Chapter 14:

Back home, for good (hopefully)


*Zane POV*

      I stared out the kitchen window, the sky a deep gray. 
Almost like my soul. I chuckle when I think that, Travis stares at me as I laugh. 
“What are you laughing at?” He asks
“My dark and empty soul.” I reply with a laugh and I get up and hug Travis, he had no shirt on I felt the hair on his chest and rubbed the hair, he laughed. I smiled and kissed him, he startled me as he picked me up and kissed my neck.
“Babe, we just had sex last night, we need to take a break.” I laugh as his beard hairs tickle my neck.
I personally think he’s in his breeding time, but I’m to scared to tell him, that I’m pregnant. 
      He’s going to work, I’m home alone, time to watch sappy love movies and cry a lot. 
“Thank god Tra- DAMN IT HE ATE ALL MY CHOCOLATE.” I yell.
I sit on the couch and flip through channels and find the sappiest love movie ever. It was called “At first glance.” I cried, and cried. 

     Travis got home a few hours later, I’m asleep on the couch. He picked me up and put me in bed and he took a shower then layed with me. 

(I’m finally done with this chapter. It’s not the best but I’m trying, I just need a mentor ❤️.)

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