Chapter 43:

The Kingdom Of Unending Battles: Vurudora

The Creature Hunter: Soul Of The Wind

Tatsumi looked at them and said,

"Now, we must find a place to hide before we get recognized by somebody."

"But where are we going to start looking for it? After all, we've all seen different places, haven't we?" Bachi said as he looked at him confused.

Miko then said with an annoyed expression,

"Everything will be fine, Bachi, because we saw the same place, you remember?"

She then looked at Tatsumi too and added,

"But we don't know where Tatsumi and Caitrin saw the Rift. So we have to find a solution for that."

"You guys were talking about the rift you saw in Vurudora. Where exactly did you see?" Caitrin asked as she looked at them.

"I saw a port. And right after that, Bachi saw a vision too. At first, we thought it was here, at this port, but looks like we were wrong. It's probably at the port on the other side of town. We have to go there."

Bachi then looked at Caitrin and said,

"Where exactly did you two see?"

Caitrin thought for a second then said with an unsure expression,

"I couldn't figure out exactly where. But I saw a place like a cage that was surrounded by rock walls and only the entrance was visible. And then I saw this city. I couldn't figure it out exactly where that is since I've never been here before."

Lydia then joined the conversation and said,

"The place you saw was most likely an Arena cage. And since the most famous Arena here is the "Beneaver" Arena, I don't think there's any other place we can go."

"Then that's where we'll investigate first." Orano said as he walked in front of everybody.

Caitrin then said with a sarcastic and a scared expression,

"Hey! Didn't you say there were dangerous people here that visit the Arena every year? Are we literally going to their place?"

As Miko stopped and looked at a poster, She said,

"And it looks like we arrived just in time to that."

They all stopped and looked at her. Then Lydia and Caitrin approached her and looked at the poster too.

The poster said,

-Tomorrow Night! Don't miss the Beneaver Arena fights! The main events will be held between seven o'clock and nine o'clock and the Queen's special guest will be with us again tonight!! To not miss any events, Come to Beneaver Arena tonight!-

Caitrin looked at the poster nervously and said to herself,

*There is even a special guest? What are they planning?*

Lydia then said as she looked at the poster,

"She is right. The Arena battles starts tomorrow. That means we have to act quick."

Orano looked at them and said,

"We'll find a place to spend the night then. And when tomorrow comes, we'll look for the Rift around the city. And we will go to the arena if we have to. Don't dwell on the details for now. We just have to find a way to hide without getting noticed."

They all had a second thought about going there. But they all had to agree since they had no choice. And after Orano's words, they started walking again.


After walking about ten minutes, they finally reached a hotel and tried to rent a room.

As they planned who was going to rent the room, Orano said,

"Since all of the soldiers of Emperal searches for us, we can't just go around and give our IDs to hotels. And since I and Caitrin is a criminal from now on, and Caitrin doesn't have an ID, we need someone that the government isn't looking for."

Lydia said,

"I don't have any crime on my list, but since I disappeared so suddenly and I was chosen for your mission, they will probably search for me right away if I used mine."

Then Miko said,

"Yeah. And Bachi got into that business too, he can't use his ID too."

Then an idea came to Miko's mind, so she said with an excited voice tone,

"But we can use mine! Right! They didn't saw me in Emperal, since I was sick and I didn't commit any crime before that."

Orano said,

"That looks good. Since it hadn't been much since we got here, I don't think they have a clear photo of who we are. We will use that tactic for now."

Immediately after their conversation, Miko approached the hotel staff handed her ID, and calmly waited. 

At first, the hotel staff stared at the ID for a couple of seconds. And this scared the others, but later she left it on the table and smiled at Miko. 

A few seconds later, Miko approached the others and said,

"It's all right, they gave us a room."

Everybody got relieved,

Bachi said "Hurray!" with a happy expression, and they finally went to their room.


And tomorrow night, when the moon appeared in the sky again, they set off. And this time they made their way, to the arena.

But before going there right away, Miko stopped in front of a little shop that sold masks and suggested another idea,

"Hey! Since we have to hide, can't we just use these ones here?"

There were a lot of masks in the little store. A lot of animal masks, festivals masks, and monster masks were in the shop. 

But Orano's attention was most attracted by the ones shaped like a fox's head and five of them were standing side by side. 

From right to left, there were happy, surprised, sad, angry and tired.

Orano took the one with the happy face on it and said, 

"We are using these ones."

Lydia then took the tired one and said,

"Maybe they can't hide us completely, but we can still use them at least."

And after them, Miko took the surprised one, Bachi took the sad one, and finally, Caitrin took the angry one. And after they all wore their masks, they finally made their way to the Arena.

The Arena was quite crowded that night. It was filled with people from every Kingdom coming to watch and participate in the competition. Dozens of swordsmen, sorcerers, Knights, and many more gathered to watch tonight's contest. The arena lights were burning excessively brightly, and the speakers making the announcement could be heard everywhere.

And because it was too loud, Orano and the others started to communicate by talking loudly or even shouting,

Caitrin said,

"Why are we this close? I can't even hear myself."

Bachi closed his ears with his hands and said,

"They are hurting my ears! These speakers are evil!"

Miko then turned to Orano and said,

"Why are there speakers here? And how could they invent such a thing in here?"

"It was surprising for me too, but it is a magical megaphone that is used as a speaker. It really surprises to see something here like this, but it makes sense when you learn how it works." Orano replied.

After they got where the tickets were getting sold, Miko said

"Then we will be leaving for now. We have to search for the other rift before it gets too late."

Lydia then said,

"Yeah. I should get going too. I have to find a way for us to escape. Something bad might happen, and I will patrol the port for incoming enemies."

Orano then looked both at them and said,

"I understand. If anything happens, just state where you are with your Zon Device. I will contact you both when we find the Rift."

They both nodded and walked away from there. 

And as they left, Orano and Caitrin bought their tickets, they sat on the seats and waited for the event to began. And as they waited, Caitrin looked around to see how the Arena looked like from the inside.

The inside of the arena had seats where they stood, tunnel-like trusses with gates with iron bars under the seats, and an announcement room located in the corner. It was a very big arena that many people came.

And while they were waiting, another announcement has been made,

"Ladies and Gentlemans! The event that you have been all waiting for is now here!"

The crowd began shouting in enthusiasm over the announcement and chanting the names of their favorite fighters,

"Mr. Louis win this!"

"Mr. Evander! You can do this!"

"Mrs. Harlow! We believe in you!"

When they were shouting the final announcement has been made, and they said,

"On the orders of the Queen, we prepared a special event, only for tonight!" 

The announcer then added,

"Here's the first match of the night! Evander Boras versus Genju Nasaki!"

After the crowd heard the second person's name, everyone went crazy and they started to shout once more,

"Is Mr. Genju Nasaki really here!?"

"He came! I knew it was him!"

"So he was the special guest! I am so excited to see him!"

"Special guest? Why are they taking the special guest from the very beginning?" Caitrin asked as she heard them.

Orano replied,

"If a lion is going to prove to other animals that he is the king of the forest, he must prove why he deserves it before that."

"What do you mean by that?"

He then added,

"Most likely, they want to prove to the other contestants how strong he is. This way, the Queen will collect more betting money on her contestant and she will hold all of the power as she does that."

And as Orano said that, the gate of the cages finally opened and the contestants slowly came out.