Chapter 51:

The Protector Of The Black Forest

The Creature Hunter: Soul Of The Wind

The kingdom of Besia was the kingdom with the largest population among the kingdoms. And even though it has fewer places to visit and fewer features compared to other kingdoms, it is the kingdom with the highest population. And In addition to that, the military power in this kingdom is higher than in other kingdoms.

Although they do not communicate much with other kingdoms, the third Kingdom plays a very large role in important wars with their outnumbering knights.

And the city where Orano and the others went was a city called "Abingora". 

The city of Abingora was perhaps the most famous city in the third Kingdom. Because with its huge and overprotective castle, it looks like a shield that could protect everyone. 

And apart from these features, there is a forest called the "Black Forest" that is near the castle, and it is the most feared but still curiously researched area of this city.


After they traveled for a day, Orano and the others finally arrived at Abingora.

Yuma had taken different paths and eventually managed to bring everyone to the Black Forest.

And as they arrived at the forest, Yuma stopped the carriage and said,

"Finally, here we are! The Black Forest of Abingora!"

And after they took their stuff, they eventually got out of the horse-drawn carriage and started walking,

Caitrin looked around amazed and said,

"It's pretty bleak in here. I hope we don't get in the way of another creature."

There was a path in front of them that seemed to be heading deep into the forest. And Caitrin was hesitating to go straight in, but just then, Orano pulled out his compass and said,

"We're pretty close. Let's go."

And as they walked through the forest, Yuma said,

"This is bigger than I thought. And it is probably bigger than Vichicar."

Lydia asked,

"Where is Vichicar."

Caitrin answered,

"It is a forest in Ravaryn. I once heard it from my dad, but never found the chance to go there."

Yuma smiled and said,

"It is a very beautiful forest actually. But I must admit, I really wonder about the fairies and the plants that are called "Troods", so I'm kinda excited to be here."

Caitrin asked excited,

"Are there fairies in here? Do they really exist?"

"I don't know because I haven't seen them yet. But in most of the magical creature books I read, I saw them many times before, and since that happened, I can't deny their existence directly. Because I didn't see what they saw."

"But do you believe in them?" Caitrin once again asked curiously.

Yuma then smiled and replied,

"I do. Because sometimes believing is more real than the reality."

As they were talking, they got deeper into the forest, and it was getting deeper as they walked.

Although Abingora's Black Forest was a place with a dark and frightening atmosphere, its mysterious air has dragged many people before into it and showed them views that they have never seen before. But even if such a place had evil powers and different kinds of risks, there was also a protector of this place.


After walking for a while they finally reached a house that looked like a cabin in the middle of the forest.

But there was something that caught their attention more than the house.

There was a man in front of them, that was waving a giant sword. He looked like he was training, but just then he realized Orano and the others, he looked at them. 

He was six and a half feet tall, had black short wavy hair, and had black eyes. He only wore black pants, boots and he was shirtless. His body was very well built and there were scars on random places on his chest.

He looked like he was around thirty years old and he was so tall and muscular that his back looked like a wall. 

As he looked at Orano, he was taking heavy breaths and he was very sweaty. And after looking at each other for a couple of seconds, he stuck his sword on the wooden floor in front of his house and sat down.

He then asked with a heavy voice,

"Who are you and what are you all doing here? State your purpose or leave."

Orano said,

"If you have to know my name, I'm Orano Tatsumi. I'm here to enter the dark forest."

"Orano Tatsumi? I have nothing to do with a boy who doesn't know how dangerous the Black Forest is. So turn around and walk away before something bad happens to you."

"Do a person like you ever felt the pain of losing without trying?" Orano said.

These words deeply affected him. But it was nothing to do with the question. He remembered something. Something he never wanted to remember. But he didn't do anything and he just whispered with a shocked expression,

"Sigfried.... How could you?"

Caitrin then asked surprised,

"Wait a second. Did you know him?"

"Yes, he was a person that I could call a friend. But this is not the time to answer such questions."

He then stood up, looked at Orano deep in the eyes, and said,

"Why do you want to go into the Black Forest, Boy? You're smart enough to know how dangerous it can be, aren't you? Then you should know not to go in."

"I came all this way to investigate a spell called "Rift". But if I give up my goal just because I'm afraid of the forest, then all my efforts will be in vain. So I have to get in there no matter what."

"And you know that you need a high-level spell to get into that forest, right?"

Yuma smiled and said,

"Actually, that is me. I will help him get in there."

"And let me ask you a question too."

He then looked at Yuma and said, 

"What's the name of the spell you're going to use?"

"It is called "Mysa", and it helps sorcerers to break down powerful spell barriers."

He then walked towards the wooden floor once more and sat down once again.

He then said,

"I won't stop you from entering there. But don't forget this. In no other Kingdom will you find anything as frightening or strange as what you see there. So take the risk with your own free will and enter afterward."

Orano said,

"We will be careful. I appreciate you for helping us."

Orano then turned to Yuma and said,

"Start the spell. We need to find that Rift without losing any more time."

Caitrin then asked curiously,

"What will me and Lydia do while you enter there?"

Orano said,

"Lydia will stay here, in case that something happens to Yuma."

He then looked at Caitrin and said,

"You will come with me. We both need to find the Rift after all."

Even the name of The Black Forest scared Caitrin. But like any other place she went, she had no other option to choose. So she gathered her courage up and nodded.

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