Chapter 67:

The car accident

Sokka's Chronicles

Leo hits Pride in the head with a board. 

Pride gets up and goes to get his weapons. 

Henry jumps over Pride and holds him tightly and tells Leo: 

Henry: Leo, get out quickly and you have Pride's weapons and do something with them !!!! 

Leo: Yes !! 

Leo runs out as fast as he can when he sees the weapons and takes them in his hand and starts running. 

Pride gets rid of Henry and starts running after Leo: 

Henry running says to himself: 

Henry in his mind: I have to catch him before he catches Leo. 

Henry gets in his car and drive.

Henry calls Leo 

Leo answer

Henry: Make sure Pride comes after you! 

Leo: Okay, what's the plan now? 

Henry: Try to walk more on the roads so I can drive him.

Leo: Okay.

Leo hangs up.

Pride has already seen Leo and is running after him. 

Leo has reached a road, and Pride has already seen them in front of him. 

Pride: Give me the weapons now! 

Leo: No !!

Leo put his sword and tries to sharpen his sword. 

Pride: In vain, it only goes to me! 

A car traveling at 120 km/h trampled on Pride. 

Henry gets out of the car and approaches. 

Henry: Leo, you're a doctor, look if he's alive! 

Leo checks his breath and his eyes after his heartbeat, he's one hundred percent dead, but we'll have to bury him somewhere. 

Henry: I have a better idea, we better burn it. 

Leo: Okay !

Henry and Leo take him in the car and go in an abandoned place. 

Henry runs into Pride's body with gasoline, then lights a fire and burns gasoline, so the dead man begins to burn. 

Leo: Mission passed !

Leo and Henry clap their hands. 

Henry: Let's go celebrate and we'll reunite with Mirai and Minoru.

Leo: Good idea !