Chapter 3:

The Noble Thieves

Bloodborne Fire

"Wow! That was sick dude," said Haai with an excited face.

Everything seems fuzzy, crap I'm gonna faint again.

"Partner? Keep it together, you alright?" said Haai with a concerned look.


I faint before Haai. I guess that my abdomen wound was pretty deep.

"Oi! are you alive red hair man." I hear a child-like voice.

"What happened? Where am i" I sit up on the bed.

"Red hair man is awake Haai brother." the children shout towards the door.

"Oh, you are finally awake partner," said Haai with a smile.

"Did I faint again, how many times did I faint and wake up now,"

"3 times partner, but don't worry, you are safe now. since this is the Noble Thieves hideout,"

"The Noble thieves?"

"What are you waiting for, get up. We're going to show you around."


"The Noble Thieves fighting team."

"Hello! nice to meet you. My name is Suzie" said a short petite girl.

"Oh my, I never expected Haai to bring home a cute boy. Feel free to challenge me to a drinking contest, you will never win though. People call me the intoxicated Lisa." Said a beautiful woman with a glass of vodka in her hand

"Don't get lost, kid" Said a man with deep eyebags and a large cloak on his body.

"Don't mind him he is a shy boy, aren't you Jiraiya," said Haai while smiling at the cloaked man.

"I'll pull your ball hair out fish," Said Jiraiya while looking at Haai.

"Cmon what are you waiting for. Let's go Ruri" Said Haai.

I get up from the bed and look outside the door, Huge trees with houses build on top and sides. With children of all ages running around and adults doing chores.

"What's with all the children?" I asked.

"All these children are orphans from various backgrounds." Said Suzie.

"We take in all the children that are kept for human trafficking by bandits, pirates, and scummy merchants. We use the stolen money from the bandits to raise the children" Said Lisa while looking at the nursery.

"War orphans are pretty common here. Since tension between the three nations is always high" said Jiraiya.

"Three Nations?" I thought out loud.

"You don't even know those partners?" said Haai

"Actually I don't remember anything from my past. Except for my name, Ruri"

"I understand, now it's the Noble Thieves' job to teach you the basics of this world," Said Haai while grinning at the other members.

"Noble Thieve's job? don't rope us into your problem dumb fish" Said Jiraiya.

"The continent consists of Three nations or countries. Daonna, a Nation of martial artists, scientists, and development. Magumnia, country of mages and magic. Finally our nation, Zoania it consists of us nature worshippers. Who can partly transform into the animal spirit in our bodies," said Suzie.

"Like all of us, Suzie the cat spirit, Lisa the Snake, Jiraiya the kangaroo. That fatzo you killed was the bear spirit. by the way, I am the shark spirit holder. And I am sure you are a dragon spirit, Ruri. No other spirit could produce such firepower in an instant." said Haai while looking at me.

"DRAGON!" exclaimed Suzie and Lisa.

"A mythical spirit, not bad kid," said Jiraiya

So that was the mysterious voice inside me, it was the dragon spirit.

"What was the deal with the bear-man. Why did he turn white and become stronger, while bleeding?" I asked

"Those are bloodborne. They are of three types, crawler, corrupt, and ascended. Crawlers are the weakest they multiply without breeding and existed since the start of life. Corrupts are Created by taking a pill or injecting the bloodborne serum into a body, usually, they go crazy and kill everything around them, before running out of blood and dying. Last is Ascended. They are insanely strong who took the bloodborne serum and did not succumb to it." said Jiraiya

"See I told you he was a shy boy partner, he's helping you out even after saying no," said Haai as he giggles.

"I will grill you alive, you stupid fish," said Jiraiya While pointing a knife towards Haai.

"hehe sorry. Anyways that's enough talk. Let's introduce him to the old man," said Haas.

"You mean the leader of the Noble thieves Haai. Jugem." Said Lisa. 
