Chapter 50:

Travelling to Abingora

The Creature Hunter: Soul Of The Wind

Caitrin looked at the others and said excitedly,

"This name was mentioned in the news we saw on the ship before! Isn't this guy, Nuzuki Serumu, the same person that attacked the Castle?"

Lydia continued to look at the letter nervously and said,

"That's right, and it doesn't look like he is not going to stop without starting a war."

"Right now, I don't think you can just start a war with creature hunters wandering around kingdoms. However, this doesn't mean it's impossible." said Yuma as he sat calmly.

Caitrin then asked confused,

"What do you mean?"

"Read the letter again. "I will finally release my soldiers!" and "Meet me at Rawara Lake." He says. And the date is April twelve."

Caitrin finally realized the detail and said,

"This is about a week later!"

"That's right. If he's prepared like that, then we're not the only strong side. I'm sure he has an army or similar powerful weapons. Otherwise, challenging all kingdoms is something that really takes courage."

He then added,

"And if he said Rawara Lake, then he's probably hiding somewhere in Idrisud. And that means we have to act carefully or he might catch us off guard."

"Then it looks like we'd better act without wandering around too much." Lydia said while looking at them.

Then she asked,

"In that case, do we need to change our course?"

"We don't have to worry about the moment because we won't be coming to the fourth kingdom for a while. But we still don't know where the next Rift will show. So we have to wait for that."

While they were talking, Orano joined the conversation and said,

"It's not our route that matters. Sooner or later, he will leave this Kingdom and attack the people on other kingdoms. The important thing is to be able to catch up to them on time and come up with a solution to get him out of the way. 

And on the other hand, Besia, Theorandia, and Idrisud remain as the next routes. If we go to all of them, we'll come back here anyway."

Caitrin bowed down her head and said with a slightly sad expression,

"Right. None of us have ever seen Idrisud in a Rift before. So it means we can't predict what's going to happen for a while."

Yuma then looked at the backside of the carriage and said with a smile on his face,

"Let's just don't let these thoughts cover our heads, shall we? Also, Tatsumi still hasn't told me what happened. I would like to hear what had happened to you all."

Orano then sighed and said,

"Seriously, these questions of yours can give a headache to a person, you know that, right?"

But Yuma didn't say anything, he just smiled and continued to listen to him.


(Aracelli, The closest city to Rawara, and a city in Idrisud)

After their attack on the castle and found a new shelter for themselves, Nuzuki and his crew regrouped in a building to go over their plan.

The building they had found was a large white building with windows instead of walls. It had no furniture inside but this building was located near Rawara Lake and showed the lake quite clearly. 

The reason Nuzuki chose this building was because it was located in a secret place from other people and was a good hiding place.

And after they had found this building, They gathered in the middle of the room and started talking once more. As usual, there were Achilles at the left-back, Bionura Neo at the right-back, Orpheus Gastrell at the back, and Nuzuki Serumu at the front.

They were talking about their usual plan, but this time, the winged woman Caitrin had seen before was also there too. She was just standing there in the corner, bowing her head down and waiting for orders.

And as Nuzuki walked towards the big windows, he said,

"Samania. Go out for a patrol. We have to check if there is anyone around."

She said,

"As you wish, Mr. Nuzuki." And she left there and flew away.

As Samania got further away, Bionura Neo approached Nuzuki and said,

"Sir, forgive me for what I have to ask, but I have a question for you."

"I'm Listening, Neo." he replied as he looked out of the window.

"May I ask why you want to start this war so suddenly? Because even a strong man like you can be in trouble if he challenges all the kingdoms at once. And only with our army, I think we have a chance to lose our lives in this war."

"I understand what you're saying, Neo. But there's something you need to understand too."

As Achilles and Orpheus started to listen to him too, he said,

"It is a fact that creature hunters are outnumbering us and they are also very powerful. I can't change that fact. But that doesn't mean our defeat is certain. Even if we were long-living supreme beings, there would surely come a day when we would put this plan into action. And as you can see, if I don't do it when I'm at the peak of my power, then I'll be the one that is stupid and weak." 

He then added,

"Also, if our plan works the way we want it to be, then we can be able to gather the creature hunters wherever we want, and if we attack and eliminate them with the right strategy and timing, then the kingdoms's defenses will fall by a big rate. And since Knights are getting chosen according to their kingdom and are usually convicted to protect the people when an incident breaks out, we will not need to think about them either.

It may be difficult to fight the creature hunters in the top ten, but if they fall, other Creature Hunters, sorcerers, witches, and as well as knights, will fall with them too. After they all realize our power, they will step back in fear. So when the time comes, we will act with the right move, and once we clear the first obstacle ahead, we will rule everywhere one by one. 

We just need to remind them once again how powerful higher beings like us are. 

That is my main goal here."
