Chapter 4:

Overcoming Adversity

The Scarlett Dragon's Pride And Revenge

Back at Ren and Callums fighting grounds.
Ren is busy taking out the rest of chaosix's army while callum and nexus engages in battle. 
"Sexton bullet"Callum activates his enhancmenet magic and enhances the bullets fired from his gun
"Wave Tyranny"Nexus says as he uses his magic to form a barrier.
Nexus specalises in water and expansion magic.
Callum then takes out a gernade and throws it at Nexus.
"You're gonna have to do better than that." Nexus says as he easily avoids the gernade.
Just then however he got smacked in the head with a large bat enhanced with callums magic. Nexus then flies across the battlefield. 
"I'm not done yet." callum than prcoeeds to take out a machine gun and shot enchanced bullets at nexus. 
Nexus then instinctively creates a barrier of water around himself to shield himself from the bullets. 
Nexus then proceeds to roll himself into a ball shaped and activated his strongest magic, 
"Rolling aqua"He starts rolling across the battlefield while creating a layer of water around himself , drowning all foes and allies. Callum then headbutts Nexus but the momentum of Nexus was too strong and he got blown away. 
"I didnt wanna use this but it seems i got no choice,"As he says that, callum pulls out a giant railgun called the black barrel, he charges it up and with the last of his magic, enhanced the shot and fired. Nexus instantly got blown away by the shot.
The battle was over, general Nexus was taken down and Callum had used up the last of his strength to fire that shot.The remaining mooks got taken out by both Nexus's and callum's attack. Ren was still in a healthy state and thus he proceeded ahead after making sure all the enemies are down for the count.

At Weiss and Karen's battlefield
The entire field was covered with ice, as Weiss and sandra cross magic.
Sandra specializes in sand magic and wind magic.
"Sand Tomb"Sandra says and she uses her magic to trap weiss.
"Ice Breaker"Weiss activates her magic circle which protudes ice that sends her flying out of the tornado.
Weiss than creates an ice raiper and enchants it ice.
Sandra than sends out a vaccum wave of wind which gets blocked by weiss's raiper.
Weiss than attempts to attack Sandra but gets blocked by a sand barrier.
"Curse magic:Death of the angel" Weiss sends a chain to link up with Sandra's soul.
"This ability sends any damage you deal to me to you and vice versa, let's enjoy the match now shall we Sandra"Weiss says smugly.
"Sand typhoon"Sandra activates a magic circle from below her that traps both her and Weiss in it, and it continues to damage them both which is amplified by the connection they shared now.
With this, both sandra and weiss were down for the count. After karen took out the last of the chaosix's army, she proceeded to head to dragonia to assist Scarlett.

At Juan's Battlefield.
Juan has managed to take down half of the chaosix's army but hes having trouble juggling having to fight the army along with Javier.
Jaiver specializes in reversing magic and wood magic.
The reason Juan was having trouble was due to said reversing magic which reversed his senses and disorienting him.
As well as the fact that Javier is constantly attacking him with logs.
"This is getting ridiculous" Juan said angrily.
Juan then used his magic to summon a tidal wave which he rode that swept up the entire battlefield.
Juan than took out his prized sword, the longinus count zero.Given to him by king Percival.
"Activating sword magic, count down, this sword shall be the one who brings ruins to all who sees and break the dawn of the night. Longinus COUNT ZERO."
After the chant, a giant sword slash was fired and what do you know, it hit Javier.
"How, how did you"Javier said as he was bleeding from the attack.
Juan then collapsed due to exhuastion.

At Libra's battlefield
Vortien is beating the crap out of Libra, while all libra can do is hide behind earth walls that she built.
But everytime she built a new wall, vortigen would just come and smash it. 
Libra would sometime go on the offensive and shoot out rock spikes but they always miss.
"Come on missy, theres no way this is it right? you should be stronger than this."Vortigen said as he yawns, barely even using up any energy in this fight.
"You're right, but it seems you're the one thats going down."Libra said as she activates her ultimate magic.
"Who told you my magic was earth manipulation."
A giant magic circle appears beneath both of them and then a dome pops up and encases them.
Vortigen then starts shaking, "What is this."He says.
"My real magic is vibration, good bye." Libra says as she snaps her fingers which sends vibration across the entire enclosed dome. Vortigen then gets knocked unconsious from all the vibration.
Libra exits the dome and meets up with Ren and Karen and procced to the throne room where Scarlett is still fighting.

At Tobias battlefield
He had already taken down Alexander with no issues and hes questioning him about havoc's plan.
"It's already too late so ill just tell you, it has something to do with Scarlett"
Tobias hears about what will happen and immediately leaves to head to Scarlett's location.

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