a mother was on par too. She knew that he was doing at least one of her tricks too. But her change of mood was not from that. It was from her husband.

(Honey, can you at least once not ruin my mood…)

“Yeah, Cashman, why didn`t you move out? Are you scared? Or was it that you being alone might be risky? Or ma-”

“Can you please shut up for five seconds!”

Martin was got finally fed up with his elder sister. He received a slap for his bravery. It was not worth it but was a trigger point.

“Do you think that I will just stay like that without fighting back?”

“I dare you!”

Then a fight broke out in the back with Stefan being an indirect casualty to all of this. Fists and hands were in all directions at the back seats. The car was like a small world. Hopefully, there was almost nobody around to see what was happening inside.

After a little threatening from the higher-ups, they calmed down.

They finally moved the traffic light. They were now on the main road.

“So, Little man, you did not answer my question.”

“That is because there will be a lot more competition.”

(Hmm, that is new from him.)

“Where have you read this?”

“What?! Haven`t you done any research when coming here!?”

His father only lifted his shoulders.


“Then I have to explain: so apparently, more and more geniuses from across the world had come to those places, because the outside environment and place for studying isn`t good enough for them and that is not only for study but for work too. There is a higher standard to live in but at a cost of higher risk of being left out from the competition in the workplace. Especially if you are from the outside. The ratio of you, who is from the outside to enter in one of those companies, even as a janitor, is less than 25%.”

After finishing, Martin looked at his father. Unfazed. His uneasiness which had built up from when they started the journey till now had suddenly swept away like a pile of dust. The others were still in shock at what Martin had said. Christina`s left arm had been shivering a little due to her negligence of what was she about to face. Her look was serious as ever, but she tried to not show any concern to anything his little brother had said. Stefan on the other hand was amazed by his father who was calm and smiling when driving.

“Dad! Have you found a job that paid you well and didn`t add any extra hours to your shift without paying you!”

Everyone went silent to hear his answer with his wife being the most excited about what he had to say about the matter. After a couple of seconds, a long boastful laugh went out from his mouth.

“That`s right! You could say that I have finally found some good people!”

All froze except Bogdan. Their happy view of finally going to the sea on summer break was ruined. They all gave him the “Are you sure about that?” look.

“Honey, are you 100% sure that they are good people?”

“Yes! I even had checked their website before accepting the interview.”

“You have checked at their ratings, how they treat workers, or some explicit requirements? And what about-”

“I have checked everything. There is nothing to worry about.”

They were still on the edge.

“We will see…”

As they were driving more and more to their destination, the buildings around them that came to view were more and more old-fashioned as well as the streets getting dirtier. Teodora had a bad feeling about it.

After 10 minutes they had finally arrived at their destination. The apartment they had to live in was part of an old two-story building with small, rusty outdated doors, the outside walls of the buildings were full of cracks, there was trash on the ground which was outside the building, and for the cherry on top, the people who were supposed to be their future neighbors looked really “friendly” and “hospitable”. It was almost as if they just only had changed their location, not their environment. They only looked at the building from the car.

“Is this how we were supposed to live here!? You said that you have checked everything!”

Bogdan only gulped.

“I am not taking our kids in this shabby, dirty and whatever is hebetated this piece of junk concrete building! And do not even think about staying at a hotel! Make a call or do something!”

Then he sighed.

“Was going to do that anyway…”

Then he went outside the car to call his boss.

Meanwhile, Martin was thinking about how was he going to study. He knew that he had to do something about where he is going to study, but he had never thought that his family would come to the city where he was invited to study 3 years ago. Their situation was not the best for a family of five, but it sure was not the worst either. Christina despite her complaints, provokes, unruliness, and much more, was pretty clever. Stefan who had changed at least three schools by this point, had at least one medal from each school, had finished with a scholarship from those schools and was even supported with public funding at least one time in fifth grade by one of the many schools he had been transferred to. Martin on the other hand had only made an investment project 3 years ago for his school that was able to raise him enough funds to remove their family at the time from debt. Some folks were shocked and even congratulated him that at this early age he could even make something like that, but with time entrepreneurs change too. If 20 years ago the best time to practice entrepreneurship was when you are at age 20, then now is as early as you can. 6 years is a lot of time, but to most people who work or do something like that was just like flicking lights. Yesterday was March, today is September. Difference? Time. Have you finished what you started? Yes. Then it didn`t matter what day was. It mattered how fast and good you are with the knowledge to make from nothing something. If he was 40 years ago, surely, he would be labeled as “genius”, but in today’s age, young entrepreneurs were having fierce competition for inventions, investments, scholarships, and overall creating stuff, just to either take money or become famous. For him would be a battle with no fruition. But that didn`t mean he might not try. That day he did his best. He did so well that he got that mythical letter. The letter that always gave him nightmares.

“Mom, should I move out in the dormitories now that we are all in the same city?”

“Oh, please do move out, so I can finally invite my friends without you spoiling our fun!”

“Christina, nobody wanted your opinion on it. You should ask your dad. If we are to stay at some hotel or who knows at this point, please take your brother with you to live in some of the dormitories. I will give enough money to pay if you have to.”

“No, don`t worry about it.”

“What why! I do not want to be separated from you, mom! Dad will find a place for all of us to stay! We need to trust him!”

Teodora sighed. As she was trying to convince Stefan how beneficial for him would be and Martin waiting for the head to finally ask him about it, he saw his father smiling happily as a little girl who got a perfect boyfriend coming back into the car. His was smile too disturbing. Everyone was looking at him with anticipation.

“So? What did they tell you?”

“Oh, I am fired.”

Nobody knew how to respond. They were in shock as well as frozen. His wife who was despondent from what they were offered to have a few minutes ago was now on the verge of tears and breakdown. Before doing anything irrational she gave a final look at her husband. He was smiling so brightly. She did not understand until he winked at her. Her despair was quickly switched with hidden anger and now wet eyes. But she liked it. Then they only exchanged a few glances.

(Oh, so that is how we are going to play.)

(You started.)

“Okay everyone, we are going to a new place!”

“Weren`t you fired?” asked Martin.

“Well yes, but actually no.”

“So, what is happening right now?”

“My boss told me that he was sorry about what he had offered us and had found a piece of land for us for a really cheap price that will be sponsored by them with no matter how much money need to buy it.”

Something was off for Martin.

“You sure?”


`Then why not buy it for us? `

“You that is because I am just a worker, not a VIP.”

“But they said that they will pay for us no matter how much we need.”

His father soon realized what he meant by it.

“Enough! We are going!”

The engine started. They finally got out of the suburban cave. Things finally relaxed a little bit.

Part 3

“Welcome to S city. The city of the supernatural and scientifically possible dreams. Here you can create the future for the generations ahead. Remember, work as a team, not as an individual because here individuality might expect to bite you, but lose everything you have ever worked. But this must not stop you from working alone, go for it if you want, just remember you were warned. Please enjoy your stay and make Earth a better place!” Then the tv ad stopped.

“Fu, fu, there are even lying straight to your face now. Honestly, I am really tired of this.”

“You know how it is. Can you give the usual?”

“Yeah, be right back.”

Then the old lady wandered around her store to collect the things the girl had asked her to.

“Hey Granny, will this year someone come?”

“Yes, there will be.”


Her face had lightened up. Her long light brown hair was almost shining by that news. Then her watch with a kitten strip beeped out that it was time for food. The old lady then giggled at the sound of the watch. She then looked for a moment at her. That day the girl was wearing a white blouse and a blue long skirt. Some may same a normal look, but the old lady knew that this was because there was a reason for it.

The girl`s mind though was somewhere else.

“Granny, how long have you been in this business?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Well, couldn`t you be doing something else? For example, go outside the border.”

The old lady then stopped for a moment and sighed.

“We both know that even if that happened, that wouldn`t make me happy. Right now, the job I have is only putting me half at ease.”

“So, you want more money?”

“No money could replace what have I lost in the past.”

Then she returned with the products that the girl wanted.

“That will be 5 euros.”

“Here you go.”

Although it was supposed to be a place for studying and being able to make new inventions, S city was still like any other city on Earth. Humans are still humans. Changing their environment didn`t mean that their nature has changed. Their deceptive, manipulative, arrogant, sorrowful, mercilessness, self-preservative and self-centered thirst to have more from everything had made them go to the extent to ruin everything they create, so it can fulfill their needs to get what they want.

“And always remember what have I told you, do not walk alone in evenings or small areas.”

“Don`t worry granny I will not.”

Then she went out of the store.

In the meantime, someone`s grandson had just woken up from his sleep after the short conversation between the two women.

“Hey, Grandma, who was that beautiful girl?”

He was notorious for trying to get with girls.

“Little fox! Don`t think about making a move on her!”

“I won`t, I won`t!”

“Okay. I hope you promise this grandmother that you won`t.”

(Seriously grandma what is wrong with you? Don`t you want for me to have a beautiful girlfriend?)

Her grandson's ignorance was because he has not experienced anything like her grandmother. She had spent almost all her life in that city. She knew almost everything about S city. She had to. Not only her job but for the sake of his grandson too. He who was from the outside and only came recently during the summer because his parents were too busy to take care of him, was sent to her as part of to “know each other better”. Of course, that is not the case, but even if that was not, she wouldn`t allow for her grandson to meet “his special someone” here until he either has lived long enough here or was prepared to take the consequences at face. He wouldn`t be ready to make such a major leap into his life just because he’s still a kid yet, but he wouldn`t listen at all. He was taught that way. He taught himself that way. That was his only way to get the things he wanted, but he was still predictable to her because she could see a part of him in her. No child would want his loved ones to be told that he is doing a bad thing. Only good things, but because he was older, she had to twist it a little. She then looked at him seriously. Their eyes met.

“That girl is from the new campus in the far end of the city near the teleportation facility. You should stay away from her if you do not want to have problems.”

He got confused and frightened. He had always seen his grandmother smiling or a little moody, but only serious when things were really bad or something even worse. Still, that did not shake him enough to not continue asking questions.

“So, is she a big shot?”

“Very big if you ask me. I heard that you can only go there with an official invitation.”

“Invitation? What invitation?”

“An invitation sent from the Campus board of directors.”

“You mean the big thing that occupies the southeast part of the city!?”

“Yeah. That thing.”

He was pleasantly shocked but still was not enough. To be more precise, now it transmuted from shock to admiration.

“That is very nice of her. She must be really smart.”

His grandmother only sighed.

“You are still too green.”

That annoyed him for a bit.

“What do you mean?”

“If you were studying here if you weren’t that lazy, you would have known what I meant by this.”

“Grandma, you know that even if I tried it won`t be sure if I join. And what about my friends?”

“You could always create new ones.”

“But it is really hard!”

Now she was starting to get annoyed.

“You are telling me that you are an adult, but you act like a child! Please pick one or just listen to me! So, tell me Jeremy, are you a man or a kid!?”

As he was about to answer he stuttered. What should he pick? If he picked that he was a man, he had to help with the business, study, and possibly had to do some other jobs too. If he was a kid, he had to stay near her, do almost little to no work, but he had to read his books for the summer. His head started to hurt, he was sweating and still was unsure of what to say. Her grandmother knew that this was a tough question for him, so she went to him and snapped with her fingers in front of his eyes two times, so he could get out of his mind.

“I know that you want to experience and that you want to run wild, but you have to prepare yourself first. You actually have no idea what is in front of you and just because you think it may be exciting, you just want to hop into it. Believe me, at first, is amazing, but after a while, you start to get anxious, and above all do not forget that you have to take care of yourself so that your future is well too.”


His eyes were now different, at least that was what she thought.

“So where does she study?”

She clicked with her tongue. She was right his eyes were different, but for other reasons. She had to now try something else.

“She is a middle schooler.”

“Really!? She is, so cute! I am sure I can have a chance with her!”

She sighed again.

“I know and I am not letting her ruin you!”

“What do you mean?! Do you not want your grandson to have a beautiful wife!?”

She only shook her head.

“You do not understand-”

“Also, you did tell her to not walk alone on the streets! A guy like me will be perfect for this.”

As soon as he said that his grandmother broke laughing. He of course was annoyed by it but did not understand why did she laugh. Then she gave him the serious stare again.

“That`s what you think! I warned her because if she goes there, she will bring unwanted trouble to herself.”

“How will she bring it upon her when there is nobody with her?”

“By knocking everyone out.”


This was out of the blue for him.

“What do you mean by saying this? Does she fight or do something to defend herself?”

“We have spoken long enough, do your work, I am exhausted from all the conversation we had. Also, you will have to cover for me for a little bit, I have to go and do something for a moment.”

“That is not fair!”

“Stop complaining and start working! When you tell me that you are a man then I will let you be! Understand!?”

Then he started to do the cleaning and restoking of the products. His grandmother then went somewhere to prepare herself for the outing.

Meanwhile, the girl who walked out from the store a while ago was now happily humming and excited to see who was going to be her neighbor, but she was unaware of what else had the day had prepared for her.

Part 4

The outskirts of the city were just like any other city you may come across when you are on a vacation in Hawaii or Tokyo. The only different thing was that the streets are much cleaner than those outside in the country and that the transports are computer serviced. Which meant that if you did not want to miss any transport, you had to be on time.

The Irinov family was heading towards district 2. Upon entering the district, they were impressed by the maintenance of the houses and apartment blocks in that area (his wife to be more accurate). His wife`s fantasy of living in a good house with a garden and surrounded by friendly neighbors had come once again after the nightmare that had happened a few minutes ago. She was so bubbled with good feelings that decided to close her eyes so that she wouldn`t spoil her beautiful future house. After a few minutes, they stopped.

“Okay everyone we are here.”

She opened her eyes and once again her hopes were crushed, but this time she decided to remain silent. If she complained again, it would seem too immature of her. Also, she didn`t have to do it this time. Her kid would do it. Because they wouldn`t live here either. The kid only gave a quick look and the place.

“Dad, we want to go home.”

“What?? How come!?”

They only averted their gazes towards the place. It was a broken 2-story house with broken doors, webs on the outside windows that could be seen from a mile away, and what was supposed to be a front yard had, there was only one dry tree on the left side of the front yard and the other part had turned into dry African dirt. If somebody had told them that the place had got out from a horror movie, they would believe him without a doubt because that piece of land just looked too much out of the ordinary. While every house and block was nice and clean and almost perfect, this piece of 20 by 20 square land was cropped in its own existence. A nightmarish one.

“Come on dad, we are not that stupid to live here. Let’s go home. You can find a better place to work.”

“What do you mean, the place was sold to me for 2000 euros.”


Teodora`s soul could be imaginarily seen how it was leaving her body as she heard the price for the place.


“Yes of course.”

Then she regained consciousness due to an unimaginable pain in her chest. A hidden tension of uncertainty came into her mind as well as took possession of her.


“Calm down everyone, the interviewer told me that my salary will be multiplied by 1300 euros per family member.”

“Was it net or gross salary?”

“Gross of course.”

Teodora then sighed and looked at his husband.

“Honey, you do know that they are kids, right? And they have to enter a new environment have to make friends as well. Some of them have courses which are not cheap as well as planning college and university-”

“Don`t worry about it. I have everything handled this time.”

But the tension did not fade off. It even became worse.

“What is the company hiring you for?”

“As for the usual, you know, me being a technician.”

“And they wanted EXACTLY you, not the other participants who might have a better education or experience in the field?”

That made him a little bit annoyed by that comment.

“Yes, they wanted me exactly because I know how to work with that tech specifically.”


Nobody was hiring Bogdan for either a simple job or doing a simple job without any hidden intent. The people at the companies where he was, were quite thugs when it came to business. They wanted either to make some quick deals or use little no workforce to do jobs with the unfortunate being the ones to do the job. That was just how life worked in this part of the world. When it came to him, he was most of the time the unfortunate one, but at least he provided a lot of money for his family as well as allowed them to be free most of the time from worry when it came down to money. They were not the poorest family out there but surely weren`t the richest either.

“Was there any interest in some of us?”

“No, there was not.”

The Irinov family recently after the achievements of a certain family member almost went viral, the head of the family began to receive more and more mail about job offerings with a specific need that was needed exactly for them or interests about the younger generation and their well-being. Surely, he answered every letter with respect and gave his answer to the posed question, but of course, it was not received well. It would never have been. That was as well as the reason for coming here. His colleagues were not fond of him at all, his boss even despised him, but decided to put on a mask just because they were like a shining diamond in the dirt at the moment. It might have been a golden opportunity for the family to reveal the thing, but the creator was against it. The creator was against his creation. He knew the danger of it and decided to destroy and even forget about the very thing he started to build, but others saw it as a golden ticket to heaven. The vice-head was confused due to the unreasonable wealth they could have received in return for the creator with a bonus of respect, status, and insurance of the expanding of the family in that lineage. Others from the main family were questioning his decision too, they even called him “unreasonable”, “crazy”, “too green”, “too naive”, “not educated enough”, “selfish”, “arrogant”, “not thoughtful of others” and other epithets. They couldn`t understand his decision at all. The creator`s family was put on a tough spot even where was supposed to be neutral ground as well. Their “contribution” was even not literal because they were not following those kinds of traditions still gave them a rub. Still, they tried to pay no heed to it even though it mattered a lot.

They were ostracized by their dear ones due to their ‘disregarding’ of them. That was why there were so skeptical. Bogdan didn`t want to be reminded of his past but appeared that it had to.

“Don`t worry. This time will be different.”

“Bogey, I know that you want to calm us down, but experience had taught us differently.”

“I know. This time I promised.”

“And what if you failed your promise?”

Bogdan put his arm on his wife`s head.

“Then you know what to do.”

Then she looked down embarrassed.

“I hate you” she mumbled.

He only smiled. Then he turned to his kids.

“Listen carefully, after you put the luggage on the first in the room on the left, we will be staying in a hotel until they renovate the first floor.”

“How long will it take to be fixed?” asked Martin.

“Probably until the end of the week.”

“Isn`t that a long time?”

“Don`t look at me like that, I may be able to fix stuff, but I am not a full team!”

“Still isn`t that too long also, won`t be that a lot of money wasted?”

“Yeah, but-”

“Dear, there are right. Let`s find people that can at least finish the living room, so from there to renovate it ourselves.”

“Are you sure about it? It may cost more to finish quick?”

“As long as we finally are there, I am ok with it.”

He only nodded.

“Then it`s settled. After putting the luggage somewhere safe inside, I am going to search for renovators with your mother, Martin, after you put the luggage, go to school where you will be admitted to and give them that letter you got from that tournament.”


“Christina, you are free to roam, but you must come back at 9:30 pm.”

She did not say anything.

Then they began putting everything in as they were told and after 10 minutes they finished.

“Mom that is a seagull, right?” asked curiously Stefan.

“Yes dear, yes, it is.”

It appears that after so long the Irinov family`s luck was finally present. Their hidden battles, struggles, plain monotony, adversity, and much more in their daily lives finally paid off. Although the land that the head had bought a while ago was not perfect, you can even call it “miserable”, at least was their property also, the atmosphere was nice that day. Finally, somebody was going “right” for them. As if somebody had cast a forgiveness spell on them.

But there was still a tiny problem. Martin was still had no idea how to get to the campus.

(Now then… How can I get there?)

He looked around if he could ask somebody, but the only people around were only his family members. Still, he was heard. Then the weather suddenly got windy, bottles and any fallen rubbish on the ground started to fly in every direction. He covered his face to not be hit in the face while Bogdan instructed the others to go back because they were still near the entrance of the house. Martin was the only one who was the furthest from them.

“Martin! MARTIN!”

Martin couldn`t hear him due to the intensity of the wind, but there was something strange to it. It came only in one direction. Due to their confusion and not doing anything, Martin was smacked by a flying plastic bottle, causing him to fall to the ground. He was able to land luckily on his hands. Then the wind stopped.

“Excuse me.”

He turned around and saw a short girl, with long light brown hair, a white blouse, and a blue long skirt. On her right hand, there was a cute watch with a kitten strip. There was something quite unusual in her appearance. He started at her for a while. The wind came back again from her direction and her bangs were running wild. She looked as if she was shot in a model studio, but our man was focused more on the watch rather than on her body.

The others on the other hand saw the scene and were preparing for the big show. They positioned themselves on two front windows peeking slightly to not be exposed.

“Oh, that is going to be fun.”

“Let`s see how it goes.”

The two women were finally on the same wavelength while giggling demonically. Bogdan sighed

“But why don`t we get him ou- “

His father shut his mouth and then with signs instructed him to not meddle much. Still, that didn`t stop Stefan from asking further questions.

“Why are we hiding?” whispered Stefan to his family.

The two only gazed at him for a second then returned their attention to him.

“Because it`s time to see how he does with women.” answered Bogdan.

“Isn`t this his private life?”

“He won`t have one if he continues and I don`t want your brother to remain alone. And if he continues to stay on the ground like, I might consider making him a pancake.”

Teodora was trying a lot to hold herself.

“I honestly want to make fun of him.” bluntly said, Christina.

Stefan was truly terrified by what he heard. Then he turned towards Martin.

(Please, big brother I hope you do well to survive later!)

“Excuseee mee.” No answer again.

Martin looked at her as some stone heroic statue. He didn`t even blink. Two minutes have passed from him staring at her. She was starting to get annoyed.

(What the hell is wrong with this guy, has my beauty stunned him!?)

The wind was coming back little. Martin was still didn`t make a move. He was more interested in the kitten strip. He had never seen a strip like that or even a girl wearing a watch with a customizable strip that had kittens on it.

(Cat lover maybe?)

Her patience was running out.



He put his arms in front of his face. His reaction was of a small child. At that moment he would have looked really cute, if he was 100 cm shorter, 14 years younger and didn`t have a beard, and had a slightly fatter face.

“I was calling you for two minutes already.”

“Oh, excuse me.”

Then he got up.

“My name is…”

Martin then realized that his father was calling him and looked at the house, but Nobody was there. He scratched his head because of the confusion, but the girl was getting even more annoyed at him not being present at all.

“As you were saying!?”

“Ah- a sorry.”

She then sighed.

“My name is Martin.”

He then stretched his hand to her.

“Nice to meet you.”

She only shook his hand.

“Me too…”

“Um, what is your name?”

“I won`t tell you.”

That annoyed him but decided to not make a fuss out of it.

“Then how should I call you?”

She put one of her fingers on her chin.

“I will tell you later.”

Martin did not say a thing again. The girl then saw that there was no reaction from him.

“Uh, why are you so stoic? Also, why were you staring at me like that, do always do something like that when you see a beautiful girl?”

“Oh, I wasn`t staring at you but your watch.”

She was taken aback a little bit. His answer was too straightforward and weird, almost to the point of being frightening.

(Does this guy have a hand fetish? Maybe he hasn`t talked to a girl and this is his first time.)

While she was busy thinking, Martin decided to check if his belongings are in his pocket as well as the letter.

(Ok, everything is here.)

Then he turned to the spaced-out girl, but how should he address her? She looked young, but he knew from experience that even those 100cm ladies may range from 15-30 years old or even older.


She snapped back.

“Um, do you know how to get to the campus in the city?”


“Do you know how to get to the campus?”

She was a little confused. It`s not a strange question to ask about sure, but he was a different story. The boy or young man who was standing in front of her was as well as acting immature was also giving off a mature presence and looked like an already graduated student. His behavior though totally contradicted his looks and the best example was right now as she was watching him; he had switched his attention to the nearby passing train, a few meters down the road as they were talking. After the train passed, he shifted his focus on her again. Now on a closer look as he was waiting silently for the answer from her, she got a new opinion on him. The girl did not realize that she was starting to stare at him as well as fantasizing something up.

Martin on the other hand who was astonished at the overall city started to get impatient with her. She was staring at him for about 3 minutes now without answering. He had to break the icy atmosphere if he wanted to get to the campus.


She did not answer. He then clapped and suddenly her consciousness returned.

“Ah, yes I am ready!”

“Ready for what?”

Somehow her vision and mind were suddenly sleepy due to her deep though. What she saw now was entirely different from when she was more ‘awake’.

“Ah! Get away from me, you middle-aged pervert!”

Her reflexes sent out a punch towards his face, but Martin was able to evade it.

“What are you doing!?”

“Oh, I thought you were a middle-aged crazy, thirsty uncle. It`s a habit when you live around here.”

His ears couldn`t believe what he just heard.

(A habit!? What do you go to downtown to be chased by somebody to be a habit?)

As he was tense for a few seconds he returned to his old self. Martin then asked the girl again.

“I do, but before that, I have a question for you.”

In his mind, he had closed his eyes and prayed that it was a normal question because what had happened and heard up until now was totally unrealistic and unbelievable to the average man.

“Are you going to be my neighbor?”


He really expected something else.


“Where do you live?”

“The house next to you.”

Then he looked to the left and saw a luxurious house, with three floors, a beautiful garden, garage, and a 2-meter-long pool. The next look on martin can be described as a person who was randomly ticking numbers on the ticket who then happens to win 1 million dollars. Then he looked at the girl with intense jealously, but her gaze was somewhere else and she did not bother to look at him.

“Do maybe flex on people who are new here?”

“No, but that is your problem for feeling like that.”

He only gritted his teeth then he sighed.

“Okay, now that you know that I am going to be your neighbor, can we go to the campus?”

“Yes, but first I need to go shopping, so before that, we need to go to the central mall, it won`t be a problem riiight?”

She looked at him like an abandoned kitten on a rainy, stormy day. Her gaze literally was piercing through him. He did not have a choice.

“Alright, But not for long.”

(Maybe like that at least I will know where to buy my clothes if needed.)


The stickman was confused. After their “amazing” encounter, they headed towards the subway which was near the train station. After they have moved past the fifth house, his family headed outside. It was time for the council meeting to begin and judge the events that happened.

“Well, maybe he has a chance with her?” said suggestively his father.

“If he can keep her attention maybe.” added Christina.

“This does not matter, because she will fall for him eventually.” said his younger brother.

“Ho, ho quite daring aren`t you?” replied Teodora.

Stefan suddenly got an idea.

“Want to bet?”

“What are you betting on? Do you even have anything to bet?” jokingly asked Christina.

“I am going to ask big brother to give me all his savings to bet on this and I am also betting on the fact that they two will be together.” proudly said, Stefan.

“And if you lose?” Teodora asked.

“I am going to be working for him non-stop until I paid off everything.” answered Stefan.

“You have such a strong faith in him, it`s almost scary.” added Bogdan.

“In my brother no, but in her eyes.”

“Can you explain yourself?”

“She may not realize it, but I saw her looking at him with thos- “suddenly Stefan was hit in the head by Christina.

“Stop saying nonsense. I bet mine and his allowance on his theory.” unexpectedly said, Christina.

“What will you do if y-”

“If we lose, we will work every housework for 1 month.”

“6 months.”

“1 month and 2 weeks.”

(Here they go again…) Bogdan thought to himself.

“3 months!” said Stefan.


“You little brat! WHY THREE!??”

“Don`t worry, it will be fine.”

“You better, hope or you will be grilled.

She was emitting a strong killing intent towards him. He felt like shrinking to the size little dog.

(Girl who is with big brother, please win him over or fall for him!)

Meanwhile, another person was coming to help the newcomers as well.