Chapter 30:

A new mission

Sokka's Chronicles

Leo, Roy, Edward, Yana and Mirai stay at Leo's house and talk about what happened, and Leo also told Edward and Mirai.

Edward: It's crazy, you know ?

Mirai: It's unbelievable. 

Leo: I know it's crazy, but it's all true. 

Edward: That explains where you got ghost powers from. 

Leo:I don't really have ghost powers, only when I'm controlled by Sokka, of course at my command. 

Edward: Okay, I really can't believe Henry is dead.

Mirai: Neither do I, as if I have a feeling he's still alive. 

Yana: He's dead, he was stabbed to death one night. 

Edward: It's weird that my team and Mirai's died, but Henry and two of his teammates died, and you survived. 

Yana: I think it's a coincidence. 

Mirai: Roy, what do you think about this ?

Roy: Maybe Joester needs her. 

Edward: Maybe.

Leo: If he is actually making a curse then we need to find out what that curse is. 

Roy: Remember yesterday I told you I know why they are stabbed 6 times? 

Leo: Yes, say if you have any ideas. 

Roy: Well, 3 from each team 6 times, if we look, they form the number 6 6 6 for Mirai's team as well as for Henry's team 6 6 6 and Edward's team also 6 6 6.

Mirai: 666, but this is not the number that signifies the devil. 

Edward: Yes it is. 

Yana: Makes sense. 

Edward: Roy, you should let the police know about this, too. 

Roy: That's true, but that's not important right now, and I don't think they're sacrifices. 

Leo: You mean they were just killed. 

Roy: It was already planned by Joester, this is already clear, but the bodies left were not taken, but a curse is needed for a corpse, Sokka could even be part of the sacrifice that she is a ghost of SSS. 

Edward: The sacrifice could be almost ready, because Henry is an SSS hunter and maybe all he needs is Sokka. 

Leo: I'll talk to Sokka to investigate this. 

They all leave and Leo asks Yana why she didn't say she's on a contract with Joester 

Yana: I couldn't tell them. 

Leo: I see.

Yana:I have to break the contract.