Chapter 18:

Five Eager Idiots Hit The Beach

Why Does Nobody Find Us Attractive?

Juzo tossed and turned in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position. As he flopped around, something hit against his back.

"Oww, what the hell?"

He grabbed the object, but suddenly a blood curdling scream rang out in the room. Juzo jolted back, falling off the edge of the bed. Slowly climbing back up, he got a look at the source of the scream.

"Hey, why did you grab my arm? You scared the shit outta me."

Nikko was sitting on the bed, rubbing his arm.

Juzo shoved his face into the sheets in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I forgot I was sharing a bed with you."

Right as Juzo raised his head up, he got hit in the back of the head by a pillow projectile.

"How about apologizing to me!? I was just trying to sleep, then you idiots freak out like someone died. You better make it up to me."

Juzo turned to look at Reina just as she finished her lecture.

"I didn't mean to do anything wrong. How about you share a bed with Nikko next time?"

"Stop! Don't even say that!"

Shinobu had gotten up before the discussion and was getting ready in the bathroom. She popped her head out to give a heads up.

"Everyone, it's already 9:30. We should get ready to get to the beach before it gets too busy."

Nikko checked his watch to confirm the time.

"Oh, damn! Come on guys, let's get moving!"

Juzo got up and went to check on Toshiharu, who hadn't yet moved.

"Come on, Toshiharu. Don't make everyone late with your laziness."

Toshiharu moved around a bit and irritably moaned.

"But I'm tired…"

"From what?"

"From shopping all night. I didn't even buy anything; it was the girl's fault."

Reina walked by, but stopped to jab Toshiharu in the back.

"It's a trip. Don't complain because everyone but you is having fun."

"Uhhh… fine."

In less than an hour, everyone was dressed and all the things were packed up. Juzo grabbed the umbrella, cooler, and his towel and opened up the door.

"Come on, everyone! Follow me!"

Stepping out of the hotel, Juzo led the group to a nearby bus stop. After everyone grabbed a seat, Shinobu asked Juzo a question.

"So, where is the beach?"

"About, let's see, 30 minutes, give or take."

"What? That long?"

"Well, yeah. We're not very close to the shore right now. It's a fairly long trip to the nearest option."

"Oh. I guess I should have checked where our hotel was. I wanted to get there before 11:00."

Passing time with casual conversation, the ride soon ended with their arrival at the destination. Everyone hastily jumped off the bus and ran towards the beach, but a problem was glaringly obvious immediately: there were no good spots left. Shinobu made her disappointment known to the others.

"Ugh, this is why I wanted to leave early. What should we do?"

Nikko snapped his fingers.

"I got an idea. You guys might not like it, but it'll work. Juzo, come with me. It's time to shine."

Juzo handed all of his stuff to Toshiharu and ran off with Nikko. Toshiharu wasn't happy with the abrupt hand off.

"What, why me!?"

Juzo was too far away to hear, so Reina gave him an answer.

"Well, you were the last one up and to get ready, so this is all your fault. Deal with it."

As the others bickered, Nikko led Juzo to the beach volleyball court. A game was just finishing up between two pairs of teens. It only took a minute for the game to end, and the losing pair walked shamefully away from the court. Nikko called to the winning team to get their attention.

"Hey! Is it cool if we can play next?"

The two boys from the winning team shrugged.

"Sure, why not?"

Nikko and Juzo took their position on the court, and Nikko pulled Juzo aside to explain his plan.

"Just set me up and I'll handle it."

"Are you sure you actually have a plan? You're not just screwing around?"

"Yeah, I actually do this time. The chance it works isn't high, but whatever."

One of the opposing boys shouted over.

"We're starting now!"

The boy served the ball, hitting it cleanly to Nikko. He calmly bumped it to Juzo, who neatly set it up to the net. Out of nowhere, Nikko took a few massive strides, then leapt high in the air. He swung his arm viciously at the ball, launching it straight at the boy in the backcourt. The spike struck the boy in the neck, dropping him to the sand in a heap. The other boy ran to his friend's side and helped him up, but he seemed rattled and in no condition to play on. The other boy brought him over to his parents, who were lounging on a towel in the packed part of the beach. The boy and his parents got up to leave, while the other boy ran over to Nikko.

"Sorry, but he's pretty shaken, so we're going home now."

"I'm really sorry for everything. I hope he feels better soon."

As soon as that boy left, Nikko motioned to the spectating Toshiharu, Reina, and Shinobu to claim the spot. Without hesitation, Reina immediately set up the blanket and a chair before anyone else could claim the free real estate. She threw a thumbs up to Nikko.

"Good job!"

Nikko waved back and started jogging to the newly-claimed spot. Juzo ran up beside him.

"So, that was your plan?"

"God no. I'm not a heartless monster who wanted to hurt the kid. But it worked."

"What was the original idea, then?"

"We were supposed to beat them so badly that they would run away crying to their parents, wanting to go home."

"That's actually worse. You're a psycho."

"A psycho who has a premium spot on the beach. You're welcome."

They joined up with Reina and the others at the blanket. Reina threw her hand up to high five Nikko.

"Thanks to you, we got a great spot. Let's set everything up so we can go play."

Everyone started organizing their things on their spot, but something caught Shinobu's eyes.

"Juzo, what are you wearing?"

"My swim shorts. Why?"

Looking around, Juzo noticed that everyone was wearing something over their swimsuits.

"Oh, maybe I should have brought some normal shorts, too."

"No, that's not it. What are those swim shorts?"

Juzo looked down to check.

"Oh, yeah! It's duckies!"

Reina scoffed at him.

"What are you, six years old?"

Nikko chuckled.

"Well, Reina, you're gonna love this…"

Nikko flung off his shorts to show off his swimsuit.


Toshiharu saw his signal to also show off his trunks, yanking off his shorts.

"And I got dinosaurs!"

Reina shook her head.

"God, you're all children."

Shinobu took a bit to absorb the spectacle.

"Well, I guess they all look cute."

Nikko turned to Reina.

"See, Reina. Cute, she says."

Juzo stopped Reina before she could retort.

"Come on, let's just go to the water and cool off."

Shinobu happily jumped up.

"Yeah, I wanna swim!"

She threw her clothes off to reveal a pink one-piece swimsuit.

"Hurry up, Reina! You need to come, too!"

"Alright, fine."

Reina started to slowly and shyly take her outer clothes off. Nikko didn't have the patience for her slow speed.

"Reina, no one cares about your body. Just hurry it up."

Reina snarled at him, but took off her shirt and shorts, exposing her green bikini to the others. With the ordeal over, Juzo and Nikko started towards the water, but Reina suddenly grabbed Juzo's arm.

"Huh? What do you need?"

Reina looked down at her feet, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Well, no one's saying anything…"

"About what?"

Reina started shuffling around.

"My… my swimsuit…"

A smug look overcame Juzo and Nikko's faces.

"Well, would you look at this, Juzo, Ms. Tough-As-Nails is being bashful."

"Never thought I would live to see the day."

"Shut up! Why did I even say anything!?"

Reina turned around to try and leave, but Shinobu blocked her path.

"You look really cute, Reina!"

Toshiharu joined in, too.

"Yeah, looks good."

Their comments cheered Reina up.


Suddenly, a hand fell on the top of her head.

"You should probably watch your back. All the girls are gonna be jealous of you, and you don't want a jealous bitch to stab you."

Reina turned around to meet Nikko, who was smiling like a dumbass.

"That's your compliment? This is why no one likes you."

Nikko shrugged.

"That's their problem. Not mine."

Juzo saw his chance to jump in.

"Come on, Reina, the man compliments you, and you don't like it. How rude."

"You can just stop. Please."

"Fine. But green does look really good on you."

The compliment shocked Reina, who saw Juzo try and turn away to hide his flustered face.


Juzo tried to change the subject.

"What are you guys waiting for? We came here to have fun, not sit around talking."

Out of nowhere, Nikko burst into a full sprint.

"Race you!"

Quickly responding, Juzo took after him.

"You slippery bastard!"