Chapter 1:

The Friendship of dark & light

Dark & Light

What happens to a person 0.5 seconds before they die? Our life is vanquished from our bodies within seconds, as our hearts begin to rout without warning. Our last memories appear before us; seeing the people we love and how happy our lives could have been if everything all went our way regardless of our circumstances. Then, within seconds everything becomes dark.

“Hello there,” said a voice. Suddenly my eyes opened to a boy, who had blond hair, blue eyes, and my fist placed firmly between his left cheek and nose. “Get away from me, you freak!” I said. The boy reacted “stop it, stop! I don’t mean any wrong against you. It’s just us in this white void. we’re both dead!” I paused, as all my memories came back to me. I remember being on a slave ship lost at sea. “We were lost in the Mare Arabicum et Indicum. We fell off the edge of the world, and then….” I was lost for words for what just took place. “If I'm dead then why do I still feel dead inside? Everything was taken away from me!” Anger turns into sadness as pain gives way to tears, “my village was scorched and pillaged,” my mother and sister….. taken away from me and mutilated by soldiers who violated their bodies and put them to the sword. “ I am poor, expendable, faint-hearted, and a failure. I deserve to die.” A moment of silence returned back into the void as it made me feel jaded, cold, and alone.

However, I wasn’t alone, returning to the boy who was still on the ground from where I slugged him. His face was petrified with fear and shaken. “Are you cold?” It was the only thing that came to mind, “Yes, I’m freezing, I’ve been here for hours, and my sandals are gone and you punched me in the face! All I remember was being overtaken by pirates. I watched them decapitate my father, then I died.” As his face filled with sadness. “What is your name? “Dark, and yours? Light, without warning flashes of bright gold light appeared into the endless discoloring of the White void. Hydrangeas from Portugal, Lavender’s from France, Tulips from Holland, Cherry blossoms from Germany, Poppie’s from Italy, and Lotus flower from Egypt. All together turning what was once a void empty and cold. Into a place of full iridescences and incalescences of pure amity. Along with the light appeared a man. “Beautiful isn’t it? He proclaimed ``This place is the space between spaces, for this place is a waiting room for the reincarnation of the body and human life”. We both looked at each other perplexed. “Who are you? Asked the boys. “Dark you died because you took an average of the poor, Light’s descendants. With Light dying as a slave and put into chains by the rich, Dark’s ancestors”. “It was both your time to die, now you will be reborn and sent back to earth. Dark you will be reborn as Michael Phipps, born into poverty and mentally disabled. With Light being reborn as Aubrey Graham and born into luxury.” Wait, who? “What is this all for? Questioned Light, and why send us incomplete opposite paths? He said. “I’m going to be poor and dumb now, what’s the point!” yelled Dark. “You see”, God explained. “Everyone has to go through struggles in life knowing there will always be someone who has more than you, either it’s a special talent or form of intelligence.” But For every act of hatred and violence, you commit against another, you are competing against yourself. With every act of love and hand of kindness, you extended unto yourself.” Yes, you may be both opposites with idiosyncratic beliefs on the outside, we are all equipped for something greater on the inside regardless of our circumstances. Then, within seconds everything becomes light. 

Star Blossom cliff, Lonely on the edge of the "world"

Dark & Light