Chapter 2:

My Upcoming Future

An Ideal World

“So you said your name is Norm Issai? Is that right?”

The policeman asked diligently

“Yes, I am! I'm 24 years old and came from Tokyo”

“You said you were from Tokyo? There aren’t any places that are called Tokyo as far as I'm aware of.”

The policeman thought for a moment but answered immediately

“Furthermore, earthquakes don’t usually happen around these areas. You must have come from a rapidly different place from us.”

“I see.”

Seriously, where am I? I was hoping to get some answers from the policeman but now, I am more confused than ever before.

From what I can understand, the place that I am standing isn't Tokyo; In fact, Tokyo doesn’t exist here apparently. The earthquake that I experienced didn’t occur here.

Aside from that, everything here seems a bit off. A few hours ago, I was walking on a plain grass field with no signs of humans. From what I am seeing, that felt like a dream because everyone is here.

Even though it is still clearly nighttime, there are a lot of people who are walking around like it is still daytime. Adding to the fact that there aren’t any buildings here either, aside from this police station. It is still a grassy plain with some streetlights and benches. If anything, this is identical to a park and this place is an enormous park.

“Mr. Norm, are you still with me?”

“Ah yes, what were you asking again?”

I answered but followed up with a question.

“I have checked the computer and found there aren’t any residents called Norm Issai. Can you please answer more of our questions so that we can have a better understanding to help?”

“Of course, I am very grateful that you are willingly going to help me”

My goodness, this isn’t going anywhere. While the policeman inquired about some standard questions and I answered wholeheartedly, both parties seem to not understand what was happening.

Was I transported to another world? This might sound ridiculous as I am talking to an actual human and both of us can communicate with each other easily.

“This is no good, Mr. Norm. Your answers didn’t match with any of my information. Your name, your place, your ID, your job, and even your company didn’t show up.”

“I’m very sorry for all of your troubles”

I answered with an awkward smile

As I sighed, I tried to look around the office. Unsurprisingly, the place is really what most might find in a typical police station in Tokyo. It isn’t exactly cramped but quite small as I'm in one of their offices. Outside, from my first impression, it is drastically bigger, probably the biggest police station I have ever seen. Inside here is typical, a desk, closets to hold paperwork, a computer which I have never expected to be here, and other stuff.

As I keep looking, I found a clock which is showing the time is currently 3 AM. I'm surprised that not only they are still working but also other people are still outside at this hour.

Next to the clock is a calendar. I am hoping I didn’t sleep for too long. Today is Sunday, August 8th, 2169...

Wait, 2169?

N. D. Skordilis