Chapter 55:

A risk of a become the sacrifice

Sokka's Chronicles

The seven sins have decided to move forward with the plan now that it is theoretically ready, it remains to put it into practice. They were all divided into 3 cities, they already had no obstacles in their way. They all did as Pride told them, they used a plane to go through Russia, they used 3 bombs in the city and no one suspected them. 

Leo, Yana, Edward, Mirai, Henry and Roy also went to Russia, Roy has already taken the case with city explosions.

Roy in his mind: The cities were destroyed, the pilots of planes died and the really interesting thing is that they all had drupes to the cities that exploded. 

Roy went to the airlines to find out more about the pilots who died, While Leo does push-ups. 

Leo: I ...... I ..... will.....become ..... stronger !! 

Leo falls down.

Leo: I will succeed. 

Wrath talks to Sloth. 

Wrath: We have to be very careful about our boss and Pride, it could be weird in the middle. 

Sloth: Namely? 

Wrath: Each plan requires enormous sacrifices, even when Pride located us, it had to sacrifice about 50 people. 

Sloth: What to do in this case? 

Wrath: We have to be very careful. 

Lust: What are you talking about there? 

Wrath: Lust, be very careful! 

Lust: Why ? 

Sloth: Just be careful, this may be our last mission. 

Lust: I have no idea what you mean, but okay !

Pride talks to Envy. 

Pride: We're almost done with the plan. 

Envy: Mhm ?

Pride: Envy, stay close to me.  

Envy: Huh....Okay, but what will happen ?

Pride: Nothing special, in short, if it is to happen to separate from the others, If so, I would go best with you, I like you the best of all.

Envy: Really? 

Sokka goes to Mendax. 

Sokka: Mendax, what are you going to do ?! 

Mendax: Hey, Sokka, how are you? 

Sokka: Stop it! 

Mendax: See you Sokka, I don't have time to argue now. 

Mendax disappears. 

Will the seven sins succeed in making the circle of destroyed cities?