Chapter 60:

Minoru Ren

Sokka's Chronicles

Leo and the others go to the center of Moscow to meet the author of the post who saw her on the net. 

Yana: Where is he? 

Minoru (author): Here I am! 

Roy: Who? 

Minoru: It's like you wanted to meet me, I'm the author of the post and someone named Leo Kento wrote to me. 

Leo: I'm Leo, I hope you don't mind, but how old are you? 

Minoru: I have 14 years.

Mirai: Seriously, are you that young? 

Minoru: Yes, but believe me I am different from the others, please listen to me about the 7 sins. 

Edward: Well, okay, but what's your name? 

Minoru: My name is Minoru Ren. 

Leo: Minoru, delighted to meet you, so now that I know you're the author of the post, I want to know more about it. 

Minoru: I'll tell you everything you need. 

Henry: First tell me how you found out. 

Minoru: Well, it all started when I was about 6 years old, I was with my family when suddenly a woman appeared and then before she killed my sister she said to me "I want her body, she's much more beautiful than me" then he kills her in front of me and takes her face, and then he tells me "My name is Envy. " after he disappeared.

Leo: Okay.

Minoru: Since then I have tried to find out more about this and I found out that 80 years ago there was another attack of the seven sins, talking to people who are over 80 or people who are 60-50 years old who know the story of his grandparents. 

Edward: And from that you made a conclusion? 

Minoru: Everyone told me in different ways, even in the history books the attack of the seven sins is mentioned, until once an old man said to me "There is someone in the middle, someone invincible, God's rival" then I thought there might be something in between, a boss. 

Edward: Okay, we believe you, but no one will be able to stop him if he really is God's rival. 

Minoru: Are you sure ? 

Edward: Well, no, but who knows what hidden powers he has. 

Roy: Okay, Minoru do you have parents? 

Minoru: No.

Roy: I'm sorry for you, but would you like to be a member of our team? 

Minoru: To be a member of your team? 

Leo: I agree. 

Mirai: Yes, Minoru, we need you! 

Yana: So please help me. 

Minoru: Okay, who's the leader? 

Henry: We don't have a leader yet. 

Minoru: Great, then I'll be the team leader. 

Leo: I don't know what to say, I think we should vote.

Edward looks at Minoru and says. 

Edward: Listen to me, this kid has a lot of potential, doesn't he, Roy? 

Roy: Ed is right, he managed to find out all this information and he managed to get this information on his own. 

Edward: I vote for Minoru. 

Roy: Me too, i vote for Minoru.

Edward and Roy see great potential in Minoru. 

Henry: I don't like being led by a 12-year-old because of my ego, but I agree. 

Minoru: I have 14-years-old.

Leo: Okay, Minoru, I'll trust you too. 

Mirai: Usually I'm not that smart one, but I don't understand why you head a 14-year-old who barely knew you. 

Roy: Mirai, I feel something in Minoru and I think he will help us, if his leadership will not help, then we will put you in charge. 

Mirai: I don't want to be the leader, but okay. 

Yana: I vote with Minoru.

Minoru became the leader of the team, will he be able to do something good and catch the seven deadly sins.