Chapter 31:

The Goals That Must Not Be Forgotten

The Creature Hunter: Soul Of The Wind

(While at that time, Nethilor)

Orano was looking at Caitrin confused, 

He said,

"What do you have in mind?"

Caitrin wanted to say something, but the words didn't come out of her mouth. She couldn't describe the regret that she carried. Ever since they started this journey, she felt sorry for doing something like this. But she never had the chance to say it.

But after she had gathered her courage, she looked Orano in the eye and said,

"Actually, I wanted to say it all along, but I never got a chance to say it."

She then said to herself,

*Maybe he'll find what I'm saying absurd, but that's how I feel right now. And they are issues that are pretty real for me right now. 

Every time we progressed or traveled somewhere else, those thoughts would fill my mind every time. No matter how hard I try, these thoughts don't come out of my head. And this is driving me crazy.*

She once again looked at him and said,

"I just want to say that I can't. I can't..... do this anymore."

She then added,

"Ever since we started this journey, you've been a great help to me. Thanks to you, I've been able to go to other kingdoms, I've seen new places, I've discovered many creatures, and I'm almost there to finally achieve my dream goal.

You bought me an armor and a sword, and you saved my life many times. But it just didn't provide anything. Rather than that I just owe you many things.

And I know I paid you to travel with me, but I don't think this is the right thing to do. I've already worked too hard on my goal, so I don't want to drag you with me anymore."

She then smiled and added,

"So let this be our last meeting, okay? If we meet again, maybe then I can pay you back."

She bowed her head and slowly walked past Orano with a sad and regretful expression. Even if she knew that was what she had to do, she was remorseful. That feeling in her heart didn't disappear a little bit. It just got worse at every step she took.

And while she was about to walk away, Orano said loudly,

"Where do you think you are going? You didn't ask my opinion."

She then stopped and looked at him with a surprised expression.

Orano on the other hand crossed his arms, sighed, and said,

"Of course, we've been in a lot of difficult situations before, but that doesn't mean it was because of you.

Each time we encountered a different creature, and they were difficult for sure, but you managed to get out of all of them, with your own power.

I may have supported you, but you came all the way here on your own.

If you forget or give up your goal halfway through, then what you've done by now means nothing. Forgetting your purpose only weakens you. And the next time you try to stand up against something and you can't find any reason or have a reason for it, You may not find the strength to even fight. 

Even if you're in doubt, step forward every time. Because if you step back, you'll only discover the places you've passed. But as long as you step forward, you're only a few steps away from your goal. And every time you step forward, you will get closer.

So don't blame yourself.

And you didn't drag me here. From the beginning, it was my responsibility to accept your request."

Then he pulled out one of the pouches from his bag and said,

"And If I have to remind you, you still have two weeks. My mission is not over yet."

As he walked past her, he said,

"And we're both going to Emperal. I don't think it would be a trouble for us to travel together for a while."

After he said those words, Caitrin had feelings in her heart that she had never felt before. All the doubts, cold feelings, and remorse she felt for Orano were gone. And they were replaced by so many good feelings.

She was sure now.

From now on, she trusted Orano with all her heart.

She said with a weak voice and a slight smile,


He looked back and saw her smiling at her. It was an extremely warm and heartfelt smile. Even Orano was baffled by it.

She said,

"Thank you."

And she continued to smile even as the words fell out of her mouth. On the other hand, Tatsumi didn't say anything. He just slowly turned his back to her and said,

"We have to leave now, or we may miss the balloon we're traveling on. And the sooner we leave, the better it will be."

Caitrin looked at him with admiration and said,

"Alright, you are the boss, lead the way."

Then they left and started walking to where the air balloons were.


After walking for almost an hour, they finally got to where the air balloons were taking off. So they stopped and looked at them. There were a lot of air balloons with different colors and different patterns. Standing side by side. They looked quite harmonious and beautiful even from far away. 

And even though there were not many people who usually went by balloon to the sixth Kingdom, it was still crowded, and there were many people who landed and rode the balloons at that time.

Caitrin then looked at them amazed and said,

"Wow! Do people really ride these? They really are beautiful."

"There are different transportation ways that you can use like by ship and horse-drawn carriages, but this is faster than others, and it's the closest transportation route to the region we're in now. So it's the best option for us to ride this." Orano replied as he explained the situation.

And while they were looking at the ballons a woman, that looked like she was authorized approached them and said,

"Welcome. Would you like to rent a balloon, Sir?" She said with a kind voice.

Orano pointed to the red balloon and said,

"Yes. I would like to rent that balloon over there."

After she saw which balloon he meant, she smiled and said,

"Good choice, sir. But can I see your ID first?"

Orano showed his ID and said,

"Also, she is with me. We will travel together."

"I understand, Sir. Since you are allowed to carry two people, you can pass, but your fee is three gold coins." The woman said as she examined the ID.

Orano took out three gold coins and passed them to her,


Then the woman took the payment and said,

"Here, follow me, Sir."

And while they were walking towards the Balloon, Caitrin said with a confused expression,

"Balloon rental? Why are balloons are getting rented?"

Orano explained,

"Unlike other means of transportation, you can rent air balloons. You have the right to use them while you rent, but there's a place like this one you see here, in the sixth Kingdom. And if you don't leave it in places like this when your time is over, you might get a fine. And even if there is a different way of functioning on the transportations of air balloons, it is more enjoyable than the others."

Caitrin looked at the Air Balloons once more and said to herself,

*He is right. They look so beautiful.*

And after they talked for a while, the woman lead them to where the Balloon was and said when they finally stopped in front of it,

"You have a ten-hour drive. Please drop the balloon at the landing site before time runs out."

Orano nodded and said, 

"I will. Thank you."

And after they talked and got on the balloon, the Balloon finally started flying and they got away from there.

Then as they got higher, Caitrin said excitedly,

"Woah! We are really flying! This thing is really interesting."

But her excitement didn't last that much. After they got high enough, they both started to rest and wanted to get the tire out of their body. So Orano sat on the ground, crossed his arms, bowed down his head, and closed his eyes.

The sun was setting and it was almost night. The view was so beautiful, Caitrin couldn't stop looking at it.

She then smiled and said to herself,

*I wish I could ride these with my friends. If they did, I'm sure they'd lose their minds.*

Then she looked at Orano and said,

"Oh! I just remembered! You mentioned an incident in the sixth Kingdom that you saw, and you said you never wanted to go again. But now you're leaving to go there again. Wouldn't this be a problem for you?"

Orano said,

"Yeah, it's maybe a problem for me. But as I've said many times before. There's nothing I can do. We need to find that Rift. That is why we need to go there."

She then looked at him with a thoughtful expression and said,

"Hmmm. I understand. But can you at least tell me what happened?"

Orano slightly opened his right eye and looked at her. He then closed it again, sighed, and started telling a story,

"That was two years ago. After we defeated the Atranoch, we went to the sixth Kingdom to sell it to a merchant."