Chapter 28:

The Curse

Sokka's Chronicles

Joester seeing that there was nothing he could do, that the runaway thing wouldn't work out. 

Joester almost finished the curse. The curse contained the destruction of Tokyo, which was even the hardest, after which the last pieces for the curse are the sacrifice of a hunter and a ghost, but not a simple ghost, the ghost that was on the sacrifice is Sokka, and the hunter is Edward, by no means the simplest sacrifices. 

Joester, not knowing what to do, began to devise a plan to make the curse complete and to become invincible and immortal.After a while of thinking, a plan came to his mind, not very good, but very crazy. 

Yana calls Leo. 

Yana: Hey, what's up Joester burned the Sendai? 

Leo: Hello, no, he failed to do that, he's already running away for the second time! 

Yana: I see, apparently he doesn't want to give up. 

Leo: I'm telling you, something is in the middle, it's not for nothing that it's so focused. 

Yana: You are right ! 

Leo: We need to find out what's in the middle and I know who could help me with that! 

Yana: Okay, Talk to you later. 

Leo hangs up. 

Leo calls Roy. 

Roy answers. 

Leo: Hello, Roy, I need a little help with the ghost that burned Tokyo. 

Roy: Seriously, what do you need and what do you know about it? 

Leo: Well, there's a chance we can talk face to face. 

Roy: Yes, these days I go to Sendai, because Mirai told me that there is the ghost of souls. 

Leo: Great, then see you let me know when. 

Roy arrives in Sendai and meets Leo at a coffee shop. 

Leo: Hello, Roy, take a seat. 

Roy: Hello, so say, what is it? 

Leo: A year ago I made a contract with Unhappy Kid. 

Roy: Wait, what are you talking about? 

Leo: About the Ghost of Souls I want to talk, along the way I will tell you about Unhappy Kid. 

Roy: I see.

Leo starts talking in about half an hour and finishes talking. 

Roy: I can not believe it.

Leo: I understand you. 

Roy: So.....Sokka fought Joester twice? 

Leo: Yes.

Roy: And he ran away from the fight twice. 

Leo: Yes.

Roy: Okay.

Leo: Now I want to ask you .......... What do you think, why does Joester go so far? 

Roy: Possibly a goal. 

Leo: A goal ?

Roy: Well, how can I say, he can do this to gain power, all you have to do is pay attention to what he's going to do, if he's going to burn Sendai or if he's going to kill people in Edward's crew. 

Leo: Know that what you say makes senses.

Roy: Because she's a ghost, and from the books I've read about the paranormal, she might look for certain pieces to make a curse, and the burning of Tokyo is one of the pieces. 

Leo: A curse? 

Roy: Be very careful you may need sacrifices and given that you are a man who has contracted with an SSS ghost, you may also be a part of this curse. 

Leo: Okay.

Roy: It's just a theory, but it's the only explanation that makes sense. 

Leo: Okay, thanks you !! 

Roy: I think I'll get into this investigation too, you probably need me too. 

Leo: Yes, of course. 

Roy: Who participates? 

Leo: Me, Okabe Yana SS rank hunter from Henry's team and you at the moment! 

Roy:Okay, as you say. 

Joester will be able to finish the curse before he's stopped by Leo, Roy and Yana.