Chapter 8:

Resting - Arc 1

Lucid Memories:The Observer's Servant Eyes「明晰思い出:観察者の従者眼」

Why am I even here?

I came back home after exploring the basement and the church, I could still see them in the back of my mind since I couldn't forget them, moving on, I continued to cook and eat the animals I would find around here, though I felt bad when I started doing it before, but now it seemed normal for me to do so.

Time passed and I finished eating, finished cleaning, as I went for my night walks, going around the village, seeing the destroyed homes of people living before here, farms that I could fix if I had the time, for the past few days I've been doing this all as a routine, and after all of it, I would go home and rest, and that's what I did, though it was a different night.

I woke up at the middle of the night, though it wasn't caused by a nightmare, nor was it because of an animal, it was caused by voices.

I went outside and all I could hear was screams of people, from children, adults, men, and women, screams of torture, cries of pain, shrieks of agony, and I could hear them all everywhere.

Looking around I was sure that I was all alone, returning to my home I could still hear them, it sounded like they were around me, outside my home, inside my head, and so I never fell asleep.