Chapter 6:
The Land of Maidens and Corpses (Original)
The metal gate in front of the school burst open, as a flood of undead rushed through. It almost looked like they were riding a wave of corpses through the front yard of the school. They were quickly drawing nearer, and I clearly wasn't fast enough to outrun.
Wait. There are set of stairs up ahead, I can take. They'll still lead me to the entrance, but I might be able to buy a few more seconds. So, without a second thought, I rushed to the stairs. You couldn't exactly say that I climbed them. It was more like I skipped half the steps leaping it.
Nearly there. . . I had spoken too soon. A part of the "wave" had split off from the main group in order to catch me at the front entrance. They're capable of advanced strategy!? I still didn't know why they were like this, but as far as I understood they weren't capable of that kind of thinking. They were rather brainless maniacs attempting to kill me.
I noticed that the one leading the offshoot group, was being led by a single one. I don't know why he caught my eyes, but maybe because I could tell that the worn and torn jacket he was wearing was the military kind. He might've been a soldier of some kind. That would explain the sudden ability to strategize a plan and lead the group like that.
I'll ditch the front entrance, and take the back instead. I quickly turned right and began trying to outmaneuver them, but they quickly followed. I glanced at the "commander". He was still in the front, leading the group. "You sure are persistent, huh?".
I turned the corner and rushed towards the back of the building. I began to feel the effects of the running. My legs were hurting, and I was running out of breath.
If I continued towards the back, I might not be able to get there before they caught up to me. If I ran towards the gymnasium, where the people from before had ran, I'd be running over an open area. And due to the distance I'd quickly run out of energy. If only a miracle would happen right about now. . .
My prayers were answered
An open window on the ground floor. It was close enough that I could reach it and get inside the school before they caught me. Besides the halls of the school were just about large enough that a group of students could easily fit through, but a huge wave of the undead would have a hard time getting through it. It was now or never.
If I got in through the window I'd be at a huge advantage later on, but they might just catch me on the way inside. However, running the longer distance was a certain death. There was only one logical choice. Although, my chances of survival were low, there was still a chance. I'd go for the window.
I used the remainder of my energy to sprint faster towards the open window. When I finally reached it, I jumped. Surprisingly, I managed it. With one swift move I jumped through the window and dashed off the windowsill. It wasn't as beautiful as it could've been. I twisted my hand when I landed on the sill and rather than dashing off it perfectly, I crashed to the floor and slid across it. It wasn't beautiful, but I was inside.
I shouldn't have celebrated that early though. Soon, the moonlight coming through window was quickly blocked by the horde attempting to force their way through the small window. I ran to the classroom door and tried to open it, but it was locked.
"No, no, no! Why a time like this!" Although, I didn't want to get into more trouble with the council, my life was possibly at stake here. I began trying to kick the door open, but it had no effect.
"Why are the classroom doors so sturdy here? Can't they foresee somebody would come and kick them down--. . . Ohhh!" That's why they were sturdy.
Dammit, dammit, dammit! I was done for. I couldn't get out and the horde was nearly in here when--
I hadn't noticed the gore-like trail of flesh and muscle that had spread across the ceiling. Frankly, I'm happy I didn't notice it. It was grotesque. Suddenly, a large hand sprouted from the mass of flesh. It lacked a severe amount of skin, though, and was rather a skeleton arm, with only the muscles attached to it.
Slowly it crept towards the window and went it finally reached it, the shape of the hand altered in order to fully block the window. It slammed shut on the window, knocking the horde back outside. Before long another trail of flesh and muscle climbed down the hand before merging with the wall and permanently sealing the window off.
I lay there speechless for a moment. I didn't know how to react to what I had just witnessed. Then again, the day had only been getting stranger, and this was far from abnormal now. Still, I seemed to have an impossible amount of luck. . .
"You're safe. . . for now. . ." A voice suddenly echoed through the walls all around me. It wasn't surprising that the voice hadn't fazed me. I would admit that I wasn't really paying attention to it and was busy being exhausted. Although, I realised one thing. Despite what the voice said. . . I knew that I wasn't going to be safe, no matter what.
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