Chapter 1:
Fox and Blade
"I wonder where she ran off to," said Karin with a furrowed brow. "Usually she isn't gone for this long."
Her bright orange hair swayed just above her shoulders. She was dressed in a white robe with long flowing sleeves. It was tucked into a crimson skirt that fell just above her knees, tied around her waist by a ribbon.
"Well, you know how curious Chihana can be. Maybe she ran into something interesting? She's just like you were at her age, always out for an adventure," I said
"Oh don't be silly, she's far more behaved than I ever was, which is why I'm so worried."
Karin's expression softened. Good, I thought, my attempt to reassure her didn't totally fail.
I fiddled with the end of my bone-tipped spear, looking for something to keep my rushing thoughts at bay.
Wanting to confirm Chihana's well-being and get back in time for the great dinner feast being held that night, we quickened our pace, hurrying along the familiar path that snaked between the twisting evergreens.
Suddenly Karin's ears perked up, alert. I was aware of it too. A sour stench, carried by the wind from a mile or so ahead. The smell of man.
We launched into a sprint. No words were needed. Without question or hesitation, completely driven by the instinct to protect. In just under two minutes, we reached Kamon Crest, a steep cliff at the farthest end of our den. Down below I could see Chihana. She was sprawled on the ground like she was pushed there, wiping tears from her eyes. Towering over her stood a man with broad stature. He was bald, and he wore a black leather tunic. A long skinny blade was held loosely in his right hand.
"Ah! You pitiful creature. Here I thought you mutts were a pleasure to fight, but you're no better than yer sly relatives, runnin' and hiding the second fear bares its teeth!" Just as he finished his condescending remarks, he began to raise his sword.
Without a second thought, I leapt from the top of the cliff, soaring through the air and crashing into the threat with my spear before he could reach Chihana. I jumped off him, splitting the distance between him and Chihana in two. "G-gah! Wha-!" He shouted.
"Asahi!" Chihana exclaimed.
"Have you no respect for the peacekeeping law? Why hurt her?" I couldn't understand this man's desire to murder Chihana, for I had never witnessed such a vile thing. Just to fight? A weak little girl? I didn’t understand.
"Peacekeeping what? I haven't a clue what yer saying! I'll kill you fer gettin' in my way!" He spat as he pulled himself to his feet.
While He mouthed on, I tilted my head so I could see Chihana behind me.
Her gaze was fixed on me, eyes sparkling with admiration. She had on an ash gray dress wrapped at her waist, smudged and covered in dust.
Okay, good. She doesn't seem to be hurt badly if only a bit roughed up. If she can get to Karin then-
"Chihana, listen to me okay? Karin's waiting in the forest. Run towards that big boulder covered in moss and into the woods, got it?" She nodded, and with a moment's hesitation, darted to where I knew Karin would get her.
"Don't worry, I'll let 'er go. She wasn't worth the energy anyhow." The harasser's demeanor was completely different compared to a few seconds ago. His eyes were locked onto mine and he gripped his sword firmly in his hand.
I held my ground. I had only two goals: occupy him until Karin could get Chihana back safely, and hold him off long enough until help arrived. Quite frankly, I wasn't sure that I could do it. I had never once fought for my life.
"It's my job to find an' clear out any pests in this forest." He spoke with his chest out as he cautiously approached me sideways. Though angered by his words, I dared not to speak. All of my attention was on his next move. I couldn't afford to lose focus.
"Aha!" Abruptly he lunged, swinging his weapon from his right. I dodged backward, quickly following up with an attack overhead. He effortlessly deflected my spear to his left with a smooth maneuver. Before I realized, his sword came from above straight towards my side. I just barely brought my spear up in time to block his blow, splintering it in two and throwing me to the ground.
"Ha! Like swatting a fly," he mused, about to finish me off.
Like swatting a fly...
It was a sticky hot summer day. Mosquitos were everywhere, bunched together in swarms so thick they could drain a whole lamb if they wanted. Akio had agreed to take me hunting, probably swayed by my endless begging.
We were tracking a hare in some tall grass when something huge charged unexpectedly from the brush. A behemoth of a boar with tusks the size of me.
I dived out of harm's way just in time. When I got up I saw the boar standing mighty and tall, whipping its tail frantically. darting around like a fly, Akio pestered the animal, jumping in and out of the boar's range just to poke it with his spear. The boar, furious, thrust its tusks in an attempt to halt Akio's relentless prodding. After what must have been five or ten minutes, the beast fell to the ground exhausted and covered in its own blood. with a swift slash, Akio cut its throat, ending its suffering at last.
"You see Asahi, we're just like flies to that boar as the mosquitos are to us. A nuisance easily swatted away. It has size and strength over us, but we have one thing it doesn't. Agility. Staying on our toes, we can maneuver around it with ease, drawing out its energy drop by drop. Unrelenting, persistent, and annoying, just like the mosquito. That is your strength, remember it well."
I rolled to the side as his sword bashed into the ground, sending dust flying where I was just moments ago. I jumped into a crouch and avoided his next swing by dive-rolling past it, holding onto the tipped end of my spear.
"you son of a-!" Before he could finish his sentence and fully turn around to face me, I dashed in with a side sweep. The clash with his blade caused him to stagger. I quickly jumped back to put distance between us, taking the opportunity to hold a firm stance. He no longer held his steady composure. Eyes flickering like flames, he rushed in for the kill.
I fell to all fours and pounced at his ankles. Startled, he tried to stop himself. It was too late. I whacked his left ankle with my spear and sliced through his black leather boot. He went flying over my shoulder where he tumbled to the ground. On one palm I spun myself around to face my fallen foe.
My scream was caught in my throat as an arrow sank deep into the back of my shoulder.
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