Chapter 46:

Let the new generation begin!


“Aku please follow me, I want to give you your the gift when we are on our own” Yui said and opened the door.

“I thought you had no time to take it from your home” Aku said, she stood up anyway.

“I slept with it in my bed so I won’t lose it no matter what” Yui went out the door.

“It’s that important for you?” Aku was surprised, what important object can one sleep with?

“Are you actually going?” Kimori woke up earlier than usual because he was excited for election day “it’s an important date you know.”

“Yes it is” Yui went outside the door and Aku followed him “it’s exactly the reason we should go.”

“Congratulations” the two encountered Natsuki along the way, he looked very jolly.

“Congratulations on your triple important date” Nana was there too but was too short to notice at first look.

“Triple!?” Aku and Yui asked together.

“What happened to your leg?” Natsuki tried to change the topic.

“It’s broken but I’m healing fast so it is fine” Aku said quickly, she wanted to know what Yui’s surprise was already, she had no will once so ever for a small talk with the gods.

“Let’s go Aku” Yui pulled Aku’s hand, he had no will for a small talk with the gods either.

They kept walking up the street, even the gray sidewalks looked brighter than ever under the warm sun. Even the clean sidewalk of the main street looked cleaner than ever.

“Where are we going?” Aku asked Yui while he took her in the direction of the nearby forest.

“Right there!” Yui pointed at a bridge above a big pond.

“This place is beautiful” Aku was sure Yui would take her to a restaurant or something in this style.

“Come then” he pulled Aku, running to the top of the bridge, his eyes shined brightly.

“Wait for me! my leg is broken!” Aku didn’t feel the pain at the moment but she knew she shouldn’t run if she doesn't want more pain in the near future.

They went to the top and looked at the deep clean water for a few minutes.

“Why did you take me here?” Aku loved how pretty that place was but she knew it was not Yui’s point.

“You don’t like it?” Yui said, his face looked disappointed.

“No no” she waved her hands “I like it a lot though I thought there will be something else…”

“I’m sorry but I didn’t prepare something else” Yui looked even more disappointed than before.

“It’s alright, I guess it’s better like this” Aku sat on the bricks of the bridge and smiled “me, you, the water, the sky, the trees, everything is so perfect.”

“I was joking” Yui said in confidence “there is something else.”

“Oh” Aku stood up with a little help from her crutches “what is it?”.

“We might be very young but if we have matching hearts I thought to myself” Yui looked at the floor “why should we wait?”

“Wait? you don’t mean?” Aku was overwhelmed, she waited for it for so long.

Yui kneaded on his knee and took a little box out of his pocket “Yui Aku, will you marry me?”

Aku looked at the ring inside the little box, golden and a single little diamond in the middle.

“Do you like it?” Yui looked happy “I worked late night in “Coffee Wonder” for a while so I can buy it for you.”

Aku was too shocked, she wanted to say yes but she couldn’t say a thing.

While he waited for an answer he leaned on the block railing of the bridge, he was very executed from working late nights for such a long time.

Aku noticed a caution sign near Yui with the words “do not lean, collapse warning”.

I should tell him Aku thought to herself “a… de….. g…” nothing came out of her mouth but nonsensical syllables.

“What is it?” Yui looked calm.

“Mo… sta… n….” Aku pointed at the sign with a scared expression on her face.

“The sign?” Yui looked at it but it was already too late.

The bricks started to fall to the water like little snowflakes landing on the ground in the middle of a storm with a single boy, a boy with deep blue eyes, following them to the depths of the blue reflecting the warm fall sky.

“Takashima!!!!!!” Aku finally could say something but it was already too late. She decided to make the move and jumped after him hoping to save him.

A brick closed on Yui’s leg and he couldn't get it off making him stuck in the bottom of the pond, Aku tried to save Yui but the plaster cast on her leg was soaked in water keeping her down too. They reached their hands to one another and their tears got mixed with the cold water, if a selevation will not come, at least they are together in their last seconds. The air in their lungs ran out, and the two closed their eyes, two bodies in the water, holding hands.

“Triple happy date!” Nana said loudly, she and Natsuki waited with traditional supreme land clothes for the death of the two “elections, marriage, death!”

“Situation update” Natsuki said, his face was very flat “people can notice the abandoned street now so your partners moved with all of their stuff to Aku’s castle which is still invisible to everyone else. The police are not after any of you, the white dot lost the elections.”

“How could I forget” Yui put his hand on his forehead “this is the day I become a god because of dying.”

“Yes it is” Natsuki said “former god of creation, go ahead.”

“Yui Takashima, will you take on yourself the role of love?” Nana approached Yui.

“No!” Natsuki looked nervous “you were supposed to give him the role of leadership, it’s written in the future! you can’t break the future!”

“I chose to give Takashima the role of love, maybe your future is the one who is wrong” Nana looked confident.

“So at least give someone else the role of leadership” Natsuki thought it will bring the future back on track.

“It was my plan from the start” Nana looked at Natsuki “Yui Takashima, will you take on yourself the role of love?” she asked Yui once again.

“I will” Yui answered, he has no other choice anyway.

“Yui Aku” Nana approached Aku this time.

Aku noticed just now that her leg completely healed, can death heal injuries?

“Yui Aku, will you take on yourself the role of leadership?” Nana asked.

“I will” Aku imitated Yui.

“Good, you two are officially gods now” Natsuki opened his hands.

“We did it!” Nana looked at Natsuki in pure happiness “we started a new generation of gods!”

“Our plan that took years finally came true!” Natsuki was even happier than Nana, he pointed at the two confused Yuis and said happily:

“Let the new generation of gods begin!”

Book cover


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