Chapter 33:

Kasumi gets invited to the MMA club

Former Magical Girls and their Daily Lives

He had all day to talk to Kasumi, but he decided that it would be better to do it early in the morning.

"Good morning, Kasumi."

"Ohio," Kasumi said, "Wait, who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm Keiji Tainaka, and I'm a member of the MMA club. We are curious if you wanted to join our club."

"Why so?"

"You may remember that last week you beat up a pair of robbers in plain daylight, and I was wondering if you wanted to join the MMA club."

"What is MMA?"

"It stands for Mixed Martial Arts. It's like a fighting club, but more like boxing, but it isn't boxing. You can kick people."

"So, kickboxing?"

"No, it's a free for all kind of thing."

"Pro wrestling. New Wapan, right?"

"New Wapan isn't a real sport."

"What do you mean it isn't a real sport?"

"I mean, it's all staged, isn't it. Everything is planned out."

"Hey, you are telling me that dozens of elite wrestlers fight every year, and it isn't a real event. You are telling me that it's all planned out."

"Well, yeah. That's just how it is."

"I'm going to beat you up."

"That's what I was hoping you would say."

Kasumi recoiled. "What do you mean by that? Are you some kind of sadist?"

"No, I'm not. The word you are looking for is 'masochist'. Which I not am."

"Why do you want me to beat you up then?"

"I'm inviting you to the MMA club."

"Didn't you just say that all of the results are planned out?"

"No, I said that the matches in New Wapan are planned out. The ones at the MMA club are legit."

"How do I know that?"

"Because we are an actual organization that holds matches, and there's no overarching plot like New Wapan has."

"That sounds boring."

"It is real, unlike New Wapan."

"Don't insult New Wapan!"

"I'm not trying to insult it. It isn't real wrestling. It's more like a play that you see every week."

"You are telling me that I was watching theater all of these years?"

"I guess."

"I don't like theater."

"But you watched it."

"That's the problem."

"Anyway, about the MMA club."

"What do you want me to beat you up for some reason that isn't sadist or masochist?"

"It isn't 'some reason'. Ever since you popped up on the news, the club thought that you would be a good match for our club."

"I guess. But kicking a guy in the face isn't that hard."

"Yeah, but he had a gun."

"He had a gun?"

"You didn't know?!"

"No! I was just angry at him for yelling while I was thinking. If he actually had a gun, that was a really dangerous move. The safer route would be to wait for negotiations to be over and for the hostages to be released. Running from across the room gives the robber a lot of time to shoot you or someone else."

"Why do you have a reasonable idea how to survive a hostage situation?"


"What kind of experience do you have?"

"Anyway, you are inviting me to the MMA club?"

"Yeah, that was the idea. So, do you want to join?"

"I guess I could try. When are meetings?"

"We have one today after school. Can you make it?"

"I can punch someone in the face?"

"I don't think that's against the rules."
