Chapter 10:

3 days

Me doing whatever I felt like writing because I just thought it would be a fun idea.

A lovely day today, it's filled with the sound of cicada whirling their rickety cricket and clickety clicks. The grass is greener than ever. The sky a bright blue. What a wonderful day. A truly incredible day. What is the day? I don't remember. That doesn't matter. Michael's with me today. Wait. Who's Michael?

Oh that's right, I forgot, my bad. The birds sure are loud today.

They are, aren't they?

I'm looking forwards to your birthday Michael. When was it again?

Ah you're right, how could I forget. It's 3 days away. Only 3. Why does my head ache? I might sit down for a while Michael. You can go and get yourself a drink at the café.

Oh no it's fine. I'm fine.

I'm fine.

I'M fine.

You're fine?

That's good.

What are you talking about? The birds are really loud, I can't hear you.

Their chirps are too loud. I can't hear you.

Where are they?

I can hear you now, it seems they all left.

Look over there, what a nice umbrella.

It is a nice red, isn't it? 

Why would it rain? It's summer.

I guess you're right.

I'm looking forwards to your birthday.

I'm fine.

I promise you, I am.

What do you mean what happens? You know what does. YOU KNOW WHAT DOES.

