Chapter 4:


X Thirteen

*The Next Day *

Mitsu saw the same dream again. Mitsu always wakes up with tears in her eyes.

Mitsu dresses up and goes down stairs. Hinako is waiting for mitsu like always. Mitsu makes breakfast and lunch for Hinako and herself. Like always they have breakfast by sitting down in the living room and watch TV. Hinako wanted some salt so she went to get some salt in the kitchen.

Mitsu opens up a channel and saw something that surprised her.

*The News*

Today just a few hours ago some abandoned explorers found dead bodies. Some bodies were burnt and some dead by gunshot. The police immediately recognised the bodies as they wore Yakao Gang uniform. The police even found the Yakao's Right hand man with twisted body parts.

We just received the news that the police found Yakao Gang leader Yakao dead but the police had some difficulties while identifying the Yakao's body first as the face was covered by black cloth and police can't conform unless his body was brought down which was hung outside.

Mitsu immediately closed the TV. Hinako than comes and asks why she close the TV. "We are getting late so eat fast, if I open the TV you will just get distracted Hinako" Mitsu replied. After They ate and went outside. Just as they went outside Saburo was waiting outside.

Saburo greeted with a warm morning. Saburo asked if he could take Hinako to school today. Mitsu understood that it's been a long time that Saburo was unable to see Hinako and wanted to protect Hinako. So she was fine with it and replied with OK. Hinako was also fine with it.

Hinako and Saburo went the other way. Mitsu said bye with a smile on her face but after they went Mitsu had a down face because she knew that she will be bullied again in school.

As Hinako reached school she had fear inside her but as she was going inside her class room she realised that those three girls weren't their. Just after a while those three girls ran towards Mitsu and begged for forgiveness. Mitsu got surprised. "Mitsu we are very sorry, we won't bully you or anyone ever again. " the three girls said and Mitsu said that she forgave them. The girls went to their seat and sat but they had fear in their eyes.

Than some of her class mates came and circled and apologised that they made her lonely and didn't protect. She said that it was all right and after many days she had a real smile on her face as she could make friends again. She couldn't believe and asked her new friends how did this happened. One of them replied"It was thanks to your new friend. Last Saturday when you were absent, he transferred to here and taught them that they could never forget.

"My friend?" just as she said that, from the back door Saburo came in their school uniform. Mitshu's jaw dropped and was shocked. She asked"Sa.. Sa... Saburo what are you doing here and why are you in our school uniform? "" What do you mean Mitsu. He was the one who taught those three a good lesson. Your friend"one of the boys replied. Mitsu became more surprised and screamed with a surprised face.

Mitsu walked towards Saburo and grabbed Saburo and told him to come with her. Mitsu took her to the top of the school. 

"I am surprised but why did you came to this school" Mitsu asked."You see not only Hinako but you were also precious for Kin. So I came to protect you". After hearing Kin's name Mitsu starting looking down and was about to cry. "and talking about Kin, after 2 days it's his birthday. I am going to Amayaki to meet his grave, if you wanna you can come with me" Than Saburo went to classroom and after few minutes Mitsu went too. 

Mitsu stayed quiet for a while in the classroom but at lunch time her new friends started to talk with her and she started smiling again. 

After school, Mitsu walked towards Saburo and said"Thanks once again but how did you did that. "." It doesn't matter how I did it but only thing that matters is that your happy now ". By saying that Saburo went home. 

*What really happened *

*after Saburo left Mitsu and Hinako at the hospital *

Saburo came back and went towards Yokao. Yokao was injured and Sabao sat beside him and asked" Who gave you money to murder Mitsu". "what are you talking about". "I know you very well, when you get angry you kill people on the spot but it someone gave you money, you plan something else". "Just who are you" Yokao asks

*The previous day when Mitsu was staying at home taking care of Hinako) 

The Homeroom teacher enters and says"Everyone we have a new transfer student. Please come in". The transfer student comes in and says"Good morning every one my name is Saburo. I hope we can be good friends ". The teacher than tells Saburo to take a seat of his choice and sits but teacher stops him and says" Saburo that's Mitsu's and she is absent today seat so please choose another seat" than Saburo seats at the back of Mitsu's seat. 

The girls in the class starts talking about how nice his hair is, how handsome he looks and how good his golden eyes are. 

I break time the three spoiled girls come towards Saburo. "From us three who would you like to date. Choose anyone and you can go on a date with them. Ofcourse you are gonna choose me right handsome " Tomiko says. "Hey what are you saying he is going on a date with me" Eiko said. "No he is going out with me" than Mika speaks. Than a boy come and says to Saburo "You are a lucky boy. All three goddess are asking on a date with you" 

"Thank you for the offer but I am afraid that I have to turn it down" Saburo replied. "Do you even know we are the most beautiful girl in this school and not just school but the whole world." Eiko replies. Than Miko says"We gave you privilege to date us. How dare you turn us down."" The other boys fall for us and just as we told you to date one of you, you think you are very handsome " than Tomiko speaks. 

" Other boys night fall for you for your so called beauty but just know this I am not a simp". With that the whole class got shocked and started laughing. "and besides My friend Mitsu I was preetier than you". By hearing that, the three girls got surprised by knowing that Mitsu was his friend. 

At lunch time the girls tried to throw a duster with a lot of chalk powder and threw at Saburo while Saburo was walking in the hallway and as they threw Saburo turned around and kicked it right back at them and it hit the celling and the powder came raining down and the duster fell and first hit Eika on her head than Mika and than Tomiko. 

After that they tried a lot of methods but failed. 

At the club time the three girls tried to think of a plan of taking revenge in a small room. Than Saburo comes inside and points at them than the shot those girls. (He shot with the same electro chip gun which he used on Mitsu when Yokao held her captive) 

After a while they woke up and saw they were tied and kept in a dark room with one light bulb at the top. Than slowly Saburo comes out and asks "Why did you pay Yokao to kill Mitsu and the other girls who study with you in your school" "what do you mean"Mika replied with angry face." Than Tomiko says" Do you even know who our fathers are" "We don't know what you are talking about" Eika replies. Than Saburo gets angry and says "Shut up and tell me the truth or else" as his eyes glow. 

The girls gets angry and tells the truth. "Yes, we did pay him to murder. We didn't like to see people with lower prestige around us and some girls tried to look prettier than is so we made a list of girls from our school who we want dead. We wanted to kill Mitsu first as she was very beautiful and we got jealous. Now that we told you everything please leave us". Than Saburo replies "OK I will let you go but in one condition. You need to apologise to all those people you bullied and promise to never bully anyone again" 

The girls were about to say no but when Saburo started to show a evil face and glowing eyes the girls got scared and said yes. 

After that the girls apologised to every one except Mitsu as she was absent for a few days.